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Elaboration of a communication strategy for promoting the polytechnique language centre INPHBpar Oumar KANTÉ Institut National Polytechnique Félix Houphouët-Boigny - Diplôme de Technicien Supérieur Grade Licence professionnelle 2020 |
IV.4.8.1. Design of media campaigns Board 9: Media campaign design plan
53 IV.4.8.2. Design of non-media campaigns Board 10: Design of non-media campaigns
Source : Student, 2020 IV.4.9. Campaign execution scheduleThe execution of the communication campaigns will be carried out according to the schedule below : Board 11: Action plan 2021
Legend The colors represent the execution periods of the campaigns: to the television the radio the press displays internet distribution of gadgets of printed matter distribution communication competition f career days 54
Source : Student, 2020 55 IV.4.10. Performance indicatorsTo measure the impact of a communication strategy, several indicators are used depending on the type of action. Our performance will therefore be analyzed using the criteria contained in the following table : Board 12: Performance indicators INDICATORS
Source : Student, 2020. To date, our recommendation for a communication campaign serves as a decision-making aid tool for those in charge of the Polytechnic Language Center. However, none of the actions have been implemented for the moment because of the coronavirus pandemic and the agreement of the Director General of the INP-HB necessary for all the activities of the Center. In this second part, we first approached the methodology of our study. Second, we presented the results of the survey and made suggestions for the development of a communication strategy to increase awareness of the Polytechnic Language Center. 56 GENERAL CONCLUSION The objective of this study was to develop a communication strategy for the promotion of the Polytechnic Language Center. Its realization was an opportunity for us to underline the failure of the communication actions until then undertaken by the structure. The main results emanating from the survey highlighted a very low awareness of the Polytechnic Language Center among its target group and a derisory attendance rate. In other words, these results made it possible to confirm all the research hypotheses, namely communication is a fundamental tool for establishing the reputation and image of any company, the Polytechnic Language Center has never officially used the means of communication to make itself known and the services of the structure are not known to the public. In view of all of the above, we affirm that if the Polytechnic Language Center is not known, it is because it has never officially used any means of communication to make itself known. We also claim that his communication was organized in an informal manner. From that moment, proposals on the problem at the level of the communication strategy were formulated. Thus, we proposed a communication plan to the Polytechnic Language Center. These proposals, if implemented, will enable the structure to achieve its communication and marketing objectives. The main objective of this study, which was to propose a communication strategy for the promotion of the Polytechnic Language Center, has been achieved. However, if the Center wants to add value to the customer experience, it will have to take into account the weaknesses that we have listed in the SWOT matrix that can deteriorate its image. Also, the Polytechnic Language Center must in particular monitor its macro-environment in order to anticipate threats from its external environment and seize opportunities. XII BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCE DICTIONARIES Paul ROBERT, Le grand Robert, dictionary of the French language, 2005 edition Pierre LAROUSSE, Larousse, alphabetical dictionary of the French language, 2008 edition. WORKS Arnaud De Baynast and Jacques Lendrevie. (2014). PUBLICITOR (8th ed.). Malakof, France: Dunod, 561 pages Assael Adary, Céline Mas and Westphalen.(2018). 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Thank you for participating in this survey by answering the questions below. A- IDENTIFICATION OF THE SURVEY PROFILE
D Student D Young graduate D Unemployed D Business professional D Teacher D Particular D Other specify XVII 4. Place of residence D INP-HB campus D City of Yamoussoukro D Abidjan D Bouake D Toumodi D Other (s) to be specified |