3.4 The effects of the parameters
In the previous subsection we have found a general form for
the Executive's Private Price of 1 unit of ESO. Moreover we have derived the
Executive's optimal strategy when she is endowed by 1 unit of ESO. We observe
that the Executive's initial endowment does not appear in the price's
expression and that the optimal strategy is equal to the optimal strategy when
the Executive is without ESO plus a certain function that we are going to
define in this section.
3.4.1 The Private Price
Thus the ESO Private Price is independant of the Executive's
initial wealth. This property is closely linked to the utility function form.
We have seen that by exponentiality argument we can separate each variable
allowing us to simplify computations. But in reality the agent's utility can be
describe by a huge set of utility function. Suppose for instance that the ESO
contract involves holder's liability such that if ST - K < 0 then the
executive have a penalty (her salary can be reduce by a certain amount of
money) then the payoff of the ESO can be negative. Then in this specific case
the Private Price could be not well defined.
So it is important to show that the solution found here is
closely linked to the utility function's form and can be generalized by
relaxing assumptions made for make computations more easy.
3.4.2 The Optimal Trading Strategy
We have found that the optimal trading strategy in the case
where the executive is endowed of 1 unit of ESO is linked with the optimal
trading strategy without ESO plus a certain function. This function can be
interpreted as the adjustment of the initial trading strategy brought by the
introduction of the ESO in the executive's wealth. More precisely we are going
to define this function as the part of the optimal trading strategy which
allows to the executive to hedge her risk brought by the derivative.
Proposition 3.2. The hedging strategy for the ESO at the private
price p(t,s) at time t E [0, T] is to hold êushares of the
Market Index M at time u E [t, T] such that:
Remark :The Executive have to be short on the Market Index if
it is positively correlated with the underlying stock of her option and have to
be long otherwise. By risk-aversion principle she have to invest only in the
risk-free bond if the Market Index is totally non-correlated with her companys
3.4.3 Incentives effect or ESO delta
The main argument for shareholders to expense ESO is to align
executive's incentives to their owns. Basically the Executive throught her ESO
is exposed to an unhedgeable specific risk while by assumption the unspecific
risk can be fully hedgeable by the Market Index. The Executive's incentives is
closely linked to the part of her risk which cannot be hedgeable but by
risk-aversion argument we know that the
executive's value of her ESO is less than its value in the
Following the argument exposed just above we will take as
incentives definition the option's effect on motivation for an executive to
increase the company's stock price and thus formally sepaking take the
first derivative of the Executive's Private Price with respect
to the company's stock price. In the classical option pricing literature the
incentives effect is called option delta. We are going to give an explicit
solution to the ESO delta and discuss about the effect of the others
Proposition 3.3. Incentives effect
The Executive 's incentives effect Ä provoked by the ESO is
defined by the first derivative of the Executive 's Private Price according to
the underlying stock price. Therefore the incentives effect called
the ESO delta is positive and has the following explicit
h i
EPp I(ST =K)e?ã(1?ñ2)(ST -K)
+ | Xt = X, St = s
Ä(t, s) = Dsp(t, s) = e-r(T -t)
h i = 0 (42)
EPp e?ã(1?ñ2)(ST
-K)+ | Xt = X, St = s
Under the new measure Pp = P0 defined by:
dPp = eçW'0?ç2 t 2 dP0 (43)
Proof. First of all, according to equation (30) we have the
following equation:
ã(1 - ñ2)
Dp Ds
= -
D log(-p)
Dp Ds
= -
ã(1-ñ2) -p(t,s)
D p-
Ds (t,s)
Secondly, according to (1.9) argument Pp defines an
equivalent Martingale Measure for the company's stock price process. And thus
the company's stock price is an exponential brownian motion with volatility i
and drift ((u - q - u-r
ó iñ) + i2) under the new measure
Then, let ð(t, s) = -ps then we can
rewrite the PDE (23) of -p(t, s) in term of ð(t, s):
L-p = p-ÿ + (u - q - /1 - r
ó iñ)s- ps +
1 2(is)2 -pss = 0
p-ÿ Ds +
(u - q - /1 - riñ)s-ps
Ds + 1
ó (is)2 -pss
Ds = 0
ðÿ+(u-q-/1 - r
ó iñ)sðs + (u-q- /1 - r
ó iñ)ð+i2sðs +1 2(is)2ðss
ðÿ+ (u - q - /1- r
ó iñ+i2)sðs + (u - q -
/1 - r
ó iñ)ð +1 2(is)2ðss = 0
With the boundary condition defined by:
-ps(T, s) = -ã(1 -
ñ2)(ST -
where -p(t, s) is define by the equation (26) and
Pp is defined according to:
Moreover by using Feynman-Kac argument under the new probability
measurePp we obtain the following probabilistic representat ion of
-ps(t, s) = ð(t, s) = e{(í?q?
ó çñ)(T -t)}EPp -ã(1 -
ñ2)I(ST = K)e-ã(1 -
ñ2)(ST - K)+ | Xt = X,St = s
= 0
Finally by combining the explicit expression of
-ps with equations (44) and (26) (taken in the new
measure Pp) we get:
[ ]
?p ?s
= -
'y(1 - ñ2)
e{(í?q? u-r
ó çñ)(T -t)}EPp -'y(1 -
ñ2)I(ST = K)e-'y(1 - ñ2)(ST -
K)+ | Xt = X, St = s
[ ]
e{(í-q- u-r
ó çñ)(T -t)}EPp
e?ã(1?ñ2)(ST -K)+ | Xt = X, St = s
= e-r(T-t)
h i
EPp I(ST = K)e-'y(1 -
ñ2)(ST - K)+ | Xt = X, St = s
[ i = 0
EPp e?ã(1?ñ2)(ST
-K)+ | Xt =X, St = s
2'y(ñ2 - ñ1)e-r(T-t) (VP0
[(ST - K)+] + EP0 [((ST - K)+)2])
< 0
t,s,x t,s,x
pñ2 - pñ1 -