101st promotion
MASTER'S THESIS Presented in order to obtain
Option: Viticulture and oenology
Master's thesis August 2022
Use of short-term solutions against grape sunburn within a
context of climate change in the
Médoc vineyard
The present study experimentally investigated the effect of
two short-term solutions against grape sunburn: the use of kaolin sprayings,
and early defoliation. Grape sunburn stems from climate change and is the
result of a combination of both environmental and cultural factors. By
increasing the reflected part of solar radiation, kaolin sprayings can reduce
sunburn by acting on plant physiology. On the other hand, by sun-exposing
bunches of grapes in an early developmental stage, early defoliation aims to
develop thicker berry skin and reduce sunburn sensitivity. The aim of this
study is to verify the efficiency of both methods against sunburn on Cabernet
Sauvignon grapevines. In order to quantify the results, microclimate of the
cluster zone, sunburn symptoms, hydric stress and berry physicochemical
characteristics were analyzed.
While kaolin significantly reduced leaf temperature, and
defoliation increased polyphenols production, both modalities contributed to
reduce berry sunburn symptoms by 86 to 90%. The main hypothesis of this study
was thus validated. The effect of kaolin on water status was significant on one
parcel and absent on another. Overall, neither kaolin nor early defoliation
modalities impacted the chemical properties of the berries, while kaolin seemed
to have improved the physical properties of the berries, being larger and
heavier. All in all, both studied solutions seemed to have had little to no
negative impact on berry quality. However, it would be interesting to continue
the study and perform berry and wine tastings by modality to evaluate the
organoleptic consequences.
Keywords: grape sunburn, kaolin, defoliation, wine,
vine, physiology, global warming
Utilisation de solutions à court terme contre
l'échaudage de la vigne dans un contexte de changement climatique au
sein du vignoble médocain
La présente étude explore
expérimentalement les effets de deux solutions à court terme
contre l'échaudage de la vigne : la pulvérisation de kaolin, et
l'effeuillage précoce. L'échaudage découle du
réchauffement climatique et est le résultat de la combinaison de
facteurs à la fois environnementaux et culturaux. En augmentant la part
de rayonnement solaire réfléchi, le kaolin réduit
l'échaudage en agissant sur la physiologie de la plante. D'un autre
côté, en exposant au soleil les grappes à un stade de
développement précoce, l'effeuillage permet le
développement d'une pellicule plus épaisse réduisant ainsi
la sensibilité des grappes à l'échaudage. L'objectif de
cette étude est de confirmer l'efficacité de ces deux
méthodes contre l'échaudage de la vigne sur des parcelles de
Cabernet Sauvignon. Afin de quantifier les résultats, le microclimat des
grappes, les symptômes d'échaudage, le stress hydrique et les
caractéristiques physicochimiques des baies ont été
Tandis que le kaolin réduit significativement la
température des feuilles, et que l'effeuillage précoce augmente
la production de polyphénols, les deux modalités ont
contribué à la réduction des symptômes
d'échaudage entre 86 et 90%. L'hypothèse principale de cette
étude est donc validée. L'effet du kaolin sur l'état
hydrique a été significatif sur une parcelle, et absent sur la
seconde. En général, aucune des deux modalités n'a
négativement impacté les propriétés chimiques des
baies, tandis que le kaolin a amélioré les
propriétés physiques des baies, les rendant plus lourdes et
volumineuses. Globalement, les solutions étudiées n'ont peu ou
pas impacté la qualité des baies produites. Toutefois, il serait
intéressant de poursuivre cette étude afin d'effectuer des
dégustations de baies et vin par modalité, pour évaluer
les conséquences organoleptiques.
Mots clés : échaudage, kaolin,
effeuillage, vin, vigne, physiologie, réchauffement climatique
Foremost, I would like to acknowledge and give my warmest
thanks to my internship supervisor, Blandine DE ROUFFIGNAC, for offering me
such an incredible opportunity at Château Margaux in the R&D team,
which lead me to work on diverse exciting projects. Her comments and
suggestions were very much appreciated for my redaction, as well as her
constant cheerfulness and availability.
I would also like to thank Jérôme GODINEAU,
R&D technician, for accompanying and guiding me during this internship, and
for his incomparable sense of humor. His dedication and mentoring abilities
made a huge difference.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my PURPAN
internship tutor and advisor, Mr. DENUX Jean-Philippe for his patience,
guidance, and availability throughout my research and redaction process. His
advice helped me to write this thesis, and I could not have imagined having a
better mentor.
I am grateful to Mrs. Nicola MIRC, my TSM internship tutor and
advisor, for her unmatched dedication, and for enlightening me on this thesis,
as for the unforgettable semester spent at TSM.
I wish to show my appreciation to Mr. Philippe BASCAULES and
Mr. Sébastien VERGNE, respectively chief executive and operations
director, for their interest in my research throughout this internship.
I owe a sense of gratitude to Mr. Julien CAZENAVE, vineyard
manager, and Mr. Pierre MÜLLER, his deputy, for their availability,
constant help, and suggestions on my study. Their knowledge has allowed me to
make some important choices made for this study.
I thank profusely all the vineyard staff under the direction
of the vineyard manager, for their kindness and constant motivation, making me
feel welcomed in the company. Their co-operation was essential to complete
kaolin sprayings.
In addition, I thank Mr. Philippe BERRIER, cellar master, and
his team for their warm welcome and the sharing of their skills on traditional
I also thank the rest of the team of Château Margaux,
from the office to the logistics team, for their compassion, caring and good
I sincerely thank the MENTZELOPOULOS family, for welcoming me
on their property, and giving me the chance to work in such incredible
I wish to extend my special thanks to my co-interns and
roommates for their contribution and interest in my experimentation, as well as
for all the good times shared together, contributing to the successful
completion of my study.
Last but not the least, I would like to thank my friends and
family, Timothé, and especially my parents Christel and Georges MILCAN,
and my sisters Flora and Léa MILCAN, for the continuous support and
interest throughout my academic trajectory and this thesis.
Acknowledgments 2
Summary 3
Acronyms and abbreviations 4
Introduction 6
1. Climate change and its impact on grape sunburn 7
2. State of the art of grape sunburn 8
3. Strategic analysis of Château Margaux in a context of
climate change 15
4. Adaptation strategies to climate change 20
5. Problem and hypotheses 23
1. Study presentation 26
2. Experimental set-up 26
3. Material and measures 29
4. Statistical data processing of the results 37
1. 2022 vintage characterization during the wine growing season
2. Homogeneity verification between modalities 42
3. Plant hydric state evaluation 43
4. Fruit zone microclimate 46
5. Sunburn symptoms evaluation 52
6. Physico-chemical analysis of modalities 56
7. Managerial implications linked with grape sunburn adaptation
1. Reminder of the objectives of the study 60
2. Results and hypotheses 60
3. Discussion on the results 60
4. Propositions and study perspective 65
Conclusion 69
References 70
Glossary 78
List of figures 79
List of tables 81
Table of content 82
Annexes 87
List of annexes 107
Acronyms and abbreviations
ANOVA: Analysis Of Variance
EVI: Enhanced Vegetation Index
HI: Huglin Index
HVE3: Haute Valeur Environnementale certification Level 3
IT: Information and Technology
IR: Infrared Radiation
ISO: International Organization for Standardization
JBO: Jean Brun Ouest
L4VS: Les 4 Vents Sable
LSD: Least Significant Difference
MSWP: Mid-day Stem Water Potential
NPQ: Non-photochemical quenching
PAR: Photosynthetically Active Radiation
PDO: Protected Designation of Origin
PLWP: Predawn Leaf Water Potential
R&D: Research & Development
ROS: Reactive Oxygen Species
TPI: Total Polyphenols Index
UV: Ultraviolets
«The world must come together to confront climate
change. There is little scientific dispute that if we do nothing, we will face
more drought, famine and mass displacement that will fuel more conflict
- Barack Obama
Climate influences vine growth and development, as well as its
production potential. The suitability of wine varieties for climates depends on
different parameter values and can evolve with climate change.
Climate change can be defined as long term variations of
temperatures and meteorological models (United Nations, 2022). It is a major
turning point in the evolution of wine practices. For years, the agricultural
industry - including the wine industry - has been trying to find ways to adapt
their practices to climate change. Indeed, global warming participates in the
raise of temperatures as well as the multiplication of the number of drought
events resulting in thermic, radiative, and hydric stresses for grapevine. As a
consequence, climate change has caused and is continuing to cause early wine
grape harvests in France (Cook, Wolkovich 2016).
Moreover, global warming is held responsible for changing the
flavor of French wine. This comes from a modification of the grape organoleptic
profile due to the climate change, causing higher sugar levels, resulting in a
higher alcoholic degree (Boquet, 2006).
Another direct consequence of global warming is grape sunburn.
This phenomenon can be defined as a physiological disorder that affects the
organoleptic as well as the visual properties of the grapes. Physiologically,
the grape's appearance changes as it develops brown and necrotic spots.
Consequently, it can significantly decrease yield and cause losses in terms of
commercial value (Gambetta et al., 2021).
As the grape sunburning episodes have followed the intensity
of drought episodes in the Bordeaux region, Château Margaux has
repeatedly been affected and suffered from grape sunburn leading sometimes to
moderate yield losses, justifying its will to find solutions. Indeed, they
faced extreme canicular episodes in the last 20 years, such as in 2011, and
more recently in 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2022. Consequently, the vineyard was
filled with grape sunburn spots, resulting in yield losses.
The grape sunburn issue subsequent from climate change has
been under study since 2020 at Château Margaux, with the objective of
limiting its impact on the vineyard.
This study will focus on finding the most adapted strategy to
reduce grape sunburn without affecting the oenological potential of the
harvest. Scientific trials will be implemented on the major grape variety of
the vineyard; Cabernet-Sauvignon.
In order to present this study and tackle the subject of grape
sunburn, the Master's thesis will firstly introduce contextual elements. Then,
the materials and methods used to conduct the trial will be presented and
justified, before exposing and analyzing the results. Finally, results will be
discussed, and propositions will be formulated for the study perspective.
1. Climate change and its impact on grape sunburn