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Etiologies, clinical presentation and hospital outcome of bacterial meningitis in children at the pediatric unit of the Yaounde -gyneco- obstetric and pediatric hospital

par Maurane Emma NDJOCK MBEA
Faculty of health sciences, University of Bamenda - MD 2019

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


The lack of host defenses in the CSF allows rapid multiplication of bacterial pathogens resulting in the release of microbial products such as lipopolysaccharide[36]. The hall mark of bacterial meningitis is recruitments of neutrophils into the cerebo spinal fluid(Figure 4)[37]. Neutrophil extravasation to any site of inflammation depends on the coordinated sequential expression at the cell surface of specific adhesion molecule, notably L-selectin (CD62l) is expressed at the cell surface and allows the neutrophil to «roll» along the endothelium.For extravasation to proceed L-selectin must be removed from the surface of neutrophil and expression of the B2 integrin CD11b /CD18 must be upregulated[36].

Neutrophil adherence to endothelium occurs through the interaction of neutrophil CD11b/CD18 and diapedesis and migration of neutrophil along a chemotactic gradient to focus of inflammation that follows. The removal of L-selectin and integrin upregulation are achieved by neutrophil activation which occurs when the cell encounters activated endothelium (IL-8 and PAF are typical activators of endothelium)[36].


Intracranial pressure often rises in meningitis and can lead to life threatening cerebral herniation. Three pathophysiologic mechanisms contribute to the development of cerebral oedema[37]. They are;Vasogenic, Cytotoxic and Interstitialoedema. Vasogenicoedema occurs directly as a result of the increased permeability of the blood brain barrier[37]. Cytotoxic oedema is the rise in intracellular water due to loss of cellular homeostatic mechanism and cell membranes function, attributed to the release of toxins from neutrophil or organisms. Anti-diuretic hormone (ADH) release leads to hypotonicity of cerebral extracellular fluid and increase the permeability of the brain to water. Interstitial oedema is the result of an imbalance between cerebo spinal production and resorption, and occurs when blood flow or cerebo spinal resorption is impaired[37].


Figure 4 : Pathogenesis of bacterial meningitis [38]


Bacterial meninges causes disabling neuropsychological deficits in up to 50 % of its survivors with the hippocampus most affected and vulnerable area of the brain. The extracellular fluid around the brain cell is contiguous with the cerebo spinal fluid and the proximity to the ventricular system allows diffusion between those compartments around could deliver soluble bacterial and inflammatory toxic mediators[37].


Neuronal damage in meninges involve bacterial toxins, cytotoxic products of immune competent cells and indirect pathology secondary to intracranial complications(Figure 4)[38]. In the case of Streptococcus pneumoniae is associated with the highest frequency of neuronal damage, produce two major toxins identified; H2O2 and Pneumolysin a pore forming cytolysin[37]. They cause programmed death of neurons and microglia by inducing rapid mitochondrial damage. Pneumolysin translocate to mitochondria and induce pore formation in mitochondrial membranes. Release of apoptosis inducing factor (AIF) from damaged mitochondria leads to fragmentation of DNA and apoptosis like cell death[37]. The cell death is executed in the Caspase-independent manner, where cells exposed to live Pneumolysin cannot be rescued by caspase inhibitors but somehow any intervention from those inhibitors, z-VAD-fmk there is a 50% chance to avoid neuronal damage[37].

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

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