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The use of short-term solutions against grape sunburn within a context of climate change in the Médoc vineyardpar Célia MILCAN Ecole d'Ingénieurs de Purpan - Toulouse School of Management - Ingénieur Agronome - Master 2 Management International 2022 |
ConclusionThe study was conducted on two parcels of Cabernet Sauvignon grapevine and highlighted the reduction of sunburn symptoms on both the kaolin-sprayed modality, as well as on the early defoliation modality, while being exposed to high temperatures and solar radiation. This study meets the need of Château Margaux to find short-term solutions against grape sunburn, waiting to be able to reorient their parcels. The 2022 vintage has been hot and dry, favorable to grape sunburn. There has been less rainfall in 2022 than in 2021, resulting in a higher canopy porosity, and exposing more bunches to solar radiation. On average, the kaolin-spraying solution helped to decrease by 90% the symptoms on the bunches of grapes, meanwhile the early defoliation solution decreased sunburn by 86% by the end of the growing season. The sunburn observation as well as the bunch temperatures model brought to light that the kaolin particle film is efficient on the canopy whenever the temperatures exceed 30°C. In this condition, sunburn symptoms start to appear, and bunch temperature rises above 40°C. It also brought to light that early defoliation can increase bunch temperature by diminishing the bunch coverage, without significantly increasing its sunburn symptoms. Thanks to the calibration model and the manually taken infrared temperatures, we have observed a significantly cooling effect of kaolin on both bunches and leaves. We can therefore establish a link between the sunburn protection and the bunch/leaves temperatures reduction. Globally, grapevine physiology doesn't seem to have been negatively impacted by kaolin and early defoliation during the 2022 vintage, even under the constraining weather conditions. Indeed, we can even highlight that the kaolin particle film has had a positive effect on the thermo-radiative stresses of the plant, as well as on its water efficiency. On the contrary, the early defoliation modality increased the plant's stresses by increasing its porosity, but still managed to reduce the symptoms of sunburn on bunches, by increasing its synthesis of metabolites. Regarding the berries, it doesn't seem that kaolin and early defoliation affected their quality negatively, as the results weren't significant. Both alternatives could be a potential short-term solution to tackle the issue of grape sunburn, as they do not seem to affect the organoleptic quality of the harvest. However, Château Margaux should continue this study by implementing berry and wine tasting between modalities to make sure both modalities do not affect the wine organoleptic profile. This study emphasizes promising results for both kaolin and early defoliation against sunburn, after three years of test on the vineyard. Nevertheless, the use of both methods needs to be evaluated in the long run to make sure that it won't affect the physiology of the vineyard, in the context of the Château Margaux's terroir. In a context of climate change, where drought events and heat waves are becoming more recurrent, the 2022 vintage happened to be a good example of how global warming can affect grape production and helped us justify the relevance of using alternative methods to reduce its effects. Therefore, to continue this study, we would advise choosing parcels with other grape varieties and/or orientations, to verify that both methods will work in any situation within the vineyard. 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ANOVA A statistical tool used to analyze the differences among series of values. Anthocyanins Plant pigment accumulated in berry epidermal layers. Defoliation The process of removing leaves from plants. Kaolin White clay in powder form with refractive properties. LSD Fisher test Function of an ANOVA used to detect significant differences between series. Phenological stage Phase of plant development at a given time. Polyphenols Plant compounds whose production is radiation-induced. Porosity A measure of blank spaces in the canopy's vegetation. P-value A probability value that a result (here the LSD Fisher test results) will correspond to observed results. Relative humidity Measure of water vapor in air as a percentage of the amount needed for saturation. Row Orientation A measure of row position based on solar activity. Vigor A measure of plant height and density. Water Potential A measure to estimate the plant's hydric condition. 80 List of figures Figure 1: Observed symptoms of low-intensity (left) and high-intensity (right) sunburn at Château Margaux in June 2022 9 Figure 2: Types of solar radiations (Mallon et al., 2017) 11 Figure 3: Map of the Bordeaux vineyard, and location of the Margaux appellation (red box) (CIVB, 2020) 16 Figure 4: Wines produced and sold by Château Margaux (Château Margaux, 2022) 19 Figure 5: Scheme of the scientific process to verify hypotheses 25 Figure 6: Scheme of the experimental plan of Les 4 Vents Sable, including the repartition of the modalities in the parcel, the plots chosen, and the captors location 27 Figure 7: Scheme of the experimental plan of Jean Brun Ouest, including the repartition of the modalities in the parcel, the plots chosen, and the captors location 27 Figure 8: Photograph of Cabernet Sauvignon leaves before (on le left) and after (on the right) the first kaolin spraying in June 2022 28 Figure 9: The same plant, before and after moderate defoliation in June 2022 28 Figure 10: Photographs of a HOBO captor position next to a bunch of grapes 32 Figure 11: Evolution of the maximum, minimum and average temperatures as well as the rainfall for the 2022 growing season, from March the 1st until August the 22nd, based on the Enclos weather station data. 40 Figure 12: Comparison of the 10°C base temperature sum for the last 5 growing seasons, from March the 1st to August the 22th, based on the Margaux Sencrop weather station data 41 Figure 13: Evolution of predawn leaf water potential for both studied parcels 43 Figure 14: Evolution of stem water potential for both studied parcels 44 Figure 15: Leaf temperature per modality for both parcels, taken with an infrared thermometer, between July the 11th and August the 9th 45 Figure 16: Comparison of temperature data between 20 potential usable HOBO captors, on the 2nd and 3rd of June 46 Figure 17: Comparison of light data between 20 potential usable HOBO captors, on the 2nd and 3rd of June 47 Figure 18: Comparison of temperature data between 10 potential usable TinyTag captors, on the 23rd and 24th of May 47 Figure 19: Comparison of relative humidity data between 10 potential usable TinyTag captors, on the 23rd and 24th of May 48 Figure 20: Tinytag captors temperature and humidity results on the JBO parcel between July the 17th and the 19th 48 Figure 21: Comparison of average bunch temperature per modality at different times of the day, on the sun-exposed side of the canopy, taken by an infrared manual thermometer, between June the 13th and August the 3rd 49 81 Figure 22: Multiple linear regression model from XLSTAT between the IR thermometer bunch temperature and the HOBO captor recorded light and temperature data for the control modality in the Les 4 Vents Sable parcel 50 Figure 23: Evolution of bunch temperature on the JBO parcel between the 17th and the 19th of June 2022 51 Figure 24: Evolution of bunch temperature on the JBO parcel between the 12th and the 15th of July 2022 51 Figure 25: Evolution of bunch temperature on the JBO parcel between the 10th and the 12th of August 2022 51 Figure 26: Evolution of bunch sunburn frequency and intensity on JBO and L4VS, from June the 22nd to August the 17th 53 Figure 27: Evolution of damages linked with sunburn on bunches per modality, from June the 22nd to August the 17th 53 Figure 28: Evolution of leaf sunburn frequency and intensity on JBO and L4VS, from June the 22nd to August the Xth 55 Figure 29: Evolution of damages linked with sunburn on leaves per modality, from June the 22nd to August the 17th 55 Figure 30: Evolution of mass and volume of 100 berries between July the 21st and August the 22nd, for the L4VS parcel 56 Figure 31: Analysis results of berry maturity per modality, between July the 21st and August the 22nd, for the L4VS parcel 57 Figure 32: External laboratory analysis results of anthocyanins and phenolic compounds per modality, between August the 3rd and the 10th 58 82 List of tables Table 1: Viticultural climates classification based on the Huglin Index (Tonietto and Carbonneau, 2004; Liviu Mihai et al., 2013) 10 Table 2: Comparison of the number of days where the maximum temperature (Tmax) was higher than 30°C, for the last 5 growing season, from March the 1st to August the 22th, according to the Margaux Sencrop weather station data 41 Table 3: Dates of key phenological stages for the study 42 Table 4: Results of the LSD Fisher Test on Enhanced Vegetation Indexes (EVI) of the different modalities in the JBO parcel 42 Table 5: Results of the LSD Fisher Test on Enhanced Vegetation Indexes (EVI) of the different modalities in the L4VS parcel 42 Table 6: Results of the LSD Fisher Test on Leaf Area Indexes (LAI) of the different modalities in the JBO parcel 43 Table 7: Results of the LSD Fisher Test on Leaf Area Indexes (LAI) of the different modalities in the L4VS parcel 43 Table 8: Results of the LSD Fisher Test on August the 11th Stem Water Potentials (SWP) of the different modalities in the JBO parcel 44 Table 9: Results of the LSD Fisher Test on August the 11th Stem Water Potentials (SWP) of the different modalities in the L4VS parcel 44 Table 10: Results of the LSD Fisher test on leaf temperature of the different modalities in the JBO parcel 45 Table 11: Results of the LSD Fisher test on leaf temperature of the different modalities in the L4VS parcel 45 Table 12: Results of the LSD Fisher test on bunch temperature of the different modalities in the JBO parcel 49 Table 13: Results of the LSD Fisher test on bunch temperature of the different modalities in the L4VS parcel 49 Table 18: Evolution of the bunch number per parcel before and after thinning operations 52 Table 14: Results of the LSD Fisher test on berry sunburn damages of the different modalities in the JBO parcel 54 Table 15: Results of the LSD Fisher test on berry sunburn damages of the different modalities in the L4VS parcel 54 Table 16: Results of the LSD Fisher test on leaf sunburn damages of the different modalities in the JBO parcel 56 Table 17: Results of the LSD Fisher test on leaf sunburn damages of the different modalities in the L4VS parcel 56 Table 19: Estimated economic margin made from both studied modalities based on the results on the JBO parcel 64 Table 20: Estimated economic margin made from both studied modalities based on the results on the L4VS parcel 65 83 Table of content Acknowledgments 2 Summary 3 Acronyms and abbreviations 4 Introduction 6 PART 1: CONTEXTUAL ELEMENTS 7
3.1 The business sector of Château Margaux 15 3.1.1 The French wine industry 15 3.1.2 The wine industry in Bordeaux 15 84 3.2 Presentation of Château Margaux 16 3.2.1 Appellation and terroir of Château Margaux 16 3.2.2 The vineyard management 17 Current vineyard management 17 Vineyard management strategies in a context of climate change 18 3.2.3 The place of climate change in the company's organization 18 3.3 The wines produced by Château Margaux in a context of climate change 19 3.3.1 Presentation of the wines of Château Margaux 19 3.3.2 The typicity of the wines of Château Margaux 19 3.3.3 The impact of climate change on the wines of Château Margaux 20
5.1 Problem 23 5.2 Hypotheses 24 PART 2: MATERIAL AND METHODS 26
3.1 Characterization of the 2022 vintage 29 3.2 Grapevine physiology 29 85 3.2.1 Phenological stages 29 3.2.2 Plant vigor 30 3.2.3 Vegetation porosity 30 3.2.4 Grapevine water status 30 Predawn Leaf Water Potential 30 Midday Stem Water Potential 31 Leaf surface temperature 31 3.3 Bunches microclimate 32 3.3.1 Temperature of the bunch of grapes 32 3.3.2 Luminosity of the microclimate 33 3.4 Quantification of sunburn symptoms 33 3.4.1 Bunch counting 34 3.4.2 Quantification of bunch sunburn symptoms 34 3.4.3 Quantification of leaves sunburn symptoms 34 3.5 Berries quality evaluation 35 3.5.1 Berries mass and volume 35 3.5.2 Primary and secondary metabolites 35 Primary metabolites 35 Secondary metabolites 36 3.6 Managerial and organizational implications 36 4. Statistical data processing of the results 37 PART 3: RESULTS 40
4.1 Reduce error risks by calibrating the captors 46 4.1.1 Infrared thermometer calibration 46 4.1.2 HOBO captors' calibration 46 86 4.1.3 TinyTag captors' calibration 47 4.2 Climate of the parcels 48 4.3 Sun-exposed bunches of grapes punctual temperatures comparison 49 4.4 Bunch temperature model 50 4.4.1 Bunch temperature calibration 50 4.4.2 Bunch temperature model application 51
3.1 Conditions of the study 61 3.1.1 The influence of the weather conditions 61 3.1.2 The homogeneity of the studied parcels 61 3.2 Results of the study 62 3.2.1 Sunburn solutions and their impact on grapevine physiology 62 Plant hydric state and leaves temperature 62 Bunch temperature and sunburn 62 3.2.2 Kaolin and early defoliation effects on sunburn symptoms 62 3.2.3 Effect of studied modalities on berry quality 62 3.3 Technical limits of the study 63 3.3.1 Technical limits linked with kaolin sprayings 63 3.3.2 Technical limits linked with early defoliation 63 3.3.3 Other technical limits 63 3.4 Managerial limits of the study 64 3.5 Economic evaluation of the project 64 87 3.6 Limits linked with study size and duration 65 4. Propositions and study perspective 65 4.1 Prolongation of the study 66 4.2 Improvement of the experimental set-up 66 4.3 Extension of the study at the scale of the vineyard 66 4.4 Technical resources propositions 67 4.5 Managerial propositions 67 4.6 The use of inter-row cover crops against grape sunburn 67 4.7 Evolution of the PDO specifications to face climate change 68 Conclusion 69 References 70 Glossary 78 List of figures 79 List of tables 81 Table of content 82 Annexes 87 List of annexes 107 88 |