The teacher consult site (main interface)
Click <authenticate>
The controller redirects him to teacher space.
The teacher click update skills
The controller display message: upload your certification
The teacher clicks <upload document>
The controller asks the user to give the directories or files
location The user clicks on <browse> and select the directory
path The controller retrieves the path and send it to DAO The user clicks
on import The controller uploads the files from the local machine to the
The DAO set the document on the database (table document)
The DAO catch the document_id and send it to the Controller
The controller send a message: a teacher wants to update his
skills to admin space; it id is:( document_id)
The controller put download_link into admin space
The administrator click <download>
The administrator analyze the certification and click <update
The controlled executes the command to creates the file contents
in the database via DAO The controller displays a message indicating the
success of update skills on teacher space..