The user
click : <authenticate> button The controller redirect him to
authentication page
The user fill his login and password
The PersonController catch them and send them to Personfacade
PersonFacade retrieve informations from Database which verify
user login/password:
If they are wrong: the user will be redirect to authentication
page again
If they are true: PersonFacade send them to PersonController.
If he is not a student; It will
redirect him to main page
If he is a student; he will be redirect
to student space.
The student click <exam registration>
Registration form will be displayed to him
The student fill his coordinates
The controller catch them and send them to PersonFacade
If the student is eligible to register; he will be added to
And a message indicates success of registration will be displayed
by controller in student interface.
If not; a message indicates the failure of registration will be