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Etiologies, clinical presentation and hospital outcome of bacterial meningitis in children at the pediatric unit of the Yaounde -gyneco- obstetric and pediatric hospital

par Maurane Emma NDJOCK MBEA
Faculty of health sciences, University of Bamenda - MD 2019

précédent sommaire suivant

Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


After the approval of the research protocol and the research authorizations from the different authorities, the personnel in charge of archives in the pediatric unit were approached. An exhaustive census of all the children admitted at the pediatric unit with bacterial meningitis within the study period was done with their admission dates. Then, with information obtained from the files selection was done according to inclusion criteria. The children not corresponding to the inclusion criteria were excluded from the study. The next step was that information from the different files or medical books was filled into the pre-prepared questionnaires and was kept strictly confidential.


The following information was sought:

- Age

- Gender

- Weight of the child

- Origin (Geographical)

- Class level in school

- Rank among the siblings

- Past history (Immunization calendar, p24 status, underlying disease, any

contact with someone with meningitis)

- Information on the mother /guardian (age, profession, level of education,

matrimonial status)

- Manifestation of the disease in the child (convulsions, fever, kerning,

Brudzinski's, nuchal rigidity, lethargy) and physical examination

- Laboratory findings on CSF (Isolation of bacterium either by culture ,

soluble antigens and /or Gram stain)

- Treatment (antibiotherapy proposed)

- Evolution throughout the admission (cured, death)

- Any preventive measure proposed (either on the education on vaccination

programme which is to be respected as directed or education on chemoprophylaxis with the rest of the individuals at high risk in the entourage).

The studied variables included:

? Dependent variables: childhood bacterial meningitis

? Independent variables:

- socio- demographic,

- intervening factors such as immune status



The data were collected and recorded on the pre-prepared questionnaire, where the data in a form designed and coded for study. Pass word were employed on the PC in order to ensure security and confidentiality of data.The data were analysed using Microsoft Excel 2016 and CS PRO 7.2 software. The data were analysed following the analyses plan set by the investigator; and the results were recorded then discussed accordingly. Evolution was grouped into three categories: Cured and death.


The data collected during the study process was kept and treated confidential, and the prepared questionnaires used to collect the data were destroyed after the analyses finished. The study was not used for any personal profit, but for benefits to the general population and also to health care givers which will use the information for the amelioration of care in our various health centers and hospitals.


o Supervisor: 01

o Co-supervisors: 02

o Principal Investigator: MAURANE EMMA NDJOCK MBEA

o Collaborators (medical and paramedical personnel)

o A statistician



précédent sommaire suivant

Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Il faut répondre au mal par la rectitude, au bien par le bien."   Confucius