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The use of short-term solutions against grape sunburn within a context of climate change in the Médoc vineyard

par Célia MILCAN
Ecole d'Ingénieurs de Purpan - Toulouse School of Management - Ingénieur Agronome - Master 2 Management International 2022

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3.3 The wines produced by Château Margaux in a context of climate change

3.3.1 Presentation of the wines of Château Margaux

The property produces 4 wines:

- The first red wine, called «Grand Vin du Château Margaux»

- The second red wine, called «Pavillon rouge du Château Margaux»

- The third red wine, called «Margaux du Château Margaux»

- A white wine, called «Pavillon Blanc du Château Margaux»

The red wines are produced under the Margaux PDO, while the white one is produced under the Bordeaux PDO. The wine that isn't selected for those four bottles is intended to produce two generic wines (one red and one white), sold in bulk.

Figure 4: Wines produced and sold by Château Margaux (Château Margaux, 2022)

270 000 bottles of red wine, and 10 000 bottles of white wine are produced each year. The most produced red wine is their first classified red wine, with 130 000 bottles produced each year.

The first wine of Château Margaux is known for its quality and typicity. Sensorially speaking, the wine is recognizable for its silky tannins, gustatory sweetness, elegance, floral aromas, etc. Those specific features are produced in a certain terroir and climate and cannot be reproduced in different conditions. Undoubtedly, climate change will affect those features, affecting the wine typicity.

3.3.2 The typicity of the wines of Château Margaux

The wines produced by Château Margaux are known all over the world for their exceptional taste and quality. In order to understand the effects of global warming on Château Margaux's products, the key factors that condition the quality of their wines need to be defined first.

According to the vineyard manager (interview in Annex 2), the typicity of Château Margaux's wines comes from their terroir. With more than 60 different types of soil units and 3 types of terrasses, Château


Margaux has the potential to produce a more complex blend than its neighbors, enriching the wines' profiles. The soil map of the parcels can be found in Annex 3.

Grape quality is a result of every action in the vineyard. At Château Margaux, all of the tasks are handmade for a higher precision. Every vineyard worker takes care of specific parcels so that they become responsible and precautious of their work.

Pedological studies are done frequently in parcels to identify their terroir specificities and decide in which type of wine the parcel will go. Also, the company keeps records of the parcels' history specifying which type of wine each of them has produced throughout the years. Thanks to that information, and based on the type of vintage, decisions are taken each year regarding the blend.

The vinification process also interferes with wine quality, as the operations are directed to optimize the berry quality through analytical data and tastings.

3.3.3 The impact of climate change on the wines of Château Margaux

Climate change will directly impact the wines of Château Margaux. According to the vineyard manager (interview in Annex 2), climate change will impact the quality of the produced wines, as the berries will taste differently due to higher sun exposure.

Climate change might also cause differences in berry taste due to other factors such as drought or even intense rainfall. Château Margaux being renowned in the wine industry for its wine quality and typicity, implementing new practices to reduce the effects of climate change on their vineyard might change the wines profiles and therefore impact the company's popularity.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

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