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Profil épidémiologique et thérapeutique des infections urogénitales chez les gestantes.

par JéràƒÂ´me Nsanzimana
Université Saint Joseph (USJ) - Graduate en sciences infirmières 2018

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


Our work of cycle end is of analytic retrospective transverse nature. He/it is titled "epidemiological and therapeutic Profile of the urogenital infections at the pregnancy women."

For his/her/its realization, we left on land with the following specific questions:

1. What are the major age group and the age gestationnel of the consulting gestantes for the low urogenital infections in the clinic hospitable IMPUHWE?

2. What is the source current of the patients received for IUG in the clinic hospitable IMPUHWE?

3. What is the frequency of the genital infections at the gestantes as recorded at the clinic hospitable IMPUHWE?

4. what are the signs of orientation the more noticed in case of urogenital infections at the gestantes taken in charge in the clinic hospitable IMPUHWE?

5. What are the most frequent of the urogenital infections diagnosed at the gestantes taken in charge in the clinic hospitable IMPUHWE?

6. What the determinants and the factors are encouraging the intervening of the blazes of urogenital infections at the gestantes taken in charge in the clinic hospitable IMPUHWE?

7. What are the descended of the urogenital infections at the gestantes taken in charge in the clinic hospitable IMPUHWE?

8. What is the treatment adapted to the IUG victimisant the gestantes received at the clinic hospitable IMPUHWE?

9. What is the evolution of the IUG after treatment at the gestantes taken in therapeutic charge in the clinic hospitable IMPUHWE?

The temporary answers anticipated to these questions of research constitute our hypotheses of research.

To verify our hypotheses of departure and better to succeed to the discounted results, this work of end cycle suits on the objectives to want:

1. To determine the factors encouraging the intervening of the blazes of uro-genital infections at the gestantes and to specify his/her/its prévalence in the clinic hospitable IMPUHWE.

2. To unveil the signs of orientation the more noticed at the clinic hospitable IMPUHWE in case of low urogenital infections at the pregnancy women.

3. To discover the most frequent of the low urogenital infections diagnosed at the pregnancy women taken in charge in the clinic hospitable IMPUHWE while specifying their distribution in the city of Gisenyi.

4. To clear the descended of the infections urogenital bass at the pregnancy women.

5. To propose prophylactic means facing the urogenital infections at the pregnancy women and their descended in general.

The waited results are to confirm the causal relation of the IUG at the pregnancy women received for treatment to the HP. I., to determine the descended that ensue some of it and to propose the tracks of the prophylactic solutions.

To the descended of the analyses of the data built échantillonnales to the number of 335 chiefs of the households collected on basis of the pursued objectives and goals to reach, techniques and statistical methods, we got the following results:

The pregnancy women received for the urogenital infections in the IMPUHWE clinics under period in survey that comes mainly from the BUGOYI cells (23.3%), RWAZA (19, 2%), BYAHI (16.4%) and MBUGANGARI (13.7%) that BONEZA (1.4%) have a middle age of 30 years dominating to 32 years and therefore aged mainly between 23 and 39 years (72,6%).

They are for most primigestes - primipares (52,1%) and primigestes - nullipares (31.5%), newly integrated women in the matter of reproduction and anxious of their good health and the one of their first births. A lot of between them have each a pregnancy aged of first three months (Quarter 1: 52,1%).

The urogenital infections are frequent to 46.6% at the pregnancy women that consulted to the so-called clinque in relation to the other pathologies that represent 53.4%.

The signs as leucorrhées, pruritus, vulvo-vaginitis, redness of the vaginal mucous membrane, dysurie and burns mictionnelles are diagnosed to 100% at the pregnancy women received for the IUG to the HP. I. but as hypogastric pains (87.7%) and vaginitis in cabbages flower (57.5%).

The complementary exams (DRUNK, ECBU, vaginal Smear and NFS) put factorisent in most cases the biologic agents as the entérocoques (23.3%), candida albicans (17.8%), treponema palludum (16.4%),... The often noticed organic and biologic complications are the BA and cystitis gravidique (100%), Vaginitis (74%), cervicite (49.3%) and threat of abortion (42.5%)) that the other complications mentioned in this same picture. The used medicines are in most Silly-Lactams cases, Amoxycilline - acidic clavunique, métronidazole and cefixime (100%), ceftriaxone (90.4%) and ciprofloxacin (78.1%) that the other molecules although to positive effect. The post-treatment evolution is good (93.2%) and the deadly cases are hopeless.

The encouraging factors the intervening of the IUG at the pregnancy women received in the clinical IMPUHWE is the non protected sexual intercourse by a critical partner (100%) and the immune deterioration by the VIH/SIDA (34.2%) that the intimate Bath with the contaminated water room (9.6%) and/or TV without asepsis (2.7%).

The determinants of the IUG at the pregnancy women in IMPUHWE are Compression of the urethra by the gravid uterus preventing the emptying of urines, sexual Activities and frequency of the BA, microbiological Agents and belated Miction (all that to 100%), multiparité (64.4) and stasis uréthrale of urines (42.5) that the catheterization uréthral (28.8).

Knowing that the treatment is adequate and the evolution is good, the consequences of the IUG on the foetus are nearly hopeless in spite of the report of weak weight to the birth (12.3%). However, they influence the serious consequences at the pregnancy women (Cfr. Picture n°5 titles 4).

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

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