101st promotion
MASTER'S THESIS Presented in order to obtain
Option: Viticulture and oenology
Master's thesis August 2022
Use of short-term solutions against grape sunburn within a
context of climate change in the
Médoc vineyard
The present study experimentally investigated the effect of
two short-term solutions against grape sunburn: the use of kaolin sprayings,
and early defoliation. Grape sunburn stems from climate change and is the
result of a combination of both environmental and cultural factors. By
increasing the reflected part of solar radiation, kaolin sprayings can reduce
sunburn by acting on plant physiology. On the other hand, by sun-exposing
bunches of grapes in an early developmental stage, early defoliation aims to
develop thicker berry skin and reduce sunburn sensitivity. The aim of this
study is to verify the efficiency of both methods against sunburn on Cabernet
Sauvignon grapevines. In order to quantify the results, microclimate of the
cluster zone, sunburn symptoms, hydric stress and berry physicochemical
characteristics were analyzed.
While kaolin significantly reduced leaf temperature, and
defoliation increased polyphenols production, both modalities contributed to
reduce berry sunburn symptoms by 86 to 90%. The main hypothesis of this study
was thus validated. The effect of kaolin on water status was significant on one
parcel and absent on another. Overall, neither kaolin nor early defoliation
modalities impacted the chemical properties of the berries, while kaolin seemed
to have improved the physical properties of the berries, being larger and
heavier. All in all, both studied solutions seemed to have had little to no
negative impact on berry quality. However, it would be interesting to continue
the study and perform berry and wine tastings by modality to evaluate the
organoleptic consequences.
Keywords: grape sunburn, kaolin, defoliation, wine,
vine, physiology, global warming
Utilisation de solutions à court terme contre
l'échaudage de la vigne dans un contexte de changement climatique au
sein du vignoble médocain
La présente étude explore
expérimentalement les effets de deux solutions à court terme
contre l'échaudage de la vigne : la pulvérisation de kaolin, et
l'effeuillage précoce. L'échaudage découle du
réchauffement climatique et est le résultat de la combinaison de
facteurs à la fois environnementaux et culturaux. En augmentant la part
de rayonnement solaire réfléchi, le kaolin réduit
l'échaudage en agissant sur la physiologie de la plante. D'un autre
côté, en exposant au soleil les grappes à un stade de
développement précoce, l'effeuillage permet le
développement d'une pellicule plus épaisse réduisant ainsi
la sensibilité des grappes à l'échaudage. L'objectif de
cette étude est de confirmer l'efficacité de ces deux
méthodes contre l'échaudage de la vigne sur des parcelles de
Cabernet Sauvignon. Afin de quantifier les résultats, le microclimat des
grappes, les symptômes d'échaudage, le stress hydrique et les
caractéristiques physicochimiques des baies ont été
Tandis que le kaolin réduit significativement la
température des feuilles, et que l'effeuillage précoce augmente
la production de polyphénols, les deux modalités ont
contribué à la réduction des symptômes
d'échaudage entre 86 et 90%. L'hypothèse principale de cette
étude est donc validée. L'effet du kaolin sur l'état
hydrique a été significatif sur une parcelle, et absent sur la
seconde. En général, aucune des deux modalités n'a
négativement impacté les propriétés chimiques des
baies, tandis que le kaolin a amélioré les
propriétés physiques des baies, les rendant plus lourdes et
volumineuses. Globalement, les solutions étudiées n'ont peu ou
pas impacté la qualité des baies produites. Toutefois, il serait
intéressant de poursuivre cette étude afin d'effectuer des
dégustations de baies et vin par modalité, pour évaluer
les conséquences organoleptiques.
Mots clés : échaudage, kaolin,
effeuillage, vin, vigne, physiologie, réchauffement climatique
Foremost, I would like to acknowledge and give my warmest
thanks to my internship supervisor, Blandine DE ROUFFIGNAC, for offering me
such an incredible opportunity at Château Margaux in the R&D team,
which lead me to work on diverse exciting projects. Her comments and
suggestions were very much appreciated for my redaction, as well as her
constant cheerfulness and availability.
I would also like to thank Jérôme GODINEAU,
R&D technician, for accompanying and guiding me during this internship, and
for his incomparable sense of humor. His dedication and mentoring abilities
made a huge difference.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my PURPAN
internship tutor and advisor, Mr. DENUX Jean-Philippe for his patience,
guidance, and availability throughout my research and redaction process. His
advice helped me to write this thesis, and I could not have imagined having a
better mentor.
I am grateful to Mrs. Nicola MIRC, my TSM internship tutor and
advisor, for her unmatched dedication, and for enlightening me on this thesis,
as for the unforgettable semester spent at TSM.
I wish to show my appreciation to Mr. Philippe BASCAULES and
Mr. Sébastien VERGNE, respectively chief executive and operations
director, for their interest in my research throughout this internship.
I owe a sense of gratitude to Mr. Julien CAZENAVE, vineyard
manager, and Mr. Pierre MÜLLER, his deputy, for their availability,
constant help, and suggestions on my study. Their knowledge has allowed me to
make some important choices made for this study.
I thank profusely all the vineyard staff under the direction
of the vineyard manager, for their kindness and constant motivation, making me
feel welcomed in the company. Their co-operation was essential to complete
kaolin sprayings.
In addition, I thank Mr. Philippe BERRIER, cellar master, and
his team for their warm welcome and the sharing of their skills on traditional
I also thank the rest of the team of Château Margaux,
from the office to the logistics team, for their compassion, caring and good
I sincerely thank the MENTZELOPOULOS family, for welcoming me
on their property, and giving me the chance to work in such incredible
I wish to extend my special thanks to my co-interns and
roommates for their contribution and interest in my experimentation, as well as
for all the good times shared together, contributing to the successful
completion of my study.
Last but not the least, I would like to thank my friends and
family, Timothé, and especially my parents Christel and Georges MILCAN,
and my sisters Flora and Léa MILCAN, for the continuous support and
interest throughout my academic trajectory and this thesis.
Acknowledgments 2
Summary 3
Acronyms and abbreviations 4
Introduction 6
1. Climate change and its impact on grape sunburn 7
2. State of the art of grape sunburn 8
3. Strategic analysis of Château Margaux in a context of
climate change 15
4. Adaptation strategies to climate change 20
5. Problem and hypotheses 23
1. Study presentation 26
2. Experimental set-up 26
3. Material and measures 29
4. Statistical data processing of the results 37
1. 2022 vintage characterization during the wine growing season
2. Homogeneity verification between modalities 42
3. Plant hydric state evaluation 43
4. Fruit zone microclimate 46
5. Sunburn symptoms evaluation 52
6. Physico-chemical analysis of modalities 56
7. Managerial implications linked with grape sunburn adaptation
1. Reminder of the objectives of the study 60
2. Results and hypotheses 60
3. Discussion on the results 60
4. Propositions and study perspective 65
Conclusion 69
References 70
Glossary 78
List of figures 79
List of tables 81
Table of content 82
Annexes 87
List of annexes 107
Acronyms and abbreviations
ANOVA: Analysis Of Variance
EVI: Enhanced Vegetation Index
HI: Huglin Index
HVE3: Haute Valeur Environnementale certification Level 3
IT: Information and Technology
IR: Infrared Radiation
ISO: International Organization for Standardization
JBO: Jean Brun Ouest
L4VS: Les 4 Vents Sable
LSD: Least Significant Difference
MSWP: Mid-day Stem Water Potential
NPQ: Non-photochemical quenching
PAR: Photosynthetically Active Radiation
PDO: Protected Designation of Origin
PLWP: Predawn Leaf Water Potential
R&D: Research & Development
ROS: Reactive Oxygen Species
TPI: Total Polyphenols Index
UV: Ultraviolets
«The world must come together to confront climate
change. There is little scientific dispute that if we do nothing, we will face
more drought, famine and mass displacement that will fuel more conflict
- Barack Obama
Climate influences vine growth and development, as well as its
production potential. The suitability of wine varieties for climates depends on
different parameter values and can evolve with climate change.
Climate change can be defined as long term variations of
temperatures and meteorological models (United Nations, 2022). It is a major
turning point in the evolution of wine practices. For years, the agricultural
industry - including the wine industry - has been trying to find ways to adapt
their practices to climate change. Indeed, global warming participates in the
raise of temperatures as well as the multiplication of the number of drought
events resulting in thermic, radiative, and hydric stresses for grapevine. As a
consequence, climate change has caused and is continuing to cause early wine
grape harvests in France (Cook, Wolkovich 2016).
Moreover, global warming is held responsible for changing the
flavor of French wine. This comes from a modification of the grape organoleptic
profile due to the climate change, causing higher sugar levels, resulting in a
higher alcoholic degree (Boquet, 2006).
Another direct consequence of global warming is grape sunburn.
This phenomenon can be defined as a physiological disorder that affects the
organoleptic as well as the visual properties of the grapes. Physiologically,
the grape's appearance changes as it develops brown and necrotic spots.
Consequently, it can significantly decrease yield and cause losses in terms of
commercial value (Gambetta et al., 2021).
As the grape sunburning episodes have followed the intensity
of drought episodes in the Bordeaux region, Château Margaux has
repeatedly been affected and suffered from grape sunburn leading sometimes to
moderate yield losses, justifying its will to find solutions. Indeed, they
faced extreme canicular episodes in the last 20 years, such as in 2011, and
more recently in 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2022. Consequently, the vineyard was
filled with grape sunburn spots, resulting in yield losses.
The grape sunburn issue subsequent from climate change has
been under study since 2020 at Château Margaux, with the objective of
limiting its impact on the vineyard.
This study will focus on finding the most adapted strategy to
reduce grape sunburn without affecting the oenological potential of the
harvest. Scientific trials will be implemented on the major grape variety of
the vineyard; Cabernet-Sauvignon.
In order to present this study and tackle the subject of grape
sunburn, the Master's thesis will firstly introduce contextual elements. Then,
the materials and methods used to conduct the trial will be presented and
justified, before exposing and analyzing the results. Finally, results will be
discussed, and propositions will be formulated for the study perspective.
1. Climate change and its impact on grape sunburn
1.1 Climate change at a large scale
At a large scale, climate change causes raise in temperatures,
also known as global warming. It also induces more drought and less rain events
(Eveno et al., 2016). Global warming can be defined as the average increase of
air temperature near the surface of Earth over the past one to two centuries
(E. Mann, Selin, 2022).
Climate change has so far caused the increase of the average
world yearly temperature over the last century, affecting the growing
conditions for grape producers.
Climate change at the viticultural scale can affect yield,
quality and economic viability (Jones et al., 2005). Due to global warming, the
phenological stages of grapevine will continue to be earlier in the second part
of the 21st century (Duchêne et al., 2010; Webb et al.,
Harvest date is a good indicator for climate change. Indeed, a
10-day variation in harvest reflects a 1°C variation of the temperature
received by grapevine over the growing season. Over the last 50 years, a 15 to
20 day difference was observed for harvest date in the French viticultural
regions (Daux et al., 2007).
Additionally, climate change can impact the geographical
repartition of grape varieties based on the evolution of climate indexes (Jones
and Webb, 2010). In order to maintain a certain quality and yield of grapes,
the easiest long-term solution is to change grape varieties.
Some studies based on different climate model simulations
suggest that our planet's average temperature could rise between 1.1 and
5.4°C by 2100, compared to our actual climate (Herring, 2021).
Consequently, this raise in temperatures is expected to only cause more yield
1.2 Climate change at the scale of the Bordeaux
1.2.1 Global warming in Bordeaux constatation
In the Bordeaux region, according to
Météo-France (Lafon, 2021), the average temperatures have raised
by 1.2°C since the beginning of the century. Moreover, this tendency is
accompanied by an increase in heat wave events, as well as a reduction in cold
episodes. According to a comparison between different possible scenarios,
global warming will increase, and the annual average temperature in Aquitaine
will gain between 2 to 5 °C by the end of the century (Salles and Le
Treut, 2017).
According to the Aquitaine Artelia report, global warming will
keep increasing, and the annual average temperature in Aquitaine will gain
+2.2°C by the end of the century (Artelia, 2015).
During the last 20 years, the Médoc vineyard has faced
many canicular events happening during the summer. The frequency of those
events is growing and has consequences on the grapevine physiology, affecting
its photosynthesis process as well as its water resources.
The canicular events characteristics are evolving more rapidly
under the influence of climate change, becoming more frequent, longer, and more
intense since 2015 (Adélaïde and Chanel, 2021).
In the long-term, those temperatures are going to keep raising
until it won't be possible to keep cultivating the same grape varieties.
According to an article published by the Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences, close to 86% of the Bordeaux grape production is set up to be wiped
out by 2050 due to global warming (Hannah et al., 2013).
1.2.2 Consequences of climate change on the Bordeaux
The raise in temperatures will have a major effect on the
development speed of grapevine and its phenological stages. For the last 20
years, global warming has affected grapevine production causing an early
maturity date by 15 dates on average. Climate models predict the maturation
date for Merlot variety in Bordeaux to be 40 days ahead by the end of the 21st
century (Brisson and Levrault, 2010).
According to simulations done in the 2000's, there are no
evidence that climate change will impact the yield of the Bordeaux vineyard
(Garcia de Cortazar, 2006). However, grape quality might be impacted by
temperature and sun radiation intensity growth, as well as a potential water
Climate change will also directly impact grapevine diseases as
it will force the pests and pathogens to adapt, and in the worst scenario
causing their multiplication (Thiery and Chuche, 2007).
As a consequence to the multiplication of intense heat events,
the quality of the produced wines might be affected. It has been proven that
they raise the potential alcohol, reduce the acidity, inhibit the anthocyanins
synthesis, and therefore affect the color and aromas of the produced wines
(Santos et al. 2020).
For now, those extreme temperatures can cause grape sunburn.
As this phenomenon is rising in France, it is already very important in other
winegrowing regions where the average yearly temperatures are way higher than
in France. For example, in Australia, this phenomenon is very common and
impacts each year 5 to 15% of the grape production, causing dramatic yield
losses. In Chile, up to 40% of bunches can show sunburn damage in sensitive
varieties like Muscat (Gambetta et al., 2021).
However, the economic consequences caused by grape sunburn can
be important. Consequently, many winemaking companies all over the world are
experimenting new potential solutions to diminish the grape sunburn problem.
2. State of the art of grape sunburn
2.1 Grape sunburn: definition, symptoms, and
Grape sunburn can be defined as a physiological disorder
affecting both the visual and organoleptic properties of grapes. Only the
bunches of grapes exposed to the sun can be affected by sunburn. It is
noticeable by the brown and necrotic spots on the grapes. Those spots alter the
commercial value of the fruit, but can also in extreme cases significantly
decrease the yield (Gambetta et al., 2021).
Symptoms associated with grape sunburn range from the
appearance of brown spots on the epidermis of grapes to the entire desiccation
of the berries (Suehiro et al., 2014). We can see on Figure 1, both
types of sunburn intensity (brown spots on the left and berries desiccation on
the right).
Sunburn damages the berry epidermal tissue at the epicuticular
and epidermal level. At the epicuticular level, it degrades the structure of
the skin waxes causing their degradation and allowing a higher skin
permeability, resulting in the dehydration and visual change of the grapes
(Bondada and Keller, 2012). At the epidermal level, it destroys chlorophyll -
causing a slight discoloration of the grapes - and induces cell
compartmentalization, exposing polyphenolic compounds to polyphenol oxidases.
As a result, the oxidation of polyphenols leads to the browning of the skin.
The browning of the skin is also caused by cell death in the epidermal layers
of the exocarp in the skin of the grapes (Olivares-Soto et al., 2020).

Figure 1: Observed symptoms of low-intensity (left)
and high-intensity (right) sunburn at Château Margaux in June
Browning can strongly decrease the market value of the crop
and cause significant losses in quality of wine grapes. Sunburn mostly affects
the skin of the grapes with little to no effect on the pulp, apart from its
possible dehydration. However, sunburn can cause uneven ripening of the grape.
A study on Cabernet Sauvignon berries showed that temperatures above 30°C
can overall flavonoid content, and in particular the anthocyanin concentration,
leading to a decrease in anthocyanin concentration, affecting the wine color
(Pastore et al., 2013).
Sunburn browning is known to be the result of a combination of
both high light and high temperature on the sun-exposed side of the fruit
(Schrader et al., 2009). However, other factors can influence the temperature
as well as the sun exposure of the fruit during the vegetative period. Those
factors were classified in two categories, based on their durability.
2.2 Medium to long term factors of grape sunburn
2.2.1 Temperature: the main cause of grape sunburn
Temperature can affect the plant and the fruit, as it is a
major source of abiotic stress. Fruits possess an intracellular signaling
mechanism that gets activated in response to heat (Gambetta et al., 2021).
Thermal stress mainly targets the photosynthetic apparatus of the plant,
causing its modification to adapt to heat. Those changes are usually
reversible, unless the heat is excessive, in which case the photosystems can be
severely and irreversibly damaged (Araújo et al., 2018).
When exposed to high temperatures, plants can be subject to an
imbalance between their light energy absorption and usage. Consequently, the
fruit's respiratory mechanisms are modified. Higher temperatures (>
30°C) cause higher levels of respiration that can result in the
accumulation of Reactive Oxygen Species1 (ROS) (Jiang et al.,
Apart from altering the regulation of metabolic pathways, the
accumulation of ROS can cause membrane destabilization, protein denaturation,
and berry pericarp cell death. High temperatures can cause early cell death,
and therefore sunburn (Bonada et al., 2013). Temperature at different scales
A reminder on the different levels of climate can be found in
Annex 1.
Temperature at the regional scale (macroclimate) is a major
component of the vineyard (mesoclimate) and fruiting zone (microclimate)
temperatures. In order to qualify the climates of viticultural regions and
their ability to implant certain grape varieties, climate indices were
1 An unstable molecule type involved in normal
metabolism reactions containing two unpaired electrons from dioxygen that can
easily react with other molecules in a cell. An excess generation of ROS in
plants' cells can react with its DNA and gene expression, ultimately resulting
in cell death (Bayr, 2005).
The Winkler Index (WI) classifies regions based on the
accumulation of heat summation units, by adding up temperatures above 10°C
during the growing season. This index attributes growing degree-days (GDD) to
regions during the growing season (Amerine and Winkler, 1944).
The Huglin Index (HI) uses the heliothermic potential,
calculating the sum of the temperatures above 10°C from April to September
(growing season). It varies from the WI as it takes a the latitude of the
location in consideration as it affects the duration of the day, and is
therefore more precise (Morata, 2018). The day length coefficient of Bordeaux
is 1.04.
Viticultural climates were classified in six categories, based
on the HI calculation, from very cool regions to very warm regions (Tonietto
and Carbonneau, 2004).
Table 1: Viticultural climates classification based on
the Huglin Index (Tonietto and Carbonneau, 2004; Liviu Mihai et al.,
Climate type
Grape varieties
HI < 1500
Very cool
Muller-Thurgau, Pinot Blanc, Gamay
1500 < HI < 1800
Riesling, Pinot noir, Chardonnay, Merlot, Cabernet Franc
T: maximum temperature Tx: average
temperature d: day length coefficient
1800 < HI < 2100
Cabernet-Sauvignon, Ugni Blanc, Syrah
2100 < HI < 2400
Temperate warm
Granche, Mourvèdre, Carignan
2400 < HI < 3000
3000 < HI
Very warm
According to the HI, Bordeaux's climate went from temperate
between 1956 and 1986 (HI = 1814), to warm temperate between 1987 and 2017 (HI
= 2125). Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot, the principal grape varieties of
Margaux, have an HI between 1500 and 2100, and were therefore more adapted to a
cool to temperate climate, than to the current warm temperate climate (CNRS,
The fruiting zone temperature (microclimate) depends on the
bunch exposure. Indeed, the unexposed berries microclimate tends to mimic the
parcel's under shelter mesoclimate, and is close to the air temperature (Spayd
et al., 2002). However, the fruiting zone temperature can be very variable in
one vine stock as it is very precise. It can therefore be said that the
microclimate of the fruiting zone temperature is primarily defined by the air
temperature, then modulated by other factors such as solar radiation, wind or
air humidity (Gambetta et al., 2021). Air temperature and its impact on berry
Berry temperature is a function of radiative heat transfer and
air temperature. Both factors cannot be separated as the relationship between
temperature and absorbed light is linear. Direct sun exposure increases fruit
surface temperature by 12 to 15°C above air temperature on the berry's
sun-exposed side. Fruit surface temperature can therefore vary depending on the
bunch location in the canopy, as well as the level of solar exposure (Spayd et
al., 2002).
The berry temperature can also be affected by the bunch
compactness, berry size, wind velocity, and its color. Dark-colored berries
exposed to the sun and under low wind conditions can be up to 15°C above
air temperature, explaining why sunburn mainly occurs during the
veraison2 stage (Dry, 2009).
Sunburn is mainly observed when berry temperature is above
45°C due to a combination of low wind-velocity, high temperatures, and
high light causing radiative heat transfer (Schrader et al., 2009).
2 Ripening stage, when the berries start to change
2.2.2 Solar radiation
Solar radiation plays an essential role in mechanisms such as
plant morphogenesis regulation and photosynthesis. It is one of the most
important environmental factors as it represents both a source of energy and
information that interact with the plant the most. Solar radiation is capable
to raise the temperature of a surface using the energy issued by the sun (Smart
and Sinclair, 1976). Consequently, solar radiation and temperature are closely
linked variables.
In the vineyard, the solar radiation received by the grapevine
can be declined in three components: the direct solar radiation, the diffuse
radiation, and the reflected radiation (Riou et al., 1989). The direct
radiation comes from the sun and is directly oriented towards the grapevine.
Part of this radiation is diffused by gazes and vapor in the atmosphere, while
another part can be reflected by the ground to create an albedo
(Gutiérrez-Jurado and Vivoni, 2013).

Figure 2: Types of solar radiations (Mallon et al.,
Solar radiation can be divided into three categories:
- Ultraviolets (UV): UV-A (400-315 nm) and UV-B (315-280 nm) -
Visible: 400-780 nm, including PAR3 (400-700 nm)
- Infrared Radiation (IR): > 780 nm (Gambetta et al., 2021)
According to an article on UV irradiance, the intensity of the
components of solar radiation depends on altitude, longitude, season, time of
the day and cloud coverage (McKenzie et al., 2003).
Light can act as both a source of heat as well as a driver of
photochemical and oxidative reactions for the berry. Photooxidation plays a
major role in the appearance of sunburn browning symptoms. In well-shaded
bunches in the field, neither sunburn necrosis nor sunburn browning can be
observed, meaning that solar radiation is the major actor in the apparition of
sunburn symptoms (Rustioni et al., 2014).
Scientifically speaking, light has an effect on berry sunburn
as it promotes the production of chlorophyll and reactive oxygen species, both
promotors of oxidative stress in the photosystems of the plant and the fruit.
Sunburn development is mainly caused by two components of light: PAR and UV.
When highly exposed to PAR, NPQ4 increases in order
to protect the photosystem of the plant. This process works temporarily, as
when the PAR overexposure continues, the NPQ can be photo-inhibited, causing
sunburn damages (Glenn and Yuri, 2013).
3 Photosynthetically Active Radiation, amount of light
available for photosynthesis, and therefore needed for plant growth (Fondriest,
4 Non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) is a process
that takes place in the photosynthetic membranes of plants and algae, in which
excess absorbed light energy is dissipated into heat. This mechanism is
employed by the plants to protect themselves from high light intensity (Ruban,
UV being a high-energy form of radiation, it can collapse
membrane integrity, depending on the duration, dose, and wavelength of
exposure. As previously said, sunburn is mainly caused by the combination of
both light and temperature. However, in areas with relatively low average
temperatures such as New Zealand and Chile, grape and apple sunburn is mainly
due to their high UV index (Schrader et al., 2009).
Additionally, the interaction between PAR and UV can result in
greater changes in fruit composition than when separated. Even if PAR plays a
bigger role in the degradation of the berry's photosystems, this interaction
plays an important part in the apparition of sunburn damage (Glenn and Yuri,
Finally, no studies have yet reported a potential influence of
IR-radiation on the apparition and development of sunburn.
2.2.3 Combination of high temperature and solar
Studies showed that grapevine sunburn that can be observed in
vineyard mostly results from the combination of high light and high
temperatures. When trying to induce sunburn in a greenhouse by exposing plants
to high light intensity but at low-moderate temperatures, little to no damage
was observed. However, when those temperatures were raised to 38°C,
sunburn damage on Semillon berries was observed at low light intensities and
was intensified at high light intensities (Hulands et al., 2014).
2.2.4 Wind and relative humidity
Fruits and leaves temperature is regulated by
evapotranspiration, thanks to the heat relieved by water vaporization. Under
windy conditions, berry transpiration is increased, and the sun-exposed berries
are cooled down by forced convection. Consequently, high wind velocities
diminish the appearance of grape sunburn.
When in contact with the plant, wind clears the air of
humidity produced by the plant's transpiration, forcing the plant to continue
to evaporate and cool down (Pereira et al., 1999). On a ripe berry, fruit
surface temperature is on average 5°C lower when wind velocity increases
from 0.5 to 2.0 m.s-1 (Smart and Sinclair, 1976).
Relative humidity also has an impact on grape sunburn as it
reduces the plant's evapotranspiration, which increases the risks of grape
sunburn (Gambetta et al., 2021).
2.3 Short term factors of grape sunburn
2.3.1 Vineyard soil management
Vineyard floor management can contribute to sunburn
development. Soil can increase the reflected radiation on grapevine
(2.2.2) depending on its characteristics. Indeed, bare and light-colored
soils reflect more light and heat than cultivated ones (Dry, 2009), resulting
in a potential increase in grape temperature.
Implementing cover crops in the vineyards can reduce the
reflected light but might also be a source of competition for water with vines.
Replacing light-colored soils or competitive cover crops by dark-colored
mulches can reduce both light reflection and water competition (Dry, 2009).
The soil composition also is an important factor as it plays a
central role for vine physiology. It conditions the water status for the plant
and contains mineral elements that are essential for plant growth. For example,
the soil's nitrogen status highly impacts plant vigor proven to impact sunburn
sensitivity (Chone et al., 2001) (2.3.3).
2.3.2 Cultivar choice
The grape variety and the rootstock choice are essential for
the adaptation of the cultivar to the terroir. Grapevine cultivars express
different abilities to tolerate light and heat stresses. Rustioni et al. (2015)
conducted a study on 20 cultivars underlining the central role of radiation in
berry sunburn injuries. This study put into light that the response of
different cultivars to thermos-radiative stresses varies. The cultivars were
then classified based on their radiation susceptibility.
The rootstock choice as well as the cultivar choice can
modulate the plant's vigor, affecting the canopy's porosity. When the canopy
has a higher porosity, the shading is lighter, increasing the bunches'
exposition causing sunburn (Southey and Jooste, 1991).
The grapevine cultivar can also influence the plant's
sensitivity to sunburn. To start with, anthocyanin-containing fruits reach
higher temperatures than lacking anthocyanins due to a lower capacity to
reflect radiation (Smart and Sinclair, 1976), explaining why red grape
varieties are often more susceptible to sunburn than white grape varieties.
The cultivar's sunburn susceptibility also depends on the
bunch morphology. A study put into light that the berries' size is positively
correlated to its temperature, as large berries reach higher temperatures, and
are therefore more exposed to sunburn than bunches with smaller berries (Smart
and Sinclair, 1976).
By implementing varieties with higher Huglin Indexes into the
vineyard, the sensitivity to grape sunburn should be reduced.
2.3.3 Plant vigor
Plant vigor can be defined as an observed increase in plant
height and density through time (Short and Woolfolk, 1956). Plant vigor impacts
grape berries' volume and foliage porosity. Higher vigor also leads to higher
vegetation height and canopy density, and therefore a higher degree of shading,
allowing to reduce the temperature of the bunch microclimate by limiting the
direct received radiation.
As a consequence, plant vigor also modifies grape berry
composition by reducing its radiation-induced polyphenol production and
increases its sunburn sensitivity (Smart, 1985).
Modifying plant vigor is difficult, nearly impossible.
However, in order to mimic canopy density and a higher degree of shading, a
solution could be shade netting.
2.3.4 Developmental stage
Grape berry sunburn sensitivity varies according to the
developmental stages. A study reported that the grape berry susceptibility
increases as the bunches develop. The grape berry is less susceptible to
sunburn at early developmental stages (Hulands et al., 2014). Sunburn damages
can be observed on pre-véraison grapes but at a very low intensity. The
highest damages can be observed later, during véraison (Hulands et al.,
In contrast, other studies showed that the berries are
supposed to be more susceptible to thermal stresses earlier in the season due
to a higher ratio of photoprotective pigments to chlorophylls in the grape
berries, that decreases during berry development (Düring and Davtyan,
However, during the early developmental stages, the plant's
photoprotective mechanisms are at their highest due to a high chloroplast
activity. This capacity decreases during the plant's development, causing
higher sunburn sensitivity (Joubert et al., 2016).
2.3.5 Water status and its impact on sunburn
Soil water status plays an essential role in determining the
yield potential and quality of crops. Water status of grapevine in the field
can be evaluated by measuring the predawn leaf water potential (Williams and
Araujo, 2002).
By maintaining a balanced soil moisture in the root zone,
plants can optimize their transpiration throughout the day, increasing the
relative humidity of the bunch zone (Suat, 2019). Higher canopy transpiration
also reduces the fruit surface temperature (Cook et al., 1964), reducing
sunburn risk and contributing to sunburn protection.
Important hydric stress promotes the production of ROS by
plants. As mentioned before (2.2.1), ROS accumulation weakens the
berries and can lead to cell death. Drought stress can also lead to smaller
canopies due to reduced vigor, reducing the shading, increasing bunch exposure,
and consequently increasing potential sunburn damage (Gambetta et al.,
Implementing irrigation systems into the vineyard could be a
solution to reduce water stress.
2.3.6 Vineyard management practices and operations to
modulate the sunburn risk Vineyard operations
Vineyard management operations can directly influence the
sunburn sensitivity of cultivars (Rustioni et al., 2015). The pruning system
determines for example the density of the canopy, which affects the degree of
interception of solar radiation by the bunches. In hot winegrowing regions
where grapes suffer from sunburn, minimal pruning systems can be employed to
offer shelter and protect them (Gambetta et al., 2021). Avoiding excessive
pruning and leaf stripping could reduce sunburn by avoiding sudden exposure of
the fruit to direct sunlight.
Trellis systems usually used in central Europe were designed
to intensify fruit exposure but can consequently increase sunburn damage
(Gambetta et al., 2021). However, other suitable alternative trellising systems
reducing direct radiation exist, such as: high-wire cordon, head-training,
pergola, Geneva double curtain, and closing Y-shaped trellis (Palliotti et al.,
2014). Row orientation
Row orientation is an important driver of grapevine sunburn.
Still many vineyards are oriented North/South, an orientation known to equally
distribute radiation on both sides. Yet, even when light is equally
distributed, berry temperature highly differs between canopy sides. As the sun
rises in the North-East during summer, the East facing side is sun-exposed
during the cool morning hours, while the other side is sun-exposed during the
high-temperature afternoons. As a result, the berries are exposed to
significantly temperatures according to their exposition, leading to higher
sunburn symptoms (Gambetta et al., 2021).
An experimentation at Château Margaux in 2020 brought to
light the sunburn symptoms differences between parcels with different
orientations. Indeed, other orientations than North/South have unequal light
distribution between row sides but globally show lower bunch temperatures. It
was found in this study that the most efficient row orientation in order to
avoid grape sunburn is the North-East/South-West orientation (Porte, 2020).
2.4 Grape sunburn at Château Margaux
According to the vineyard manager (interview in Annex
2), Château Margaux has faced sunburn for every vintage with high
temperatures, such as: 2003, 2005, 2011, 2018, 2020 and more recently 2022.
Sunburn represents a significative threat for grapevine production at
Château Margaux, as even small damages can cause yield losses, and
consequently economical losses. Due to the yield losses
linked with sunburn, some parcels might stop entering the
first wine final blend, and will be declassified, resulting in additional
economical losses. Moreover, sunburn can reduce the wine quality due to berry
degradation caused by sunburn.
Overall, grape sunburn is a physiological disorder causing
berry degradation, whose intensity is exacerbated due to climate change. While
depending on many short- and long-term factors, its development is mostly
correlated to solar radiation and external temperature.
3. Strategic analysis of Château Margaux in a
context of climate change 3.1 The business sector of Château Margaux
3.1.1 The French wine industry
As it is known around the world, wine is an important part of
France's cultural and culinary heritage. Wine was first introduced in France
600 years before Christ, and was quickly propagated through the country, until
it became a part of French culture (FranceAgriMer, 2020).
For many centuries, grapevine cultivation was rich, until the
phylloxera crisis in 1864. This microscopic aphid pest was accidently
introduced on the French territory, causing the near disappearance of the
integrity of the French vineyard. In order to solve this problem, every French
vine was removed and replaced by grafted French plants on the aphid-resistant
American vines. Since then, the integrity of the French vineyard have grafted
plants (Berton, 2022).
The French winegrowing sector is spread on 66 departments, and
represents nearly 750 000 hectares of agricultural land, which accounts for 10%
of the world's agricultural surface dedicated to wine production (CNIV,
In 2019, France was the 2nd producer of wine in the
world - behind Italy - with an annual production of 4.2 billion of liters of
wine, representing 17% of the world wine production (CNIV, 2019). The
winegrowing sector is the second contributor in the trade balance - behind the
aeronautical sector - with a turnover of 12.7 billion euros in 2019.
France is also the 2nd biggest wine consuming
country in the world - behind the United States of America - with an annual
consumption of more than 3.5 billion of bottles consumed (CNIV 2019).
3.1.2 The wine industry in Bordeaux
The Bordeaux region is known all over the world for its
exceptional wines and its diversity of vineyards. With 115 223 hectares of
vineyard in production in 2019, Gironde is the first French viticultural
department in terms of land and incomes. It is also the department with the
most land under quality signs, representing 26% of the viticultural land under
the PDO label in France. So, viticulture is very prominent in this department,
as almost half of the used agricultural land is occupied by grapevines in 90%
of the municipalities in Gironde (Agreste Nouvelle-Aquitaine, 2020).
Regarding the value of its production, Gironde is at the
second position, with a production estimated to 2 billion euros in 2018. This
represents close to 80% of the total agricultural production value of the
department, and 3% of the French agricultural production (Agreste
Nouvelle-Aquitaine, 2020).
The Bordeaux vineyard is diverse and counts many prestigious
wine chateaux. To differentiate them, a classification was implemented in 1855,
for the 3rd Paris Universal Exposition. The winemaking chateaux were
ranked based on the quality of their wines, based on different criteria. The
wines from the Bordeaux region are known and appreciated all over the world,
creating market opportunities for wine producers.
As a result of the high wine competition in Gironde, the
industry keeps evolving and adapting. More and more consumers are now looking
to consume more responsively and to diminish their environmental impact, as do
the wine producers. In this context, the wine industry in Bordeaux keeps
improving its performances in terms of sustainable development. In 2019, more
than 65% of the vineyards of Bordeaux were certified by an environmental
approach. Among them, the most popular are organic and integrated viticulture
(Terra Vitis, HVE3, ISO 14001, etc.) (CIVB, 2020).
3.2 Presentation of Château Margaux
Château Margaux is a first growth in the Médoc
Classification of 1855 (« Premier Grand Cru Classé en 1855 »),
located in Margaux.
3.2.1 Appellation and terroir of Château
Most of Château Margaux's vineyard is in the Margaux
Protected Designation of Origin terroir. This terroir is part of the
Médoc, one of the six biggest wine regions in Bordeaux, alongside the
left-part of the Gironde estuary. The Margaux PDO is close to 1 490 hectares
(Hachette, 2009) and is close to the Atlantic Ocean. Its position allows it to
have an oceanic and temperate climate, with an average rainfall of 763.48 mm
per year, based on the Margaux Sencrop weather station (average calculated
between 1996 and 2015).

Figure 3: Map of the Bordeaux vineyard, and location
of the Margaux appellation (red box) (CIVB, 2020)
As it can be observed on Figure 3, the Bordeaux
vineyard is wildly spread in the Gironde department and is mainly composed by
six winegrowing regions: Graves and Pessac-Léognan, Médoc,
Entre-Deux-Mers, Libournais, Blayais-Bourgeais, Barsac and Sauternes (CIVB,
2020). Viticulture therefore is an important part of the Bordeaux region that
generates a significant economic activity. From the grape-growing activity to
the wine selling activity, this sector is represented in Gironde by not less
than 7 555 establishments and 32 000 employees (Agreste Nouvelle-Aquitaine,
Château Margaux's terroir is diverse, with more than 60
different types of soil, represented in Annex 3.
3.2.2 The vineyard management
The main challenge of Château Margaux is to have
environmentally and humanly friendly practices while adapting to climate
change. Their objective is to develop the company and their practices to keep
producing quality grapes that express the terroir typicity.
In this context, the current vineyard management practices can
be modified to implement climate change up to a certain point, as long as those
practices do not affect berry and wine quality. Current vineyard management
The vineyard of Château Margaux represents 262 total
hectares of land, in which only 94 hectares are used for grape production. The
other hectares are dedicated to forests and meadows, allowing the company to
welcome cows and sheep. 82 hectares are located in the Margaux appellation (red
varieties), whereas 12 hectares are located in the «Bordeaux
Supérieur» appellation.
The vineyard is composed of different grape varieties. For the
red wine, the Cabernet Sauvignon is the main variety, holding 52% of the
vineyard. Then comes the Merlot in second position with 26% of the vineyard,
followed by 7% of Petit Verdot, and 3% of Cabernet Franc. The white wine is
entirely made out of Sauvignon Blanc, representing 13% of the vineyard.
Cabernet Sauvignon is preferred by the production team for its
adaptability to the Médoc terroir. However, this variety, along with the
rest of the vineyard, is subject to grape sunburn.
The parcels are distributed in blocks close to the
Château. In total, the property counts 8 blocks of red grape varieties,
and 1 block of white grape variety. The map of the vineyard's parcel blocks and
grape varieties can be found in Annex 4.
The density of plantation is 10 000 plants per hectare (1m x
1m) for the Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc and Petit Verdot, and 6 677
plants per hectare (1.5m x 1m) for the Merlot and Sauvignon Blanc. This density
of plantation is kept by complantation5.
To combat grape worms, pheromone diffusers were integrated all
over the vineyard causing sexual confusion and disrupt mating between male and
female butterflies.
At the end of the year (December-March), the vine stocks are
pruned using the Medocain method, the most popular pruning method in Bordeaux,
for red grapes. This method consists of leaving each vine stock with one cane
on both sides of the trunk (double Guyot), each carrying three buds and two
spurs, allowing the cutter to continue working easily on the same vine stock
the next year without its extension. The additional parts that aren't used are
cut, and both canes are bent and attached to the carrying wire. For the white
grapes, they use the simple Guyot pruning method (only one cane) with six buds
and they alternate the sides for the spur. The cane is then also bent and
attached to the carrying wire.
The plowing-down starts from the bud burst stage, followed by
the mechanical weeding of the plots, using claws and blades. A second
plowing-down takes place during the summer, when the soil under the vine stocks
is covered in weeds. Grass covers in the rows are only kept for the Merlot
parcels and on clay soils, all year long to better the soil bearing capacity.
The property doesn't use herbicides and prefer the use of mechanical weeding
When the plants are growing, different vine treatments are
implemented. For the phytosanitary strategy, certified authorized organic
products are used as much as possible. Most coverage treatments are done with
copper and sulfur-based solutions during the vegetative period. However, the
company doesn't want the organic certification, as they consider that copper
treatment has its limits and can eventually
5 The action of planting new vine-stock where holes
are present in the vineyard.
become toxic for their soils. Château Margaux are also
experimenting new natural and biodegradable products less toxic than copper and
sulfur, and are searching for alternative methods against those treatments,
through scientific trials. In 2022, around 11 coverage treatments were done.
At the fruit set stage, the vines are trellised and trimmed.
Shoot removal takes place in May, followed by thinning operations in July.
Finally, harvests are done manually in 5kg crates brought to the sorting line
before being processed. At the end of harvest, there is a hilling done to the
plants with a ridging plough. Vineyard management strategies in a context of
climate change
Consequences of climate change at the scale of Château
Margaux are multifactorial. To start with, some lands are expected to be lost
in the future due to the vineyard's proximity to the Gironde. Then, climate
change will also impact the vineyard management strategies, as alternative
solutions to reduce its consequences will have to be implemented to maintain
grape quality (interview in Annex 2).
Experimentations are currently being conducted before
implementing changes at the scale of the vineyard. Most vineyard management
practices have been in place for hundreds of years, so the company wants to
make sure that quality wouldn't be affected by new practices before applying
solutions to the integrity of the vineyard.
Château Margaux has acquired some knowledge on their
practices, vineyard and wine, which is essential for innovation. The main
challenge that climate change has brought to the company is to adapt their
vineyard management strategies without affecting their typicity, and while
assuring at the same time to stay in the PDO.
In this context, they can consider changing the company's
practices in the vineyard, up to a certain point. For example, a solution to
face climate change might be to change the implanted grape variety based on the
Huglin Index adapted varieties. However, this would affect the wine typicity,
so it cannot be considered (Leeuwen and Darriet, 2016).
To adapt, one strategy is to delay the vineyard operations in
order to defer the maturation date and overcome the consequences of global
warming. For example, by performing late pruning (March), the budburst is
delayed by a couple of days. Another possibility is to raise the trimming
height of the canopy to produce more shade and reduce the temperature.
To overcome the potential water deficit, it can be considered
to lower the plantation density to reduce soil water use. As the climate is
oceanic, irrigation strategies should only be considered as a last resort.
Climate change will also cause the multiplication of climate
events such as hailstorms and drought events. In Argentina, where hailstorms
are frequent, anti-hail nets are used at a large scale in the vineyards
(Loussert, 2017). Those type of nets can be very useful for the vineyard but
are for now unauthorized by the PDO registry.
3.2.3 The place of climate change in the company's
The property was bought in 1977 by André
Mentzelopoulos. Corinne Mentzelopoulos, his daughter, is now the owner and CEO,
since her father's death in 1980. The company has two offices: one in Margaux,
and another one in Paris. The office in Paris is mainly dedicated to
administration and accounting. The site in Margaux comprises: the production
(vineyard management, cellar, maintenance, expeditions), the R&D
department, IT, visits and external relations.
An organigram summarizing the organization of the company can be
found in Annex 5.
Apart from affecting the agricultural management of companies,
global warming also impacts, and will keep impacting, companies' global
managerial strategies to consider this major change.
The objective of Château Margaux is to maintain their
wine quality and typicity, what makes it emblematic. In order to deal with this
climate change and maintain both the typicity and quality of their wines,
Château Margaux try to find adaptation strategies. The R&D department
is therefore very important for the company, at it is financed with the
objective to find solutions to current problems, to build tomorrow's
What makes Château Margaux different from the other
vineyards is their preoccupation about innovation and allocate money to
research topics linked with climate change.
3.3 The wines produced by Château Margaux in a
context of climate change
3.3.1 Presentation of the wines of Château
The property produces 4 wines:
- The first red wine, called «Grand Vin du Château
- The second red wine, called «Pavillon rouge du
Château Margaux»
- The third red wine, called «Margaux du Château
- A white wine, called «Pavillon Blanc du Château
The red wines are produced under the Margaux PDO, while the
white one is produced under the Bordeaux PDO. The wine that isn't selected for
those four bottles is intended to produce two generic wines (one red and one
white), sold in bulk.

Figure 4: Wines produced and sold by Château
Margaux (Château Margaux, 2022)
270 000 bottles of red wine, and 10 000 bottles of white wine
are produced each year. The most produced red wine is their first classified
red wine, with 130 000 bottles produced each year.
The first wine of Château Margaux is known for its
quality and typicity. Sensorially speaking, the wine is recognizable for its
silky tannins, gustatory sweetness, elegance, floral aromas, etc. Those
specific features are produced in a certain terroir and climate and cannot be
reproduced in different conditions. Undoubtedly, climate change will affect
those features, affecting the wine typicity.
3.3.2 The typicity of the wines of Château
The wines produced by Château Margaux are known all over
the world for their exceptional taste and quality. In order to understand the
effects of global warming on Château Margaux's products, the key factors
that condition the quality of their wines need to be defined first.
According to the vineyard manager (interview in Annex
2), the typicity of Château Margaux's wines comes from their terroir.
With more than 60 different types of soil units and 3 types of terrasses,
Margaux has the potential to produce a more complex blend than
its neighbors, enriching the wines' profiles. The soil map of the parcels can
be found in Annex 3.
Grape quality is a result of every action in the vineyard. At
Château Margaux, all of the tasks are handmade for a higher precision.
Every vineyard worker takes care of specific parcels so that they become
responsible and precautious of their work.
Pedological studies are done frequently in parcels to identify
their terroir specificities and decide in which type of wine the parcel will
go. Also, the company keeps records of the parcels' history specifying which
type of wine each of them has produced throughout the years. Thanks to that
information, and based on the type of vintage, decisions are taken each year
regarding the blend.
The vinification process also interferes with wine quality, as
the operations are directed to optimize the berry quality through analytical
data and tastings.
3.3.3 The impact of climate change on the wines of
Château Margaux
Climate change will directly impact the wines of Château
Margaux. According to the vineyard manager (interview in Annex 2),
climate change will impact the quality of the produced wines, as the berries
will taste differently due to higher sun exposure.
Climate change might also cause differences in berry taste due
to other factors such as drought or even intense rainfall. Château
Margaux being renowned in the wine industry for its wine quality and typicity,
implementing new practices to reduce the effects of climate change on their
vineyard might change the wines profiles and therefore impact the company's
4. Adaptation strategies to climate change
Climate change can affect the growing conditions of grapevine,
and therefore impact the grape yield and quality. In order to overcome those
effects, some adaptation strategies can be implemented at the scale of the
vineyard. Those solutions can be either short-term or long-term oriented, based
on their effectiveness. This part will present different adaptation solutions
against climate change.
4.1 Long-term solutions
Some solutions are rather long-term oriented, since grapevine
is a perennial plant and cannot be replanted easily and quickly.
4.1.1 Row orientation
As seen earlier in this report (, row
orientation is an important driver of grapevine sunburn. Reorienting the
vineyard to avoid grape sunburn can be efficient in terms of yield losses
reduction. Based on a conducted study at Château Margaux (Porte, 2020),
the best orientation to avoid grape sunburn is the North-East/South-West
Consequently, changing the row orientation of every parcel
would be an ideal solution to diminish grape sunburn. However, this solution is
long-term oriented and hardly applicable to perennial plants such as grapevine.
Moreover, not every parcel in the vineyard can be reoriented because of
practical and geographical reasons, forcing Château Margaux to find both
short-term and long-term solutions.
4.1.2 Grape variety
Château Margaux historically implants specific grape
varieties in their vineyard, as they produce a certain wine typicity when
implemented on their terroir. However, some grape varieties have the capacity
to resist to higher temperatures than others, making them more adapted to
certain types of climates (2.3.2).
As we can expect that climate change will cause a raise in
temperatures, implementing new temperature-resistant grape varieties into the
vineyard could represent a potential solution against grape sunburn. However,
by doing so, it would affect the wine profile and quality, and therefore change
the typicity of the renowned Château Margaux.
4.2 Short-term solutions against grape
Some solutions are short-term oriented due to the fact that
they aren't considered as answers to grape sunburn, but as preventive ways to
reduce yield and quality losses.
4.2.1 Irrigation as a response to climate
Climate change could impact the water supply for grapevine
production. Irrigation based on weather forecasts and water potential measures
could be used to meet grapevine's water requirements. If the plant's water
needs are met before important heat waves, it could avoid or reduce grape
sunburn (Lal and Sahu, 2017).
This solution is already used in other wine regions in the
world, where temperatures during the growing season are higher, such as in New
Zealand or in the United States of America. However, irrigation isn't yet
authorized by the PDO registry, and therefore cannot be implemented at the
scale of the vineyard.
4.2.2 Shade netting to reduce sun exposure
Shade netting consists of applying a net at the scale of the
vineyard to provide protection from high solar radiation. This solution seems
ideal to reduce the radiation received directly by the berries and can also
consequently reduce their temperature. Direct sunlight being the primary cause
of sunburn (Lal and Sahu, 2017), shade netting could effectively and
significantly reduce the damages linked with sunburn.
However, just like irrigation, shade netting isn't authorized
by the PDO registry, and cannot be implemented in the vineyard yet.
4.2.3 Kaolin: a preventive solution against different
radiative and thermic stresses During summer days, Vitis vinifera
photosynthetic activity decreases due to stomatal and non-stomatal limitations
(Chaves et al., 1987). In order to mitigate those effects caused by extreme
temperatures and high irradiance, organic compounds can be applied to the
canopy to increase grapevine physiology, productivity and quality (Ou et al.,
When maturing, the Cabernet Sauvignon grape berries change
color. As a consequence, they reflect less light and absorb more, resulting in
the raise of temperature of the berry and leading to sunburn vulnerability. To
reduce the part of absorbed radiation by the berry, some studies suggest that
we can apply a kaolin-based particle film to the canopy.
Kaolin is a white clay made out of aluminum phyllosilicate
that, when mixed in water and adjuvant and sprayed on the canopy, is capable of
leaving a thin white layer on the leaves and fruits allowing a higher light
reflectance capacity (Yazici and Kaynak, 2009). Kaolin increases the
reflection of incident radiation on leaves and bunches, and consequently lowers
their temperatures, reducing the plant's thermic stress (Brillante et al.,
A study evaluated that kaolin treated plants reflect between
26 to 155% more UV and PAR throughout the growing season of the grapevine than
the non-kaolin-treated plants (Lobos et al., 2015). As UV and PAR are the main
two components of light that cause sunburn development (2.2.2), their
reflection should lower the plant's sensitivity to sunburn. Thanks to this
reflective action, kaolin treatment can improve the plant's water conditions,
and diminishes its hydric stress (Glenn and Puterka, 2010; Glenn et al.,
Moreover, another study demonstrated that kaolin spraying on
leaves can increase the photosynthetic activity of the berries growing under
low light conditions inside the canopy due to higher reflection of PAR in the
inner zones (Garrido et al., 2019).
4.2.4 Early leaf defoliation to increase grape berries
sun resistance
The grape berries are partially protected from light and heat
stress thanks to their epicuticular waxes. The waxes protect the berries from
PAR and UV radiation by reflection, absorption and scattering mechanisms,
allowing to reduce the exposure levels in the tissues of the berry. However,
the epicuticular wax layer of the berries' capacity to scatter light depends on
parameters such as the berry's size and the wax crystals distribution and
orientation. There are two types of wax crystals: plate-like and amorphous. The
plate-like wax crystals have a tendency to scatter a higher proportion of light
than amorphous waxes (Jenks and Ashworth, 2010).
According to a study, plate-like wax crystals prevail in
light-exposed grape berries, while amorphous wax crystals prevail in grape
berries grown in the shade of the canopy (Muganu et al., 2011). Sunburn causes
the degradation of the plate-like wax crystalline structure into amorphous
masses, leading to higher levels of dehydration and water permeability of the
berry (Greer et al., 2006; Bondada and Keller, 2012).
Other studies evaluated that sun-exposed berries possess
thicker cell walls and an epicuticular wax layer than the shaded ones, thanks
to their higher capacity to reflect light (Muganu et al., 2011; Rosenquist and
Morrison, 1989; Jenks and Ashworth, 1999; Verdenal et al., 2019), proving that
early berry sun-exposure can be beneficial against sunburn.
Accordingly to the fact that sun-exposed berries retain more
plate-like wax crystals, we can conclude that exposing berries to sun under
normal conditions leads to a higher production of plate-like wax crystals, and
therefore protects the berries from sunburn by scattering a higher proportion
of light.
Besides, the exposure of grape berries to sunlight increases
their levels of sugars, anthocyanins and phenolics. Early leaf removal on the
canopy allows higher exposure of the berries, and therefore induces their skin
thickening, providing more epidermal layers destined to the storage of
anthocyanin compounds for protection against sunburn. The increase in sunlight
exposure of berries on early defoliated vines also induces the expression of
cell wall metabolism, resulting in an increase in berry skin thickness (Pastore
et al., 2013).
Consequently, as a response to light exposure, the cuticle of
the exposed berries synthetizes and accumulates higher levels of polyphenols.
Moreover, light-exposed berries possess a thicker epidermis than shaded
berries, due to their increased polyphenols accumulation (Pastore et al., 2013;
Solovchenko, 2010), providing protection for the berry against sunburn.
In order to expose the berries to sun rays progressively, we
can perform early defoliation on the canopy at a moderate intensity, and on the
morning sun-exposed side of the canopy, so that the sun rays remain
All the presented solutions aim to reduce the effects of
climate change. However, two of them are focused on reducing the damages linked
with grape sunburn: kaolin and early defoliation. As we decided to focus on the
sunburn issue in this report, only those two solutions will be explored.
5. Problem and hypotheses
5.1 Problem
As mentioned earlier in this report, climate change is causing
the recent multiplication of both drought and canicular events during summer in
the Médoc region. Therefore, more and more grape sunburn has been
observed, resulting in yield and economic losses. Global warming has caused a
modification of the typical Médoc climate, forcing the producers to
change their production habits. Producers indeed have the choice between
choosing to change the way they produce their wines (change the grape variety
for example) at the risk of producing wines with different organoleptic
profiles, or to adapt to climate change by finding short term solutions to
reduce sunburn.
Château Margaux being an iconic figure of the
Médoc vineyard, and being known worldwide for its exceptional wines, it
seems impossible for them to entirely change their wines profiles. Their only
option is to find solutions to adapt at a production level, without affecting
their grapes and wines quality.
In the long-term, they plan on reorienting their plots of land
to reduce the grapes exposure to the sun on the afternoon. Before being able to
do so, they need to find short-term solutions.
The objective of this study is to find short-term solutions to
adapt and reduce the effects and consequences of grape sunburn on Château
Margaux's wine production.
The problem that will be addressed in this report is:
What short-term solutions can be applied to a
Médoc vineyard to significantly reduce its losses linked with grape
- Will the spraying of a kaolin-based solution on the
grapevine allow to protect the vineyard against grape sunburn?
o Are the symptoms of grape sunburn reduced with the kaolin
spraying on high-temperatures periods?
o Is the microclimate of the bunch lower with the kaolin
o Will the sprayed kaolin improve the grapevine physiology and
its hydric state in stressing conditions?
- Will the early defoliation of grapevine allow to protect the
vineyard against grape sunburn?
o Are the symptoms of grape sunburn reduced with the early
defoliation of the grapevine on high-temperatures periods?
o Will the early grapevine defoliation increase the berries'
secondary metabolites production to protect them against sunburn?
- Is there a significant difference between the tested
methods? Which solution seems to be the most efficient against grape
- Will berry quality be impacted by kaolin treatments and early
canopy defoliation?
- What effects the implementation of these potential solutions
will have on the current vineyard management strategy?
The mission of this report will be to prove the efficacity of
two different methods to potentially reduce grape sunburn. Both methods will be
tested in the vineyard to evaluate their effect on grape sunburn, for the 2022
It can be proposed to test both the use of a kaolin-based
solution, as well as the use of early moderate plant defoliation before berry
set on the vineyard to evaluate their impact on sunburn.
5.2 Hypotheses
Based on the bibliographic review conducted, and on the studied
problems, different hypotheses were formulated:
H1: Applying a kaolin-based particle film on grapes and leaves
will reflect a small part of solar radiation, allowing the leaves and grapes to
get cooler and diminishing the losses linked with grape sunburn.
H2: The application of a kaolin-based film on the vine plants
will improve the hydric state of the grapevine in hydric stressing
H3: Early moderate defoliation of the grapevine plant will allow
the plant to be exposed sooner to solar radiation and will allow it to form a
stronger protective skin that will be able to resist to high-temperatures and
H4: The difference in terms of grape sunburn symptoms will be
significant between the control modality, the kaolin treated modality, and the
defoliation modality.
H5: Berry quality and physiology won't be negatively impacted by
kaolin treatments and early canopy defoliation.
A study was therefore conducted at the scale of Château
Margaux in order to verify those hypotheses.

Figure 5: Scheme of the scientific process to verify
1. Study presentation
The study was carried out between March and September 2022 to
evaluate the effect of kaolin and early defoliation on Cabernet Sauvignon at
Château Margaux. The long-term objective will be to find alternative
solutions against grape sunburn on the parcels that can't be replanted at a
favorable orientation.
In order to validate the hypotheses, it will need to be
proven that sunburn can be significantly reduced by short-term solutions such
as early defoliation and kaolin spraying. An experimental set-up was therefore
designed in different parcels, allowing to compare different modalities.
The objective of this set-up is to conduct tests and measures
on grapevine to help Château Margaux to find adapted solutions to their
sunburn problem. Once the measures were conducted, they were analyzed and
compared to validate or eliminate hypotheses.
2. Experimental set-up
For the experimentation to start, different choices had to be
made. Among the decisions, the parcel choice and studied modalities were the
most important, as they can affect the results of the study. The parameters
that affected those decisions will be described in the experimental set-up.
2.1 Vineyard parcel choice
The choice of parcel for this study was made based on
different factors. The row orientation, the grape variety, and the frost damage
were the main variables that were considered for this choice.
2.1.1 The influence of row orientation for our
First, to expect some significant results, parcels with a
great intensity of sunburn damage from the previous years were chosen, to make
sure the results wouldn't be altered by the lack of sunburn.
In 2020, studies were conducted at Château Margaux to
evaluate if row orientation had an impact on grape sunburn. As a result, they
found that the best orientation to limit grape sunburn was North-East / South
-West (Porte, 2020). In order to make sure that the plot chosen for the study
would be the worst scenario case, plots with different exposures were chosen,
allowing more grape sunburn.
The first parcel chosen is called «Jean Brun Ouest»
(JBO) and is oriented East / West. It is part of the «Devant le
Château» production block. The second parcel chosen is called
«Les 4 Vents Sables» (L4VS) and is oriented North-West / South-East.
It is part of the «Plateau» production block. A map with every
parcel's orientation is available in Annex 6, and a map with the blocks
is available in Annex 4.
2.1.2 The grape variety studied
Both grapevine parcels produce red grapes from the Cabernet
Sauvignon grape variety. Both parcels are planted with a density of 10 000
plants/ha and are older than 10 years old. Those parcels were chosen for their
soil homogeneity, to avoid biases.
This specific variety was chosen to study because it
represents 52% of the total vineyard and is therefore the most important part
of the grape production at Château Margaux. Two parcels were chosen
rather than one in case differences in grape sunburn symptoms were observed
between orientations.
2.1.3 Frost damage evaluation
In order to make sure that the grape production would be
homogeneous in the plots chosen, a frost damage counting was performed
beforehand. The frosts occurred at the very beginning of April, and the
counting was done during this same month, to evaluate if many fruit-bearing bud
might be
affected. To do so, a scale from 1 (<30% of buds dead) to 3
(>75% of buds dead) was established. A few rows in the parcels were then
chosen where a note to each vine plant was given. Finally, the results were
calculated and mapped, so that the company has an idea of which plots were
affected by frost.
Both chosen parcels weren't affected by frost, which is an
additional reason as for why they were chosen.
2.2 Studied modalities and plan
For each parcel of land, three modalities were studied. The
first is the kaolin sprayed modality (K), the second is the early defoliation
modality (ED), and the last one is the control modality (C). To compare
modalities, it was decided to combine them all on one same parcel of land,
instead of allocating one parcel per study. By doing so, it reduced the
uncertainty of the results linked with the homogeneity and type of soil.
To reduce the incertitude linked with the heterogeneity of the
plot of land, each modality was repeated 3 times per parcel. By doing so, there
were a total of 9 blocks in one parcel, and 18 blocks in total (Figure 6
and Figure 7).

Figure 6: Scheme of the experimental plan of Les 4
Vents Sable, including the repartition of the modalities in the parcel,
the plots chosen, and the captors location

Figure 7: Scheme of the experimental plan of Jean
Brun Ouest, including the repartition of the modalities in the parcel,
the plots chosen, and the captors location
Inside each block, a plot of 10 selected plants was followed
during the rest of the study. Plots were chosen so that there wasn't any
missing plant around and inside the plot, to avoid false results. For example,
one missing plant just in front of the studied plot would increase its sun
exposure period, and therefore induce error into the results.
2.2.1 The kaolin modality
The kaolin modality received different sprayings during the
season. The spraying solution was prepared with a 20kg/ha dose of kaolin power
(Sokalciarbo by AgriSynergie), water, and adjuvant (Vizir by AgriSynergie) at a
dose of 20mL/100L of water as advised on the notice. The solution was mixed
using a Mixbox mixing tank (Annex 7). The dates of treatment were
defined based on the conditions observed. According to the kaolin powder's
technical data sheet (Agrisynergie, 2022), the sprayings had to be done between
bunch closure and veraison, before any heat wave, and after a leaching above
15mm. The maximum number of sprayings mustn't exceed 4 per year, and the last
spraying had to be done at least 15 days before harvest to avoid residues
(E-Phy, 2022).
The kaolin sprayings were done on the 14th of June,
the 7th of July, the 22nd of July, the 29th of July and
the 9th of August. A calendar is available in Annex 8, and
dose calculations were reported in Annex 9.

Figure 8: Photograph of Cabernet Sauvignon leaves
before (on le left) and after (on the right) the first kaolin spraying
June 2022
2.2.2 The early defoliation modality
For the early grapevine defoliation, a few leaves were
suppressed on only one side of the canopy, the North-Eastern side, exposed to
sun on mornings. The process was moderate and not drastic, in order to
gradually expose the grapes to the sun (Gaviglio 2022). Mostly the side shoots
of the plant were suppressed, to allow a better sun exposure, without exposing
too much the bunches (Figure 9).
According to bibliography, the defoliation had to be done
right after the flowering period, during the fruit setting stage to obtain
berries with a higher sun resistance (Serrano, 2018). The defoliation was done
in June the 1st for the Jean Brun Ouest parcel, and June the
2nd for Les 4 Vents Sable parcel. Early defoliation was performed
for both experimental parcels when more than 50% of the parcel was at the fruit
setting stage.

Figure 9: The same plant, before and after moderate
defoliation in June 2022
3. Material and measures
For each studied variable, its definition will be reminded, it
will be linked with one of the hypotheses/problems, the protocol and the
material needed will be presented, and finally the date of data acquisition
will be given.
3.1 Characterization of the 2022 vintage
Vintage characterization is done by analyzing the rainfall as
well as the different types of temperature for a defined period. The
meteorological data will help characterize the 2022 vintage to make sure the
conditions were conducive to sunburn.
Meteorological data were provided by Sencrop weather stations
located in the «Enclos» and «Plateau» blocks (their
location can be found in Annex 4), as well as a global Margaux station.
Values of under-shelter temperatures, humidity, rainfall and wind speed were
collected for the 2022 growing season.
The following meteorological data: minimum temperature,
maximum temperature, average temperature, and rainfall were recorded for each
day to characterize the specific conditions of each parcel. Meteorological data
collected of each parcel defined the climatic conditions along the growing
Based on the collected data, the number of days from March to
the end of August with a maximum temperature higher than 30°C was
calculated, in order to compare it with the previous years. Sunburn usually
happens when temperature is higher than 30°C, so this computation will
give information about previous sunburn events. The objective of this measure
is to verify the hypothesis that the 2022 weather conditions were conductive to
The vegetation zero is the minimum temperature from which a
plant can develop. For grapevine, the vegetation zero is 10°C (Ephytia,
2022), meaning that grapevine usually develops faster when temperatures are
higher than 10°C. The 10°C base temperature sum is therefore an
indicator for grapevine growth over a defined period. Red grape berries are
more sensitive to sunburn when mature, due to their darker color, and lower
radiation reflectance. The objective of this measure is to verify the
hypothesis that the 2022 weather conditions impacted the growth, and therefore
the phenological stages precocity of grapevine, resulting in higher sunburn
Since grapevine growing season starts in March, along with the
budburst, and ends with harvest, the weather data was only analyzed between
March and August 2022.
3.2 Grapevine physiology
3.2.1 Phenological stages
A plant's phenological stage is characterized by the plant's
development during its life cycle. The phenological study of a plant consists
of observing the date at which those stages appear (Roussey et al., 2021). The
objective of this variable is to define the precocity of both studied parcels,
to evaluate their potential impact on the results.
Phenological stages of reference parcels were evaluated using
a counting method. The most important stage that needed to be followed for our
study is the fruit setting stage when the flowers start to form berries after a
successful fertilization.
For the fruit setting stage, the percentage of bunches for one
reference plant that were set was counted and calculated. Then, at the parcel's
scale, an average was calculated. By repeating this evaluation at different
dates, the exact date of the mid-fruit setting stage was defined, to start
defoliating the grapevines. The exact same calculation method was done for the
other stages.
The results were then compared to previous years, to define the
precocity of the 2022 vintage.
3.2.2 Plant vigor
Plant vigor is observed by an increase in plant height and
density through time (Short and Woolfolk, 1956).
This variable reflects the canopy density and is therefore
supposedly negatively correlated with sunburn. This variable was measured to
make sure that they weren't any difference between the 3 studied modalities in
terms of vigor, that could potentially affect the results.
To evaluate the vigor of the grapevine plants, aerial images
were used. The vigor was estimated with an Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI)
based on the exact measurement of reflected light off the plants at different
wavelengths, using Vineview (Vineview, 2022). The EVI values range from 0 to 1.
Values close to 0 correspond to a bare ground, whereas values close to 1
correspond to a complete vegetation cover (Fraga et al., 2014).
The EVI maps extracted from Vineview dated from May 2022, so
that the data was before any kaolin treatment or defoliation.
3.2.3 Vegetation porosity
Vegetation porosity can be defined as the measure of blank
spaces in the canopy's vegetation, and is the fraction of the blank portion per
the non-blank portion of the canopy (Bélanger, 2017). The higher the
porosity, the higher the sun exposure, and the higher sunburn sensitivity
(Southey and Jooste, 1991). Vegetation porosity is evaluated by measuring the
Leaf Area Index (LAI) for different plants.
The objective of this measure is to control the homogeneity of
the followed plots, to make sure that significant differences aren't observed
between modalities that could affect the results.
To conduct this measure, the height, length and percentage of
blanks in one plant's foliage were evaluated. For each block, this measure was
conducted on 1 plant every 3 plants (3 plants out of the 10 reference plants).
The measures were done in August the 3rd, during the grapevine
maturation process, when it was evaluated that canopy had stopped its
3.2.4 Grapevine water status
Grapevine hydric condition can be estimated my measuring the
water potential of the vine. There are different types of water potentials.
Both potentials are measured using a Scholander pressure chamber (Annex
10). The grapevine water status of the plant is defined by estimating the
cell capacity to retain water, using the pressure of a neutral gas applied on
the leaf, at different points of the soil-plant-atmosphere system (Ojeda and
Saurin, 2014). The more the plant will be stressed, the more pressure will need
to be applied to extract sap. The pressure needed represents the current hydric
state of the leaf (Dufourcq, 2022; Deloire et al., 2005).
Both measures of water potential will be conducted in order to
answer to the hypothesis that spraying kaolin can positively impact the
grapevine hydric state in stressing conditions. Predawn Leaf Water Potential
Predawn Leaf Water Potential (PLWP) is an estimator to assess
soil water availability for species like grapevine at the scale of a parcel
(Suter et al., 2019).
This measure gives an estimation of the basic hydric condition
of the parcel, to make sure that there are no signs of water stress that could
influence results. It is done predawn (from 2am to 6am) and represents a state
of balance between the vine plant hydric state and the soil hydric condition.
It gives a threshold reference of the current soil water availability for the
plants at the scale of the parcel (Deloire et al., 2005).
Only the PLWP for the reference plant of the control
modalities of the parcel (3 reference plants) was measured, so that it gives an
idea of the evolution of the global hydric condition of the parcel.
For this measure, one leaf of each control modality is cut off
the plant, and the petiole is inserted through the lid of the pressure chamber,
its cut end remaining exposed. The chamber is then activated, and the petiole
is examined until liquid is observed on its surface. When there is liquid, the
chamber is turned off and the pressure on the gauge at which water was observed
corresponds to the PLWP.
The PLWP measure was taken at different periods during the
growing season to obtain an evolution of the water availability through the
summer. The PLWP was measured in June the 16th, July the
11th and 13th, and July the 26th. Midday Stem Water Potential
The Midday Stem Water Potential (MSWP) is a measure that
represents the state of water tension during the plant transpiration, under
stressing conditions. This method is usually more precise than the PLWP and is
used to compare the hydric constraints of different modalities (Dufourcq,
The objective of this measure is to compare it between
modalities, to define whether or not using kaolin helped reducing the hydric
stress of the plant.
This measure is done at the solar noon (around 2pm) after at
least 4 days without rain, so it remains precise. The objective of the stem
water potential is to give an idea of the grapevine hydric condition during the
experimentation period (Dufourcq, 2022).
The chosen leaf is placed in an opaque bag for at least two
hours. Then, the leaf is cut off the plant, and the petiole is inserted through
the lid of the chamber, its cut end remaining exposed. As for the PLWP, the
chamber is then activated, and the petiole is examined until liquid is observed
on its surface. When there is liquid, the chamber is turned off and the
pressure on the gauge at which water was observed corresponds to the stem water
For this experiment, one reference plant per block for each
modality was defined (9 reference plants per parcel). The MSWP of each
reference plant was measured, in the Scholander pressure chamber.
Like for the PLWP, the MSWP measure was taken at different
periods during the growing season, on June the 13th, July the
12th, and August the 11th. Leaf surface temperature
Leaf surface temperature can be defined as the measure of
grapevine's canopy temperature. This measure was proven to be a good indicator
of water stress.
Stomatal closure is one of the earliest responses to hydric
stress for grapevines. In constant environmental conditions, the leaves'
temperatures should decrease because of stomatal conductance increase. The
higher the leaves' temperatures, the less the vine plant has access to water
(Grant et al., 2016). In normal conditions, grapevine should be able to reduce
its leaves temperature with transpiration through stomatal conductance. When
the hydric stress becomes important, plant transpiration ceases, and the leaves
temperatures rise. Leaves temperature is therefore a good indicator of
grapevine water stress (Jackson et al., 1981).
The objective of this measure is to verify the hypothesis that
kaolin allows the leaves to reduce their temperatures by reducing the stress of
the plant. By comparing the leaf surface temperature between modalities, we can
potentially put into light differences of hydric stress.
Additionally, the temperature of sun-exposed leaves was taken
during different afternoons in the season, at the bunch level. 30 leaves per
modality were randomly chosen (10 leaves per block x 3 blocks) and their
temperatures were measured using a manual infrared thermometer (IM8823,
For the choice of date to measure the temperatures, the
external air temperature should be around 30°C, which is the temperature
around which leaves stop their photosynthesis and rise in temperature as they
cannot continue to perform evapotranspiration. As kaolin reflects light,
studies on grapevine reported that it can reduce the leaves temperature up to
3-8°C (Agrisynergie, 2022), enough for the plant to continue its
Temperature was measured when kaolin was still present on the
leaves, and not after a period of rain where it could have been washed-out.
After the first heatwave in June, it rained, washing kaolin off the leaves, not
allowing the measure leaf temperature with kaolin. Consequently, this measure
was conducted after the other kaolin treatments on July the 11th to
the 13th, July the 26th and 28th, and August
the 9th.
3.3 Bunches microclimate
Bunches microclimate was evaluated throughout the season. The
main variables evaluated were the bunch temperature and the received
3.3.1 Temperature of the bunch of grapes
The bunch temperature can be defined as the temperature
measure of the bunch of grapes at a specific moment of time during the growing
Bunch temperature was used in order to verify the hypothesis
that applying a kaolin-based particle film on grapes and leaves will reflect a
small part of solar radiation, allowing the bunches to get cooler. It was also
used to verify the impact of early defoliation on bunch temperature, as no
bibliography clearly stated a significant difference.
The microclimate temperature of the fruit zone was measured on
the 9 plots of each parcel (3 modalities x 3 repetitions). To measure this
temperature, temperature and luminosity captors (HOBO Pendant MX2202, ONSET)
were placed on the afternoon sun-exposed side of the row (Figure 10).

Figure 10: Photographs of a HOBO captor position
next to a bunch of grapes
The captors were positioned so that they were in the same
exposure and temperature conditions as the studied bunch of grapes. The
chosen position of the captors was near bunches of grapes with high
sunburn risk. Those bunches are indeed shady in the morning
but exposed on the afternoon. One HOBO captor per block was positioned,
representing 9 captors per parcel.
Additionally, 4 under-shelter temperature and relative
humidity Tinytag captors were positioned on each parcel. They were placed at
different places of the parcel so that they give the mesoclimate of the parcel.
Both captor types were programmed so that the data is captured continuously
during the season, every 15 minutes. Tinytag captors' results were used to
obtain the under-shelter temperature and humidity at a smaller scale than the
weather stations to verify if there were differences at the scale of the
Before activating both the HOBO and Tinytag captors on the
parcels, they were calibrated to make sure their data was similar and remove
the ones with odd results.
To verify the bunch temperature difference between modalities,
the temperature of 30 bunches of grapes per modality was taken with the
infrared thermometer (IM-8823, iMesure) at given times. The bunches were chosen
randomly and had to be sun-exposed during the afternoon. The measures took
place during high-temperature days before and during fruit ripening on the
13th to 17th of June, and on the 3rd of August
during maturation, when kaolin was visible on the canopy. Different measures
were done in June to calibrate the bunch temperature model at a more precise
degree, and later measures were done in August to evaluate the bunch
temperature difference after Véraison.
3.3.2 Luminosity of the microclimate
The measure of luminosity can be defined as an estimation of
the received luminosity by the bunches of grapes, a factor that can greatly
influence the apparition of sunburn symptoms.
The objective of this measure is to give an idea of the
received solar radiation for each modality, at the bunch level. This measure
should verify the hypothesis that applying a kaolin-based particle film on
grapes and leaves will reflect a small part of solar radiation, and that
moderate early defoliation will allow sooner and higher sun exposure.
The luminosity data was used to verify those hypotheses, by
comparing acquired luminosity between modalities.
Using the HOBO captors, luminosity received by the canopy was
measured every 15 minutes of every day of the growing season. This data was
used to enrich the bunch temperature calibration model to compare modalities,
in order to find for each modality, the correlation degree between luminosity
and bunch temperature. The objective of this measure is to give a more precise
bunch temperature for each modality, based on the fact that luminosity
influences bunch temperature and sunburn symptoms.
3.4 Quantification of sunburn symptoms
Quantifying grape sunburn will help to evaluate the influence
of both kaolin and early defoliation on the symptoms. The objective of this
measure is to verify if both methods will positively impact sunburn symptoms
This measure will have the role to verify the hypothesis that
the difference in terms of grape sunburn symptoms will be significant between
the control modality, the kaolin treated modality, and the defoliation
In order to quantify sunburn symptoms, counts in the vineyard
were done throughout the season on both bunches and leaves. For each parcel, 10
grapevine reference plants per block (30 per modality) were observed and their
symptoms were evaluated.
3.4.1 Bunch counting
Bunch counting is a measure that estimates the number of
bunches one grapevine plant will produce. The objective of this measure is to
evaluate the average number of bunches per grapevine plant, in order to weight
the results, based on the average number of bunches per reference plot.
To do so, for each parcel 5 plots of 10 consecutive plants
were defined in different parts of the parcel, and for each plant the number of
clusters were counted. By doing so, it gives an idea of the average number of
grape bunches per parcel, and therefore an idea of the future yield.
A first count occurred in June the 14th. Thinning
operations took place on both parcels between July the 5th and July the
8th, leading to another count on July the 13th.
3.4.2 Quantification of bunch sunburn
As mentioned earlier, grape sunburn can lead to two forms of
symptoms: the first one being the browning of the berries, and the second one
being the withering of the bunch. Bunch sunburn can greatly affect the quality
of the berry, as well as the yield, as it can dry up entire bunches.
The objective of this measure is to verify the influence of
the modalities on the bunch sunburn symptoms, and to define whether or not the
applied methods are working.
To quantify the sunburn symptoms on the bunches of berries,
each affected bunch out of the reference plots were counted and the intensity
of sunburn symptoms in percentage was visually estimated. The frequency was
then calculated by dividing the number of affected bunches by the total number
of bunches. Finally, damages caused by sunburn (Frequency*Intensity) were
estimated, to give an idea of the losses linked with sunburn.
To obtain the total number of bunches per block, the
previously calculated average number of bunches per grapevine plant per parcel
(3.4.1) was used. It was then multiplied by 10 (as there were 10 plants
per block) to obtain the total number of bunches.
The first bunch sunburn symptoms evaluation counts took place
on: June the 22nd and 27th. Other visual counts were
performed later in July the 20th and August the 17th
after two main sunburn episodes. In between, another evaluation was performed
in July the 8th and 11th because thinning was done by
hand on the 5th and 8th of July for JBO and L4VS
3.4.3 Quantification of leaves sunburn
Although leaf sunburn doesn't have a negative effect on the
berry yield and quality, it is a great indicator of heat stress undergone by
the plant.
Quantifying leaf sunburn will allow us to verify the effects
of both kaolin and early defoliation on the canopy. Under hot and dry
conditions, stomata must close to prevent dehydration (Brodribb and Holbrook,
2003). However, as kaolin should reduce canopy temperature by causing stomatal
opening, it could potentially cause superior leaf dehydration.
In order to quantify the sunburn symptoms on the leaves out of
the 10 reference plants per plot, the number of plants with leaf sunburn were
counted and sunburn intensity was visually estimated. By doing so, it gives an
intensity and frequency evolution during the followed period of time.
The frequency was calculated by dividing the number of
affected plants by the total number of plants per block (10). Just as for the
bunch sunburn evaluation, total damages were calculated by multiplying the
frequency of leaf sunburn by the average intensity of affected plants. The
leaves sunburn symptoms evaluation counts took place on: June the
8th, July the 26th, and August the 17th.
3.5 Berries quality evaluation
Berry quality evaluation is a process that will help verify
the hypothesis that berry quality won't be negatively impacted by kaolin
treatments and early canopy defoliation. Quality evaluation will be based on
different criteria such as: the berries mass and volume, and the measure of
primary and secondary metabolites per modality.
3.5.1 Berries mass and volume
Berries mass represents the weight of the berries while their
volume can be defined as the space they occupy.
Because kaolin and early defoliation can significantly reduce
sunburn symptoms, they can consequently reduce the number of withered berries,
and therefore increase the average berries volume compared to the control
modality. However, the volume difference linked with sunburn often isn't
significative on grapevine, as berries are small (Brillante et al., 2016).
The objective of this measure is to verify the hypothesis that
berry physiology won't be negatively impacted by kaolin treatments and early
canopy defoliation.
To evaluate the mass and volume of the berries, the berries
that were picked for primary and secondary analysis were used. They were
weighted to obtain an approximation of the mass of 100 berries per modality.
The average berry volume was precisely calculated using a
Dyostem (by Oenosens). Berries were inserted in the machine for each modality,
and their volume was precisely measured.
Berries mass and volume were measured from July the
21st to August the 22nd.
3.5.2 Primary and secondary metabolites
Grape quality is determined by the contents of the primary and
secondary metabolites (Pavlouek and Kumta, 2011).
The objective of evaluating the berries metabolites between
modalities is therefore to verify the hypothesis that berry quality won't be
negatively impacted by kaolin treatments and early canopy defoliation.
To do so, primary and secondary metabolites have been measured
and studied during the maturation phase of the berries, to make sure no
significant differences could be observed between modalities. Primary metabolites
Primary metabolites come from the primary metabolism that
regroups synthesis paths necessary to growth and plant development. Grape
primary metabolites involve sugars and organic acids (Chaabani, 2019; Pavlouek
and Kumta, 2011).
The objective of comparing primary metabolites levels between
modalities is to verify that both treatments won't affect wine quality.
The total acidity of a berry should reduce as it is maturing,
while the sugars and pH should increase, as a response to the ripening process.
Consequently, the higher the sugar and pH levels, and the lower the acidity
levels, the more mature the berry.
To evaluate the primary metabolites per modality throughout
the season, tests were run on berries samples. Samples of 200 to 300 berries
per modality were collected in plastic freezer bags. Berries were randomly
picked on both sides of the canopy, at 4 levels of the bunches.
The samples were then taken to Château Margaux's
laboratory where analyses were conducted. The berries were pressed to extract
their juice. The pH and density were measured using an automatic titrator.
Total and malic acidity were measured using a sequential titrator. Malic
acidity measure has a major consequence on the final produced wine acidity. If
the measures of malic acidities are significantly different modalities, it will
affect the final produced wine.
The sugar concentration in the berries was followed by modality,
using the juice density measure.
From July the 21st to August the 22nd,
analyses were conducted on the berries once a week to follow their evolution
until they reach full maturity. Secondary metabolites
Secondary metabolites come from the secondary metabolism that
regroups synthesis paths that aren't necessarily linked with plant growth.
Grape secondary metabolites involve phenolic compounds and aromatic substances
(Chaabani, 2019; Pavlouek and Kumta, 2011).
As seen earlier in this report (4.2.4), grapevine defoliation
is supposed to increase the berry's production of polyphenols and anthocyanins
due to a higher sun exposure and protect the berry from sunburn symptoms. To
make sure that the berries of the early defoliation modality have a stronger
protective skin than the other berries from different modalities, they were
analyzed. Measuring the accumulation of polyphenols and anthocyanins in the
berries will also give information on potential maturity differences between
modalities during the season.
At the same maturity level, the higher the polyphenols and
anthocyanins level, the thicker the berry skin.
To evaluate the primary metabolites per modality throughout
the season, tests were run on berries samples. Samples of 200 berries per
modality were collected in plastic freezer bags. Berries were randomly picked
on both sides of the canopy, at 4 levels of the bunches.
The samples were then taken to an external laboratory (Excell)
where analyses were conducted. The berries were crushed and centrifuged to
analyze their juice using spectrophotometry. For both the anthocyanins and the
phenolic compounds, the concentration in the berry was measured, and indexes
were calculated. As a result, total anthocyanins, Folin-Ciocalteu
index6, and total polyphenols / total polyphenols index levels were
Analyses were conducted on August the 3rd and the
10th, to make sure berries were ripe enough.
3.6 Managerial and organizational
When trying to implement new solutions into the current
organization, it is important to take into account the managerial and
organizational implications linked with these new practices.
The objective of measuring managerial and organizational
implications is to answer the following problem: what effects the
implementation of these potential solutions will have on the current vineyard
management strategy?
To evaluate the managerial implications linked with the
implementation of such preventive solutions against grape sunburn, an interview
of the vineyard manager of the company was conducted to understand how it will
affect the vineyard's activity.
6 Measure of optic density based on phenolic
compounds oxidation. Reflects the total level of phenolic compounds in
To evaluate the impact of climate change on the production
management and on the wine typicity, an interview was conducted with the
vineyard manager of Château Margaux.
The interview was completed on July the 19th, and its
content transcribed in Annex 2.
4. Statistical data processing of the results
For the characterization of the 2022 vintage, different graphs
and tables were produced. To analyze the weather stations data, a graph was
modelized representing for each weather station the maximum, minimum, and
average temperatures, and rainfall evolution throughout the growing season. To
compare the last growing seasons to our results, a table was done to compare
the number of days with a maximum temperature higher than 30°C for the
last 5 growing seasons. A 10°C base temperature sum was also calculated
for the last 5 growing seasons to see when the plant's development was at is
highest and lowest, and reported in a graph for comparison. To calculate the
10°C base temperature sum, the average temperatures of each day of the
studied period above 10°C were added.
The phenological stages dates results were reported in a table
for each parcel, and their results were compared to one another.
To evaluate the plant vigor of out three studied modalities,
the EVI values were extracted from the studied plots in Vineview and an average
EVI value was calculated for each modality out of their three repetitions. The
values were then reported in a table. Then, a one-way ANOVA analysis was
conducted using XLSTAT to determine if there are any significant differences
between the modalities (XLSTAT, 2022a). If plots were noticed as significantly
different from the others in terms of vigor, they were removed from the other
For the porosity measure, once the measurements were taken,
the Leaf Area Index (LAI) was calculated
using the following formula:
LAI (in m2/soil m2) = (2*H + L) *
(1 - B) / S
- H: height (in m)
- L: length (in m)
- B: blank space percentage (in %)
- S: row spacing (in m) (Prezman 2022)
The LAI results per modality were reported in a table and a
one-way ANOVA analysis was conducted using XLSTAT, to highlight any possible
significant differences between modalities (XLSTAT, 2022a). The means resulting
from the ANOVA were compared using the LSD function of the Fisher Test on
XLSTAT, at a trust level of 0,95.
Both types of water potential measures (PLWP and MSWP) were
reported in histogram graphs. Bounds between different hydric intensity values
were also implemented into the graph, based on data provided by a study on vine
water status (Leeuwen et al., 2009). Differences between MSWP values for each
modality were evaluated with a LSD Fisher test at a trust level of 0,95 by
conducting an ANOVA, in order to define if values are significantly different
between modalities, at different periods of the season.
The leaf temperature data was measured then entered into
databases. A one-way ANOVA was then conducted on these measures using a LSD
Fisher test at a trust level of 0,95 between the three modalities for each
parcel, using XLSTAT, to highlight any significant differences in leaf
temperature (XLSTAT, 2022a).
Before implementing HOBO and Tinytag captors into the
vineyard, they were calibrated. The calibration consisted in leaving the
captors in the same conditions for a few hours, and comparing their results,
order to make sure that they were homogeneous. The results
were modelized in a graph using Excel where we plot the temperature, light and
humidity data depending on the time.
The Tinytag captors' data was exported, and the results were
plotted using an Excel graph for each parcel. Captors were compared to one
another to verify potential intra-parcel temperature differences. The
comparison dates chosen (between June the 17th and the
19th) correspond to the first heatwave event in June, to make sure
that captors data do not differ with high temperatures.
The IR manually taken temperatures between modalities were not
only used for the bunch temperature model, but also for punctual comparison
between modalities, during hot sunny days. The results were reported in a graph
where measured bunch temperatures were compared between modalities for each
studied parcel. A one-way ANOVA was also conducted on those results, using
XLSTAT, to verify if the bunch temperature was significantly different between
modalities (XLSTAT, 2022a).
To acquire the bunch temperature for the studied period of
time, the IR manually taken temperatures needed to be compared to the HOBO
light and temperature data at given days and hours to produce a database. In
the database, data was analyzed by modality and parcel at different stages of
the growing season.
Based on the HOBO and IR temperature and light data, multiple
linear regression analysis for each modality (6 in total: 3 modalities * 2
parcels) were done using XLSTAT to give the degree of influence of each
variable on the bunch temperature (XLSTAT, 2022b). By doing so, XLSTAT gave us
correlations between data in order to produce an equation for the bunch
temperature. Before using the formula produced, the p-values were checked to
make sure they were significant. Once the IR bunch temperature equations were
obtained, they were used to produce a bunch temperature calibration model to
apply to the HOBO data. The modelized bunch temperatures between modalities
were then compared to define if there were significant differences justifying
the use of kaolin or canopy defoliation. Those bunch temperatures were compared
using a graph in Excel, and the control modality was used as a reference.
The bunch luminosity data was used for the bunch temperature
calibration model where it was implemented into the multiple linear regression
analysis as a variable.
Bunch counting data was used to be implemented into the
calculation of sunburn symptoms frequency and damages on both bunches and
leaves. The frequency was calculated by dividing the number of bunches with
sunburn in the reference plot by the total number of bunches in the reference
plot (calculated by multiplying the average number of bunches per plant by the
number of plants by reference plot). The number of bunches was also reported in
a table.
The quantification of bunch and leaf sunburn symptoms were
processed the same way. Graphs were produced in order to compare the evolution
of sunburn frequency, intensity and damages between modalities throughout the
season. One-way ANOVAs were also done using XLSTAT and LSD Fisher tests at a
trust level of 0,95 were done to verify the damage significance between
modalities, to be able to conclude if both methods were actually efficient
(XLSTAT, 2022a). The results were reported in tables.
Primary and secondary metabolites, as well as mass and volume
data were used to produce graphs using pivot tables in Excel, where the
evolution of all measures were plotted throughout maturation. To evaluate the
sugar concentration in the berries, a table was used to convert the measured
juice density value in sugar level (g/L) (Schaeffer 2018).
The interview conducted for the managerial and organizational
implication part was used to report information about the consequences of
implementing new solutions in the vineyard practices.
For each LSD Fisher test conducted using an ANOVA in XLSTAT,
two groups with no letter in common are considered as statistically different
(p-value < 0,001). The values reported in tables in the results regroup the
average, the error margin, and the group letter.
After the study was set up, it started along with essential
measures for each parameter. The objective of this part is to remind the
studied data for every parameter, present the measured indicators, compare the
data to references, and finally interpret the data to answer our problems and
validate our hypotheses.
1. 2022 vintage characterization during the wine growing
Vintage characterization is an essential factor that will help
define the conditions of the study and their influence on its results. The 2022
vintage will be characterized based on its weather conditions as well as on the
dates of its phenological stages.
1.1 Weather conditions of the 2022 season
To characterize the 2022 vintage weather conditions, two
graphs were produced with data from the two weather stations near the studied
parcels. Because the data from both weather databases are very similar due to
the geographical proximity of both parcels, only the data from the Enclos
weather station will be presented on Figure 11, while the data from the
Plateau station will be available in Annex 11.

Figure 11: Evolution of the maximum, minimum and
average temperatures as well as the rainfall for the 2022 growing season,
from March the 1st until August the 22nd, based on the
Enclos weather station data.
Based on Figure 11, the 2022 wine growing season in
Margaux can be characterized by important rainfall episodes between March and
April with low temperatures. The season also faced a frost episode in April
between the 3rd and the 5th. Those episodes didn't
prosper during the season, and temperatures rose until they reached heat waves
mid-June, mid-July, and mid-August. Overall, the 2022 growing season can be
characterized as rainy until May, then hot and dry from June to September. The
maximum reached temperature was 41,4°C on July the 18th.
From 30°C (red line on Figure 11), the sunburn
risk increases (3.1). According to the Margaux weather station database, there
were 34 days during the 2022 wine growing season where the temperatures were
higher than 30°C and the sunburn risk was growing. Consequently, the 2022
growing season can be characterized as favorable to sunburn development, making
this study more significant.
In order to compare the risk of sunburn linked with
temperature peaks, the last 5 growing seasons were compared, and the number of
days that reached a maximum temperature higher than 30°C were reported in
Table 2, according to the Margaux local Sencrop weather station.
Table 2: Comparison of the number of days where the
maximum temperature (Tmax) was higher than 30°C, for the last 5 growing
season, from March the 1st to August the 22th, according
to the Margaux Sencrop weather station data
Number of days where Tmax > 30°C
More days above 30°C were observed in 2022 than in the
last 5 years. In 2021, the number of days with a maximum temperature above
30°C were lower than the other years, resulting in less sunburn. This
could lead to think that the 2022 growing season was more affected by grape
To compare and evaluate grapevine's plant growth over the 2022
growing season, the 10°C base temperature sum was calculated for the last
5 growing seasons in Figure 12.

Figure 12: Comparison of the 10°C base
temperature sum for the last 5 growing seasons, from March the 1st to August
the 22th, based on the Margaux Sencrop weather station data
Based on Figure 12, the 10°C base temperature sum
seems to be higher during the 2022 growing season compared to the other
seasons. It is higher than the average temperature sum between 1996 and 2015.
The 2021 and 2019 seasons seem to be lower in terms of temperature sum than the
other years.
Thus, the phenological stages of the 2022 growing season could
have been shifted resulting in a higher berry sunburn sensitivity.
Overall, the 2022 growing season in Margaux can be
characterized by important heatwaves causing intense plant growth. This season
was hotter than the last 5 seasons, and the 10°C base temperature was
higher than the other seasons. All the results show that the 2022 vintage
meteorological data were conducive to grape sunburn.
1.2 Phenological stages of the 2022 season
The dates of the key phenological stages for the two studied
parcels were reported in Table 3. The dates of those stages for the last
4 growing seasons for both parcels were reported in Annex 12.
Table 3: Dates of key phenological stages for the
Key phenological stages
Mid-bud burst
Les 4 Vents Sables
April, the 9th
May, the 22nd
July, the 31st
Jean Brun Ouest
April, the 11th
May, the 24th
July, the 31st
Based on the Annex 12, the mid-bud burst dates were
tardive as temperatures remained low during April and March, but the
mid-flowering date was early due to high temperatures in May. A frost-freeze
event occurred in April, but no late frost event was observed. The mid-ripening
dates were also early, due to the high 10°C temperature sum, compared to
the other years. As the mid-ripening stage was shifted, the berries started to
change color earlier, and were therefore more sensitive to solar radiation,
affecting their sunburn sensitivity.
Globally, both parcels' phenological stages were close to one
another. The parcels can therefore be compared without their phenological
stages affecting the results.
2. Homogeneity verification between
2.1 Plant vigor homogeneity
The EVI maps from Vineview (Annex 13 and Annex
14) show that the Jean Brun Ouest parcel is more vigorous than Les 4 Vents
Sable. They also show that there are zones inside the parcels where the vigor
isn't homogeneous with the rest. For example, in Jean Brun Ouest, the East part
of the parcel is vigorous whereas the West part isn't.
The left of Les 4 Vents Sable parcel is an important
non-vigorous zone. To make sure that our observations remain homogeneous, plots
with higher EVI values were chosen, apart from this zone, so that it doesn't
affect the study. To verify that the EVI differences between modalities were
minor, a Fisher Test at a trust level of 0.95 was conducted using the LSD
function. The results of this test were reported in Table 4 and Table
Table 4: Results of the LSD Fisher Test on Enhanced
Vegetation Indexes (EVI) of the different modalities in the JBO parcel
Kaolin 0.455 #177; 0.012 A
Early Defoliation 0.478 #177; 0.012 A
Control 0.455 #177; 0.012 A
Table 5: Results of the LSD Fisher Test on Enhanced
Vegetation Indexes (EVI) of the different modalities in the L4VS parcel
Kaolin 0.397 #177; 0.010 A
Early Defoliation 0.393 #177; 0.010 A
Control 0.415 #177; 0.010 A
Based on the averaged EVI data per modality and on the Fisher
Test results, the differences of EVI between modalities aren't significant (all
modalities were classified in the same group).
Consequently, there are no significant differences in plant vigor
between modalities that could potentially affect the results. Plant vigor is
therefore homogeneous in the studied plots and won't impact the results of
sunburn symptoms.
2.2 Vegetation porosity homogeneity
To make sure that the different modalities were studied in
similar conditions, the canopy porosity values calculated from the photographs
taken were reported in Table 6 and Table 7.
Table 6: Results of the LSD Fisher Test on Leaf Area
Indexes (LAI) of the different modalities in the JBO parcel
Kaolin 1.661 #177; 0.113 A
Early Defoliation 1.614 #177; 0.113 A
Control 1.579 #177; 0.113 A
Table 7: Results of the LSD Fisher Test on Leaf Area
Indexes (LAI) of the different modalities in the L4VS parcel
Kaolin 1.786 #177; 0.146 A
Early Defoliation 1.683 #177; 0.146 A
Control 1.878 #177; 0.146 A
Based on the results from the Fisher test, there aren't any
significant differences between the average vegetation porosities on both
parcels (all modalities were classified in the same group).
Consequently, it can be concluded that all the modalities
inside both parcels are on average equally exposed to sun. Porosity won't
affect the results on sunburn symptoms between modalities.
3. Plant hydric state evaluation
To determine the hydric state of the grapevine plants, two
types of indicators were used to evaluate the potential impact of kaolin
spraying and vine defoliation: water potentials, and leaf temperature.
3.1 Stem and Predawn Leaf Water Potentials
To start with, the Predawn Leaf Water Potential measure was
evaluated throughout the season, and the values were reported in Figure

Figure 13: Evolution of predawn leaf water potential
for both studied parcels
Because of the weather conditions of the 2022 vintage, the hydric
constraint grew at the scale of the parcel from June to August. The JBO parcel
has on average a higher water deficit than the L4VS parcel.
Both parcels were in stressing conditions by the end of the
growing season. Consequently, it can be concluded that there were signs of
water stress during the season, that could potentially influence the
Then, the Stem Water Potential was evaluated throughout the
season as well, and the values were reported in Figure 14.

Figure 14: Evolution of stem water potential for
both studied parcels
For every modality on both parcels, the water constraint was
initially low and became moderate to high later in the season.
By comparing this variable between modalities, it shows that for
both parcels the water constraint is on average lower for the kaolin modality,
in stressing conditions. To verify this hypothesis, an LSD Fisher test was
conducted, and its results were reported in Table 8 and Table
Table 8: Results of the LSD Fisher Test on August
the 11th Stem Water Potentials (SWP) of the different modalities in the
JBO parcel
Kaolin -1.645 #177; 0.066 A
Early Defoliation -1.663 #177; 0.066 A
Control -1.630 #177; 0.066 A
Table 9: Results of the LSD Fisher Test on August
the 11th Stem Water Potentials (SWP) of the different modalities in
L4VS parcel
Kaolin -1.052 #177; 0.045 A
Early Defoliation -1.276 #177; 0.045 B
Control -1.163 #177; 0.045 AB
Based on the Fisher test results, the kaolin modality is
significantly less stressed than the early defoliation modality for the L4VS
parcel. However, based on the PLWP results, the JBO parcel was more stressed
than the L4VS parcel, making it harder for kaolin to improve water use.
Consequently, it can be concluded that both water potential
measures validated the hypothesis that spraying kaolin can slightly improve the
grapevine hydric state up to a certain degree of stressing conditions.
3.1 Leaf temperature
The leaf temperature data was taken with an IR thermometer for
each modality and the results were reported in Figure 15.

Figure 15: Leaf temperature per modality for both
parcels, taken with an infrared thermometer, between July the 11th and
August the 9th
Figure 15 shows slight differences in leaf temperature
between modalities. It can be observed that the kaolin modality is on average
cooler by 2 to 3°C than the other modalities. However, based on the
uncertainty bars on Figure 15, the temperature differences do not seem
to be significant.
In order to verify this hypothesis, an ANOVA was conducted
using an LSD Fisher test, and its results were reported in Table 10 and
Table 11.
Table 10: Results of the LSD Fisher test on leaf
temperature of the different modalities in the JBO parcel
Early Defoliation
July the 11th
43.62 #177; 0.54 B
45.35 #177; 0.54 A
45.91 #177; 0.54 A
July the 13th
36.50 #177; 0.75 B
38.53 #177; 0.75 AB
39.80 #177; 0.75 A
July the 26th
29.47 #177; 0.83 B
30.12 #177; 0.83 B
33.31 #177; 0.83 A
July the 28th
35.57 #177; 0.57 B
37.38 #177; 0.57 A
37.42 #177; 0.57 A
August the 9th
31.33 #177; 0.76 B
34.27 #177; 0.76 A
36.09 #177; 0.76 A
Table 11: Results of the LSD Fisher test on leaf
temperature of the different modalities in the L4VS parcel
Early Defoliation
July the 11th
32.12 #177; 0.71 B
36.03 #177; 0.71 A
33.97 #177; 0.71 B
July the 13th
27.90 #177; 0.55 B
29.51 #177; 0.55 A
28.66 #177; 0.55 AB
July the 26th
23.54 #177; 0.49 A
24.87 #177; 0.49 A
24.18 #177; 0.49 A
July the 28th
27.33 #177; 0.75 B
30.25 #177; 0.75 A
32.14 #177; 0.75 A
August the 9th
39.03 #177; 0.51 B
41.61 #177; 0.51 A
41.93 #177; 0.51 A
Based on the ANOVA results, leaf temperature measurements
showed a significative difference between modalities based on their group
classification. Overall, it can be observed that the kaolin modality is
significantly lower in leaf temperatures than the two other modalities for most
measurements. Significative differences in terms of leaf temperature between
the early defoliation and the control modalities were rarer, and both
modalities were considered close.
Consequently, this does prove that kaolin reduces
significantly leaf temperature, and validates the hypothesis that kaolin allows
the leaves to slightly reduce their temperatures by reducing the stress of the
plant, even by just a few degrees.
4. Fruit zone microclimate
As seen earlier in this report (4.2.3), kaolin-spraying
can influence bunches temperature, due to a higher reflection of the radiation.
To verify if kaolin significantly reduces the bunch temperature, bunch
temperature was measured during the growing season to conduct statistical
comparisons between modalities. Moreover, those measures helped calibrate a
bunch temperature model for the growing season.
4.1 Reduce error risks by calibrating the
In order to diminish the risks of error, the captors chosen to
be placed in the plots were calibrated to make sure they wouldn't produce wrong
values. The IR thermometer, the HOBO captors, and the Tinytag captors were all
calibrated to reduce risks of errors.
4.1.1 Infrared thermometer calibration
To reduce the risks of error of berry and leaf temperature
between modalities, all the measures were conducted with the same thermometer.
For one given parcel, only one person was in charge to take all the
measurements, to avoid the uncertainty linked to the observer.
Consequently, the measures done with the IR thermometer were
4.1.2 HOBO captors' calibration
Before implementing HOBO captors in the reference plots to
acquire data, they were calibrated. Two additional captors were ordered in case
some weren't working. The results of the temperature and light data were
reported in Figure 16 and Figure 17.

Figure 16: Comparison of temperature data between 20
potential usable HOBO captors, on the 2nd and 3rd of

Figure 17: Comparison of light data between 20
potential usable HOBO captors, on the 2nd and 3rd of June
Based on those graphs, results are overlaid, and the maximum
difference in temperature between captors was 0.002°C, and 0.01 for the
luminosity data. No captor showed values significantly different than the
others, so the captors needed for the reference plots were randomly chosen.
Consequently, all differences between values under 0.002°C
and 0.01 luminosity will not be considered as significant for
4.1.3 TinyTag captors' calibration
Before starting the study, there were 10 TinyTags but the study
only needed 8. This calibration helped to determine which ones were going to be
used and which ones weren't.
The temperature and humidity data were plotted on Figure
18 and Figure 19 using an Excel pivot chart.

Figure 18: Comparison of temperature data between 10
potential usable TinyTag captors, on the 23rd and 24th of

Figure 19: Comparison of relative humidity data
between 10 potential usable TinyTag captors, on the 23rd and
24th of May
Based on the results, the values of the TinyTag number 7 were too
different from the rest of the captors. Captor number 7 was therefore not
included in the study.
When comparing all the other values, excluding captor number 7, a
maximum difference of 0,458°C and 4,553%RH was observed between captors.
Captor number 10 was also excluded, whose temperature values were slightly
under the rest of the lot.
Therefore, all differences between values under 0,458°C and
4,553%RH will not be considered as significant for interpretation.
4.2 Climate of the parcels
The parcels under-shelter temperature and humidity were measured
using Tinytag captors at different positions. As both parcels results were
similar, only the results from JBO were reported in Figure 20, and the
rest of the results are available in Annex 15.

Figure 20: Tinytag captors temperature and humidity
results on the JBO parcel between July the 17th and the 19th
Based on Figure 20, no significant differences were
observed between captors in terms of temperature and humidity at the scale of
the parcels.
Consequently, this verifies the hypothesis that the
under-shelter temperature and humidity values are homogeneous and couldn't have
affected the measured temperature differences between modalities.
4.3 Sun-exposed bunches of grapes punctual temperatures
The bunch temperature was punctually manually measured for
each modality at different moments of the growing season. The infrared measured
temperatures were compared at one precise moment for the three modalities
during warm and sun-exposed days, and the results were reported in Figure

Figure 21: Comparison of average bunch temperature
per modality at different times of the day, on the sun-exposed side of the
canopy, taken by an infrared manual thermometer, between June the
13th and August the 3rd
At the beginning of the measures, a slight difference in
temperatures was observed between modalities. During the berries ripening, the
same tendency was observed, but the differences stayed minimal.
The defoliation of the grapevine reduces its porosity.
Consequently, the early defoliation modality should have higher bunch
temperatures than the other modalities, because of the higher sun exposure.
Based on the graph, the bunch temperatures differences do not seem
significantly different between modalities.
In order to verify this hypothesis, the significance of the
values was evaluated by conducting an ANOVA using the LSD Fisher test method.
The results of the Fisher test can be found in Table 12 and Table
Table 12: Results of the LSD Fisher test on bunch
temperature of the different modalities in the JBO parcel
Early Defoliation
June the 13th
#177; 0.31 A
#177; 0.31 B
#177; 0.31 A
June the 15th
#177; 0.34 A
#177; 0.34 A
#177; 0.34 A
June the 16th
#177; 0.24 A
#177; 0.24 A
#177; 0.24 A
June the 17th
#177; 0.35 A
#177; 0.35 A
#177; 0.35 A
August the 8th
#177; 0.34 B
#177; 0.34 A
#177; 0.34 A
Table 13: Results of the LSD Fisher test on bunch
temperature of the different modalities in the L4VS parcel
Early Defoliation
June the 13th
29.78 #177; 0.31 A
28.71 #177; 0.31 B
28.92 #177; 0.31 AB
June the 15th
32.4 #177; 0.39 B
34.05 #177; 0.39 A
34.24 #177; 0.39 A
June the 16th
20.63 #177; 0.11 A
20.85 #177; 0.11 A
20.83 #177; 0.11 A
June the 17th
25.78 #177; 0.26 A
25.80 #177; 0.26 A
25.66 #177; 0.26 A
August the 8th
34.63 #177; 0.44 B
35.99 #177; 0.44 A
35.67 #177; 0.44 A
The results show that the punctual bunch temperature measures
weren't always significantly different between modalities as they were often
classified in the same group. There aren't enough measures where the kaolin
modality was significantly lower in bunch temperature than the other modalities
to conclude that kaolin reduces significantly bunch temperature. When the
measures are significantly different, the differences are very low (1 to
Consequently, it doesn't verify the hypothesis that applying a
kaolin-based particle film on grapes will reduce bunch temperature, due to the
lack of measures. The result might have been significant if measures were done
continuously for one day. To verify this hypothesis, the bunch temperature
model measured temperatures all day long.
4.4 Bunch temperature model
To obtain the precise bunch temperature model for each
modality, the model was first calibrated, then applied to data during heatwave
events in the season.
4.4.1 Bunch temperature calibration
To produce a bunch temperature simulation, the bunch
temperatures weren't measured during nighttime, and only the daytime
temperatures differences will be taken into account. The model is based on the
pre-véraison bunch temperatures.
To model the average bunch temperature for each modality at
different moments of the day, the followed equation was synthetized by
TBunches = Constant + CTemp_Hobo*Temp_Hobo +
TBunches: Modelized temperature of the
Constant: Value given in the model's
CTemp_HOBO: Coefficient Temp_HOBO given in the
model's parameters CLight_HOBO: Coefficient Light_HOBO given
in the model's parameters Temp_HOBO: Temperature of the bunch
microclimate recorded by the HOBO captor Light_HOBO: Light of
the bunch microclimate recorded by the HOBO captor
For every of the 6 produced models, the HOBO temperature and
light variables of the bunch microclimate were considered in the model as being
Figure 22 represents the result of the bunch
temperature model for the control modality of the L4VS parcel. The other
results of the significant linear regressions can be found in Annex 16
to Annex 20.

Figure 22: Multiple linear regression model from
XLSTAT between the IR thermometer bunch temperature and the HOBO captor
recorded light and temperature data for the control modality in the Les 4 Vents
Sable parcel
4.4.2 Bunch temperature model application

Figure 23: Evolution of bunch temperature on the JBO
parcel between the 17th and the 19th of June 2022
Figure 24: Evolution of bunch temperature on the JBO
parcel between the 12th and the 15th of July 2022
The bunch temperature models for each modality were applied to
different periods during the 2022 summer where temperatures were high, and
sunburn happened. The results for three heatwaves were graphically represented
on Figure 23, Figure 24 and Figure 25. The results on both
parcels were similar, so only the JBO parcel results will be analyzed in this
part, and the L4VS results can be found in Annex 21.

Figure 25: Evolution of bunch temperature on the JBO
parcel between the 10th and the 12th of August 2022
For the JBO parcel, the followed bunches of grapes were
exposed on the South part of the canopy and reached a temperature peak between
2 and 4 PM. During the first heat wave (Figure 23), the bunches reached
a maximum of 38,8°C for the kaolin modality, 43°C for the early
defoliation modality, and 40°C for the control modality.
During the second heatwave (Figure 24), the bunches
reached a maximum of 39,2°C for the kaolin modality, 45,8°C for the
early defoliation modality, and 43,9°C for the control modality.
Lastly, during the August heatwave (Figure 24), the
bunches reached a maximum of 40,08°C for the kaolin modality, 46,47°C
for the early defoliation modality, and 42,89°C for the control
Nevertheless, when comparing where the temperatures reached a
plateau, it can be observed that the early defoliation modality and the control
modality values are very similar, and only the kaolin modality is significantly
Overall, the differences between modalities were similar
before and during véraison. The bunch temperature difference between the
highest temperature of the control and the kaolin modalities is 1,2°C for
the June heatwave, 4,7°C for the July heatwave, and 2,81°C for the
August heatwave.
Those results verify the hypothesis that applying a
kaolin-based particle film on grapes and leaves will reflect a small part of
solar radiation, allowing the grapes to get cooler.
5. Sunburn symptoms evaluation
Sunburn symptoms were evaluated on both bunches of grapes and
leaves. The measure of bunch sunburn symptoms will verify the influence of the
modalities on berry sunburn, and therefore will help to define whether those
methods can save grape yield and quality or not. Additionally, the leaf sunburn
measure is an indicator of the sunburn pressure as well as the hydric state of
the plant.
The evaluation of sunburn symptoms was done visually during the
5.1 Bunch counting
Due to grape thinning operations in July, two counts occurred.
The results were reported in Table 14.
Table 14: Evolution of the bunch number per parcel
before and after thinning operations
14th June 2022
13th July 2022
10,66 bunches/plant
5,44 bunches/plant
8.74 bunches/plant
5,26 bunches/plant
Based on the results, the final number of bunches per plant
was reduced to obtain similar values. Consequently, the number of bunches per
plant isn't significantly different between modalities.
Those results were used in the calculation of bunch sunburn
frequency (5.2).
5.2 Bunch sunburn symptoms evaluation
The first evaluation of bunch sunburn symptoms took place in
June, after a high-temperature week where the ambient temperature went up until
42°C. Other visual counts were performed after each high-temperature
episode. The frequency as well as the intensity of bunch sunburn were
represented for both parcels for each modality in Figure 26.

Figure 26: Evolution of bunch sunburn frequency and
intensity on JBO and L4VS, from June the 22nd to August the
On Figure 26, the bunch sunburn symptoms seem to have
decreased mid-July. This is due to thinning operations that took place on July
the 5th on JBO and the 8th on L4VS. A lot of bunches
affected with sunburn were removed, explaining the differences between the
first and the second measure.
The frequency as well as the intensity of bunch sunburn rose
for all the modalities of JBO and L4VS from the 8th and
11th of July until the 17th of August. The control, early
defoliation and kaolin modalities frequencies respectively rose by 12%, 1,9%,
and 1,9% for JBO and 9,2%, 4,3%, and 3,1% for L4VS during this period.
From these measures, it could be concluded that overall, the
kaolin and the early defoliation modalities had a noticeable effect on reducing
bunch sunburn frequency.
In order to evaluate the losses linked with sunburn for each
modality, the bunch damages (frequency*intensity) were calculated and
represented on Figure 27.

Figure 27: Evolution of damages linked with sunburn
on bunches per modality, from June the 22nd to August the
According to Figure 27, yield loss (damage) estimation
due to grape sunburn seemed to be significantly reduced by kaolin spraying and
by early plant defoliation by the end of the season. By August the
17th, losses due to sunburn were estimated to 0,69% on JBO and 2,25%
on L4VS for the control modality, 0,52% on JBO and 0,51% on L4VS for the
kaolin-sprayed modality, and 0,31% on JBO and 0,51% on L4VS for the defoliated
As seen on Figure 27, the results are more significant
on the L4VS parcel due to higher intensity and frequency. Only the L4VS parcel
will therefore be analyzed.
On L4VS on the 27th of June, early defoliation
seemed to have reduced sunburn symptoms by 85%, while kaolin reduced symptoms
by 67%. If the 11th of July results are taken as a base zero due to
thinning operations, new damages on the 20th of July are evaluated
to: 0,22%, 0,12% and 1,02% for respectively early defoliation, kaolin and
control modalities. On the 20th of July, early defoliation therefore
reduced damages by 78%, while kaolin reduced them by 88%.
With the 11th of July results as a base zero,
damages on the 17th of August are evaluated to: 0,3%, 0,22% and
2,14% for respectively early defoliation, kaolin and control modalities. On the
17th of August, early defoliation reduced damages by 86%, while
kaolin reduced them by 90%.
An ANOVA was conducted between modalities, to make sure that
the damage differences were significant. The results were reported in Table
15 and Table 16.
Table 15: Results of the LSD Fisher test on berry
sunburn damages of the different modalities in the JBO parcel
Early Defoliation
June the 22nd
0 #177; 0.001 A
0 #177; 0.001 A
0.001 #177; 0.001 A
July the 8th
0.001 #177; 0.001 A
0 #177; 0.001 A
0.001 #177; 0.001 A
July the 20th
0.001 #177; 0.000 AB
0 #177; 0.000 B
0.003 #177; 0.00 A
August the 17th
0.005 #177; 0.002 A
0.003 #177; 0.002 A
0.007 #177; 0.002 A
Table 16: Results of the LSD Fisher test on berry
sunburn damages of the different modalities in the L4VS parcel
Early Defoliation
June the 27th
#177; 0.002 A
#177; 0.002 A
#177; 0.002 A
July the 11th
#177; 0.001 A
#177; 0.001 A
#177; 0.001 A
July the 20th
#177; 0.002 B
#177; 0.002 B
#177; 0.002 A
August the 17th
#177; 0.004 B
#177; 0.004 B
#177; 0.004 A
While a significant difference can be observed between the
control modality and the others (they were classified in different groups),
both the Kaolin and early defoliation modalities weren't classified as
significantly different.
Consequently, this verifies the hypothesis that kaolin as well
as early defoliation both have a positive impact on grape sunburn.
5.3 Leaf sunburn symptoms evaluation
After each heatwave of the growing season, evaluations of leaf
sunburn damages was performed additionally to the bunch sunburn evaluation. The
evaluations took place between July the 8th and August the
17th. The frequency as well as the intensity of leaf sunburn were
represented for both parcels for each modality in Figure 28.

Figure 28: Evolution of leaf sunburn frequency and
intensity on JBO and L4VS, from June the 22nd to August the Xth
On Figure 28, the leaf sunburn symptoms seem to have
globally increased between July and August. The frequency as well as the
intensity of leaf sunburn rose up for all the modalities of JBO and L4VS from
the 8th and 11th of July until the 17th of
Overall, all the modalities seemed to all have been subject to
intense leaf sunburn due to the high-temperatures and low rainfall episodes.

Figure 29: Evolution of damages linked with sunburn
on leaves per modality, from June the 22nd to August the
According to Figure 29, leaf damage estimation due to
grape sunburn doesn't seem to be significantly different between modalities,
even if small differences can be observed between modalities. By the end of the
season, leaf sunburn damages were estimated to 26% on JBO and 16% on L4VS for
the control modality, 22% on JBO and 10,5% on L4VS for the kaolin-sprayed
modality, and 19% on JBO and 16% on L4VS for the defoliated modality.
An ANOVA was conducted between modalities, to verify if the
damage differences on leaves were significant. The results were reported in
Table 17 and Table 18.
Table 17: Results of the LSD Fisher test on leaf
sunburn damages of the different modalities in the JBO parcel
Early Defoliation
July the 8th
#177; 0.004 A
#177; 0.004 A
#177; 0.004 A
July the 26th
#177; 0.042 A
#177; 0.042 A
#177; 0.042 A
August the 17th
#177; 0.032 A
#177; 0.032 A
#177; 0.032 A
Table 18: Results of the LSD Fisher test on leaf
sunburn damages of the different modalities in the L4VS parcel
Early Defoliation
July the 8th
#177; 0.008 AB
#177; 0.008 A
#177; 0.008 B
July the 26th
#177; 0.016 A
#177; 0.016 A
#177; 0.016 A
August the 17th
#177; 0.019 A
#177; 0.019 A
#177; 0.019 A
According to the ANOVA, no significant difference (they were
all classified in the same group) can be observed between the three modalities.
Therefore, leaf sunburn symptoms were overall the same for each modality.
Consequently, kaolin and early defoliation do not have a
significant impact on leaf sunburn symptoms. And while kaolin reduces leaf
temperature and berry sunburn, it does not significantly cause higher leaf
As a result to both measures, even if all the modalities faced
different bunch sunburn damages, their leaf sunburn symptoms were similar. This
can be interpretated the fact that in the same stressful environment where
sunburn should thrive, the kaolin and early defoliation modalities are
efficient to protect the berries.
6. Physico-chemical analysis of modalities
6.1 Mass and volume of 100 berries
For each modality, the mass and volume of 100 berries were
measured from Véraison, to evaluate any potential difference. The
results from both parcels being similar, only L4VS results were reported in
Figure 30. The JBO results are available in Annex 22.

Figure 30: Evolution of mass and volume of 100
berries between July the 21st and August the 22nd, for the L4VS parcel
Based on Figure 30, the berries' size and volume seem
to be different between modalities by the end of the season. The peak of volume
hasn't been reached yet, as berry maturity usually stops later in September.
Indeed, the kaolin modality seems to present bigger berry
sizes and volumes. Theoretically, the use of kaolin should lower the berries
temperature during hot days, reducing the berries transpiration resulting in a
berry volume rise of 7%, as it has been studied on Sauvignon Blanc and Merlot
(Coniberti et al., 2013; Shellie and Glenn, 2008).
Consequently, the mass and volume measures verify the
hypothesis that berry physiology wasn't negatively impacted by kaolin
treatments and early canopy defoliation. On the contrary, kaolin treatments
significantly increased the berries' size and volume.
6.2 Primary and secondary metabolites
Primary and secondary metabolites were measured during the
berry maturation on both studied parcels for each modality. The results of
those measures and analyses were reported in graphs. The analysis results from
the external laboratory (Excell) are available in Annex 23Annex 23.
6.2.1 Primary metabolites comparison
As both parcels had similar results in terms primary
metabolites, only L4VS results were analyzed in this part, and results from the
JBO parcel were reported in Annex 24.


Figure 31: Analysis results of berry maturity per
modality, between July the 21st and August the 22nd, for the L4VS
As it can be observed on Figure 31, by the 22nd
of August, the modalities levels of pH, sugar, malic acid, and total acidity
are similar.
On the 29th of July, it can be observed that the early
defoliation modality seemed more advanced by the others, due to its higher
values in pH, and lower acidity. However, no significant difference can be
observed by the end of the maturation process.
Consequently, this verifies the hypothesis that kaolin sprayings
and early defoliation do not impact berry maturity, and therefore wine
6.2.2 Secondary metabolites comparison
The total phenolic compounds were evaluated using the Folin
Index. The polyphenols and anthocyanins levels were measured and the TPI was
calculated. The results were reported in Figure 32.

Figure 32: External laboratory analysis results of
anthocyanins and phenolic compounds per modality, between August the
3rd and the 10th
According to the results, neither the total phenolic compounds
nor the total anthocyanin concentration significantly differ between kaolin and
control modalities, meaning that kaolin spraying did not have a significant
effect on both compounds. However, early defoliation levels seem slightly
higher than other modalities for both metabolites, but the difference isn't
Globally, it can be concluded that the measured
physico-chemical characteristics on the different modalities weren't
significantly influenced by neither the kaolin spraying, nor the early
defoliation of the canopy. Consequently, both potential solutions against grape
sunburn won't affect the quality of the harvested berries, and therefore the
quality of the produced wines.
However, it has been observed that early defoliation increases
polyphenol and anthocyanins production in berry skin, validating the hypothesis
that exposing plants to solar radiation sooner helps forming a stronger
protective skin that will be able to resist sunburn, without affecting grape
7. Managerial implications linked with grape sunburn
Assumed from the results of this study, grape sunburn
adaptation comes with important management changes and implications. Including
sunburn preventive solutions into the vineyard work calendar represent
additional workload that needs to be managed. For example, implementing kaolin
sprayings and early defoliation imply to free some time, and reduce time
allocated with other types of tasks.
Thanks to the interview conducted with the vineyard manager
(Annex 2), early defoliation could be included in the existing work
calendar, if it is done early and at the good phenological stage, to make sure
that the bunches have enough time to adapt to sun exposure. Kaolin sprayings
could also be managed if it is proven that it doesn't affect the organoleptic
parameters of the wines. However, both solutions will necessitate additional
work as they cannot be merged with other existing tasks. For example, kaolin
powder cannot be implemented inside their regular vineyard treatments they
already conduct, as it might affect the application process.
In terms of expertise, processes, and workforce, the limits
that Château Margaux will face to implement those solutions are:
workforce availability, machinery availability, weather conditions, and
workload conducted at the same time.
In terms of managerial adaptation, this means that the company
will be most likely to hire supplementary working force to complete this
Overall, both solutions will induce management changes, will
come with challenges, and will be time and cost-bearing.
1. Reminder of the objectives of the study
The objective of this study was to find short term solutions
against grape sunburn for the Médoc vineyard. Two solutions were
evaluated at the scale of Château Margaux's vineyard in 2022: kaolin
sprayings and early defoliation.
Globally, the results were significative and proved that both
solutions could work to prevent grape sunburn symptoms, reducing yield and
quality losses.
However, some elements impacted the study such as the weather
conditions of the vintage, the homogeneity of the studied plots, some
uncertainties linked with measures taken, etc.
In this part, the results will be discussed, and propositions
will be formulated in order to improve the future of the study on grape
2. Results and hypotheses
The objective of this part is to remind the hypotheses of the
study, and verify their validity, based on the results obtained.
H1 (Applying a kaolin-based particle film on grapes and
leaves will reflect a small part of solar radiation, allowing the leaves and
grapes to get cooler and diminishing the losses linked with grape sunburn) was
validated based on the results of leaf temperature and bunch sunburn symptoms
Based on the stem water potential results, H2 (The
application of a kaolin-based film on the vine plants will improve the hydric
state of the grapevine in hydric stressing conditions) was also validated,
showing that kaolin improved the hydric state of the grapevine in stressing
conditions, up to a certain limit.
H3 (Early moderate defoliation of the grapevine plant will
allow the plant to be exposed sooner to solar radiation and will allow it to
form a stronger protective skin that will be able to resist to
high-temperatures and expositions) was partially verified, as the berries from
the early defoliation modality were indeed less affected by sunburn, but no
significant differences were observed based on the primary and secondary
As the grape sunburn symptoms results on bunches were
significantly different between the control and the two studied modalities, it
validated H4 (The difference in terms of grape sunburn symptoms will be
significant between the control modality, the kaolin treated modality, and the
defoliation modality).
The results of the primary and secondary metabolites analysis
conducted on berries weren't significantly different between modalities,
confirmed H5 (Berry quality and physiology won't be negatively impacted by
kaolin treatments and early canopy defoliation). However, kaolin sprayings
helped improve berry physiology by increasing its mass and volume.
All things considered, the study was significant, and most
hypotheses were validated. However, some results can be discussed.
3. Discussion on the results
The study took place during the 2022 growing season. The
conditions, results, as well as the limits of the study were reminded in order
to conclude on the efficiency of the studied potential solutions against grape
3.1 Conditions of the study
Regarding the conditions of the study, weather conditions as
well as the parcels homogeneity were two main factors that have impacted the
results, and that differ between vintages.
3.1.1 The influence of the weather conditions
Weather conditions can greatly influence this study. For
example, this study was already conducted in 2021 with three modalities:
control, kaolin spraying on bunches and leaves, and kaolin spraying on bunches
only. However, the 2021 weather conditions weren't keen to sunburn development,
as it rained a lot, and there wasn't any heatwave.
Consequently, it was harder to decipher a significant
difference between modalities, as they weren't much affected by sunburn, and it
was harder to define a good date to apply kaolin on the canopy. It is however
important to conduct this study on different types of weather conditions, so
that it can be adapted and improved.
The results found in this study on weather conditions confirm
the bibliography results linking higher sunburn intensity with higher light and
temperature conditions (Schrader et al., 2009; Gambetta et al., 2021;
Araújo et al., 2018). It also confirms the link between temperatures
higher than 30°C and sunburn (Pastore et al., 2013), based on the results
from the last 5 growing seasons.
Rain can also greatly affect this study on the kaolin
modality, as the kaolin clay can be washed away by rain.
High temperatures such as the ones faced during the 2022
growing season were perfect for this study, as they surely caused sunburn on
both parcels. However, the season was dry, and caused water deficit,
intensifying the sunburn symptoms, even on the kaolin and early defoliation
modalities, as it was found in bibliography (Cook et al., 1964; Gambetta et
al., 2021). Additionally, a climate like the 2022 vintage reflects the
potential climatic conditions the Médoc vineyard will face in the future
due to climate change.
For the 2022 study, as the rain episodes were rare between
June and August, the kaolin sprayings lasted for long periods of days.
Visually, both the leaves and bunches were covered by kaolin on both sides of
the canopy, and the defoliation allowed the bunches to be significantly more
sun exposed than the control modality.
3.1.2 The homogeneity of the studied parcels
The results of porosity and EVI clearly show that the
modalities were homogeneous in terms of plant physiology, reducing
uncertainties limiting biases.
The EVI values between modalities weren't significantly
different, which reflects a global homogeneity in terms of plant vigor for both
studied parcels.
However, those results do not consider the zones of the
parcels where the vigor was low, and only considered the studied plants. It can
therefore be imagined that significantly different EVI values could have been
observed if the studied plots were chosen differently.
No link between vigor and sunburn were found, as opposed to
what was found in other studies (Smart, 1985), due to the homogeneity of the
studied plots.
Regarding the vegetation porosity values, the Leaf Area
Indexes (LAI) between modalities weren't significantly different either. The
studied plots were consequently equally exposed to sun, limiting biases linked
with sun exposure, as it was found in bibliography results (Southey and Jooste,
It can be said that homogeneity between modalities was hence
controlled based on the porosity and EVI values, limiting biases linked with
plant growth.
3.2 Results of the study
Overall, the results of the study were conclusive and showed
that both kaolin sprayings and early defoliations had an impact on grape
sunburn. Both solutions being however different, they affected grapevine
physiology as well as berries quality differently.
3.2.1 Sunburn solutions and their impact on grapevine
In this part, the effects of both studied solutions against
grape sunburn on grapevine physiology will be discussed. More precisely, their
consequences on the plants' hydric state and sunburn symptoms will be
resumed. Plant hydric state and leaves
Based on the measures of both water potentials and leaves
temperature, the kaolin sprayings have significantly improved grapevine hydric
state, by reducing its temperature. The results found confirm the bibliography
results, showing that kaolin can diminish hydric stress (Glenn and Puterka,
2010; Glenn et al., 2010). Kaolin sprayings can therefore be considered as a
good solution against grapevine hydric stress. However, early defoliation only
seemed to have increased water stress, by increasing canopy porosity due to
removed leaves.
In this study, kaolin reduced leaf temperature between 2 and
3°C on average, which is low, as the bibliography results predicted a 3 to
8°C reduction (Agrisynergie, 2022).
Consequently, it can be concluded that kaolin was the best
modality out of the two studied solutions to reduce water stress and improve
grapevine physiology. Bunch temperature and sunburn
The bunch temperature results showed significantly differences
between modalities, contrarily to leaf temperature. However, when the bunch
temperature model was applied to high temperatures episodes, differences in
temperature peaks were observed between modalities. The kaolin modality was the
coolest, while the early defoliation modality was the hottest.
As grape sunburn is mostly a result of high solar radiation
and temperatures, it could have been expected that the early defoliation
modality had more sunburn symptoms. However, based on the sunburn evaluation
results, the control modality was significantly more affected than the two
other modalities. The results helped validate the hypothesis that both kaolin
and early defoliation can reduce grape sunburn symptoms on bunches by acting
differently on grapevine physiology.
3.2.2 Kaolin and early defoliation effects on sunburn
According to studies, kaolin sprayings should increase light
reflectance and reduce the plant's sensitivity to sunburn (Yazici and Kaynak,
2009; Lobos et al., 2015). On the other hand, early defoliation should increase
sunlight exposure, resulting in higher skin thickness and lower sunburn
sensitivity (Pastore et al., 2013; Solovchenko, 2010).
The results found in this study confirm both hypotheses, as
damages linked with sunburn were significantly reduced by both kaolin sprayings
and early defoliation.
3.2.3 Effect of studied modalities on berry
In order to verify the potential impact of the modalities on
berry quality, some analyses were conducted, and results were analyzed.
Based on the results, kaolin sprayings had a positive effect
on grapevine physiology. Indeed, kaolin increased berry size and volume
compared to other modalities.
The early defoliation modality, due to a higher and sooner
berry sun exposure, presented a slightly higher anthocyanin and polyphenols
concentration than the other modalities. However, the difference between
modalities being unsignificant, other factors might have helped reduce sunburn
sensitivity for this
modality. For example, the aeration of the canopy linked with
defoliation could have potentially helped reduce bunch temperature and
therefore sunburn.
When looking at other primary and secondary metabolites, no
significant difference can be observed between the three modalities. It can
therefore be imagined that based on those results, neither kaolin nor early
defoliation have negatively impacted berry quality. However, no conclusion can
be taken on the final wine quality, as other parameters are to be taken into
account, such as unmeasurable compounds and berry taste, that can only be
evaluated by conducting tastings.
As a conclusion on the study results, it can be said that both
methods worked differently on grapevine physiology but were both efficient on
grape sunburn. While kaolin proved to improve the plant's hydric condition and
reduce bunch temperature, early defoliation built up the berries' tolerance to
sun exposure.
3.3 Technical limits of the study
Both studied solutions at the scale of the vineyard can
present some technical challenges linked with their application.
3.3.1 Technical limits linked with kaolin
Kaolin sprayings are made using a kaolin clay powder mixed
with water and adjuvant. When preparing the mix, the solution had lumps that
were hard to incorporate. Homogeneity was reached eventually after adding
kaolin powder gradually, to avoid lump formation. To incorporate the powder
into the solution, it had to be mixed longer. Consequently, the adjuvant caused
the appearance of bubbles. For a prepared volume of 200 liters, an estimated
additional volume of 150 liters of bubbles was formed, reducing the part of the
product that could have been used. The bubbles formation also made it harder to
see the level when filling the sprayer tank.
The sprayer nozzles weren't clogged by the solution, as kaolin
was rarely used. However, when applied at the vineyard scale, there is a risk
that the nozzles get clogged due to the thick and abrasive property of the mix.
This can cause a technical problem as the solution could be to change the
nozzle size between regular and kaolin treatments, being time consuming.
3.3.2 Technical limits linked with early
Regarding early defoliation, no specific technical problem was
observed. However, it is important to define the degree of defoliation to be
reached, or it can result in drastic bunch exposure leading to more sunburn
symptoms. The defoliation needs to be moderate to only increase the exposure
enough to strengthen the berries. Defoliation also needs to be done at a
specific phenological stage to ensure higher sun exposure for newly formed
berries. If defoliation is completed too late in the season, it can result in
sudden berry sun exposure, leading to higher sunburn symptoms.
Another technical limit linked with early defoliation is the
row orientation of the parcel. As the vineyard is composed by differently
oriented parcels, it makes it harder to define the defoliation intensity for
each parcel.
There is also an uncertainty linked with the worker, leading to
more or less leaves left on plants.
3.3.3 Other technical limits
Picking berries for quality evaluation was done by different
samplers, resulting in a possible bias in results. A solution to reduce this
bias could be to only assign one person to sample the integrity of the
modalities. However, this solution is time consuming, especially at the scale
of two parcels, making it almost impossible to implement.
To limit this bias as much as possible, the company is
implementing a specific picking protocol, so that gaps between samplers are
Costs linked with kaolin
Dose kaolin (kg/ha)
Price of kaolin per kilo (€/kg)
Price of kaolin per hectare (€/ha)
Spraying time for 0,3 ha (h/0,3)
Cost of sprayer driver per hour (€/h)
Cost of kaolin per hectare (€/ha)
Profits linked with kaolin
Number of plants per hectare (ha)
Number of bunches per grapevine plant
Average weight of a Cabernet Sauvignon bunch (kg)
Estimated yield (kg/ha)
Damage difference between control and kaolin (%)
Yield gain (kg/ha)
Berry mass per bottle of wine (kg/0,75L wine)
Berry mass per litter of wine (kg/L)
Profits linked with early
Number of plants per hectare (ha)
Number of bunches per grapevine plant
Average weight of a Cabernet Sauvignon bunch (kg)
Estimated yield (kg/ha)
Damage difference between control and defoliation
Yield gain (kg/ha)
Berry mass per bottle of wine (kg/0,75L wine)
Berry mass per litter of wine (kg/L)
32,1 1 1,33 24,14
125 3016,92
3.4 Managerial limits of the study
In terms of management, the feasibility of both solutions was
evaluated to make sure that it could be implemented at the scale of the
Overall, kaolin sprayings management at the scale of the study
wasn't time consuming. The mix preparation took about 30 minutes for a 200
liters volume. However, if kaolin sprayings are applied at the scale of the
vineyard, they will represent additional work and will be harder to manage. The
first management limit will concern the use of the sprayers, as they are also
used at the scale of the vineyard to perform other tasks such as tillage or
canopy trimming during the growing period. Managing how and when the sprayers
are going to be used might be time consuming but is necessary to ensure the
efficiency of the vineyard work management.
The dose and dates of treatments will also have to be reasoned
based on weather conditions, canopy coverage, and workload. It might also
represent additional work and time to make sure the conditions are optimal to
Finally, as kaolin must be evenly sprayed on both sides of the
canopy, it requires two sprayer passages, increasing the treatment time by
Regarding early defoliation at the scale of the vineyard, the
work itself do not represent a management problem. However, it will require
hiring seasonal workers to defoliate but will also require the presence of
employees to oversee their work.
Overall, for both kaolin sprayings and early defoliation
methods, time and workload management represent the main limits in terms of
project feasibility.
3.5 Economic evaluation of the project
In order to make sure that using kaolin and early defoliation
methods on the vineyard are worth it in terms of loss reduction, an economic
study was conducted. The objective of this study was to define if the cost of
kaolin and early defoliation would overcome the economic gains linked to
sunburn reduction.
The gains were estimated based on the calculated yield
difference between the control modality and the other two modalities. The yield
gain was then converted in number of produced bottles. As both studied parcels
produce Pavillon Rouge wine, the average price of a bottle was calculated based
on their selling price.
The results of this study can be found in Table 19 and
Table 20, where costs and gains of both methods were reported, based on
the latest damage results on both studied parcels.
Table 19: Estimated economic margin made from both
studied modalities based on the results on the JBO parcel
0,33 1,1 15,3
Gained volume (L wine/ha)
Exit price of wine (€/L)
Economic profits (€/ha)
Margin (€/ha)
Costs linked with early
Gained volume (L wine/ha)
Exit price of wine (€/L)
Economic profits (€/ha)
Margin (€/ha)
Table 20: Estimated economic margin made from both
studied modalities based on the results on the L4VS parcel
Costs linked with kaolin
Spraying time for 0,3 ha (h/0,3)
Profits linked with kaolin
Damage difference between control and kaolin (%)
Yield gain (kg/ha)
Margin (€/ha)
Costs linked with early
Profits linked with early
Damage difference between control and defoliation
Yield gain (kg/ha)
Margin (€/ha)
0,33 1,1 15,3
10000 5,35 0,15 8025
1,80% 144,45 1 1,33
108,61 125 13576,13
Dose kaolin (kg/ha)
Price of kaolin per kilo (€/kg)
Price of kaolin per hectare (€/ha)
Defoliation time per hectare (h/ha)
Workforce price per hour (€/ha)
Cost of early defoliation per hectare (€/ha)
According to both tables, the gains linked with sunburn reduction
overcome the costs of both studied
methods. Early defoliation seems to be more expansive than
kaolin, therefore less profitable for the
Spraying time per hectare (h/ha)
Cost of sprayer driver per hour (€/h)
Cost of kaolin per hectare (€/ha)
Number of plants per hectare (ha)
Number of bunches per grapevine plant
Average weight of a Cabernet Sauvignon bunch (kg)
Estimated yield (kg/ha)
Number of plants per hectare (ha)
Number of bunches per grapevine plant
Average weight of a Cabernet Sauvignon bunch (kg)
Estimated yield (kg/ha)
Overall, the results show that both methods are profitable when
applied at a larger scale. Even if the
damages results on the JBO parcel weren't significant, kaolin
sprayings still manage to help gain
approximately 1 363€ per hectare.
However, those results can highly vary based on the vintage
weather conditions. Indeed, if the damage
difference between modalities is lower, it could potentially
induce economic losses. Moreover, due to
some parcels' orientation, both methods might not work at the
scale of the entire vineyard.
Berry mass per bottle of wine (kg/0,75L wine)
Berry mass per litter of wine (kg/L)
Gained volume (L wine/ha)
Exit price of wine (€/L)
Economic profits (€/ha)
Berry mass per bottle of wine (kg/0,75L wine)
Berry mass per litter of wine (kg/L)
Gained volume (L wine/ha)
Exit price of wine (€/L)
Economic profits (€/ha)
Consequently, those results need to be pondered as they highly
depend on row orientation and could
vary based on which parcel is studied, the size of the sprayer
used, and the planting density.
3.6 Limits linked with study size and
This study highlighted the effects on sunburn symptoms of two
short-term solutions. However,
due to the limited duration of the study, it hasn't been possible
to define the impacts of both kaolin and
early defoliation on the wine's quality and organoleptic
In order to have been more precise on the organoleptic
consequences of kaolin and early defoliation on
Château Margaux's wines, it would have necessitated to
continue to conduct this study longer.
If the study had lasted longer, we would have been able to define
whether those solutions can be applied
at a large scale in the vineyard, without affecting the typical
profile of Château Margaux's wines or not.
conduct Berry tastings could also have been implemented to define
the impact of kaolin and defoliation
on berry taste.
However, in continuity to this study, the company will vinify the
modalities separately, so that they will
be able to conduct tastings to compare the effects of the studied
modality on wine organoleptic profile.
Additionally, the study size was limited. The studied plots
represented 30 plants per modality per parcel,
which hardly represents the integrity of the parcels. There is
consequently an additional uncertainty
linked with the plots size.
4. Propositions and study perspective
Based on the study's results and limits, propositions have
been formulated. For each proposition, the objectives, means, costs and risks
have been discussed.
4.1 Prolongation of the study
To overcome the study duration limit, it can be advised to
continue the study on the 2022 vintage. The primary and secondary metabolites
analysis will continue until harvest to make sure that no significant
differences are observed.
It can also be advised to harvest and vinify separately the
modalities of each parcel to produce different wines. When they will be ready,
the wines could later be blind tasted and compared to one another to define if
there is a significant organoleptic difference between the three studied
modalities. If there aren't, then it means that both solutions can successfully
be applied to the integrity of the vineyard, without affecting the typicity of
Château Margaux's wines.
The 2022 study wasn't the first conducted on grape sunburn by
Château Margaux but is part of a longterm project to reduce grape sunburn
at the scale of the vineyard. It can therefore be advise to prolongate the
study to the 2023 and 2024 vintages in order to make sure that kaolin and early
defoliation work on different types of climates.
4.2 Improvement of the experimental set-up
To continue and perfect the study on grape sunburn, it can be
advised to reconduct the study for the next growing seasons, by improving the
experimental set-up. The objective of this proposition is to increase the study
precision and improve the knowledge and management capacities linked with
sunburn solutions.
To do so, the study could be applied at a larger scale of the
vineyard, on different grape varieties and parcels orientations. By also
choosing more reference plants per modality to study, it will increase the
representativity of the results at the scale of the vineyard.
Moreover, the intensity of both methods can be modulated, and
trials can be conducted. For example, different defoliation intensities could
be tested as different modalities, based on the parcels' orientations. For
kaolin sprayings, it could be advised to test different concentrations based on
weather conditions. By doing so for a few years, the applied dose can be
modulated so that time management becomes optimal.
The cost of this proposition will be close to this year's
study cost, but the investment return will be larger as it should help at a
long-term scale to significantly reduce/avoid berry sunburn.
The only risk linked with this proposition is the absence of
sunburn linked with bad weather conditions, and therefore the inability to
evaluate the efficiency of the studied methods.
4.3 Extension of the study at the scale of the
Based on the positive results of the studied, it can be
proposed to extend the solutions at the scale of the vineyard. While early
defoliation results mainly depend on row orientation, kaolin sprayings can be
easily applied at the scale of the vineyard independently from row
The objective of this proposition is to reduce sunburn at the
scale of the vineyard, and reduce economic losses linked with this issue.
To implement this proposition, visual observations will have
to be done to define which parcels need to be treated with kaolin. Based on the
results, a kaolin mix will be prepared and sprayed depending on weather
The cost of this proposition will be estimated at 13
614,02€/ha, what kaolin sprayings cost for this study multiplied by the
number of hectares of the vineyard (94ha). Regarding the investment return of
this proposition, it can be estimated as the return obtained with the kaolin
sunburn study multiplied by the number of hectares treated (= at least 13
However, the risk of this proposition is that kaolin sprayings
might not work as well on the integrity of the vineyard as they worked on the
two studied Cabernet Sauvignon parcels. It can be imagined that other grape
varieties are less sensitive to sunburn, and that the investment return will be
less important,
if not negative. In order to overcome this risk, it can be
advised to first continue and improve the experimental set-up at a larger scale
before extending it at the scale of the vineyard.
4.4 Technical resources propositions
To overcome technical limits linked with kaolin sprayings and
early defoliation, technical resources propositions have been formulated.
For kaolin sprayings technical limits, filters can be included
in the sprayers to limit the risk of nozzle clogging. Rather than having to
change nozzles before each treatment, implementing filters is less time
consuming, as they can be left for regular treatments too.
Regarding the adjuvant bubbling property, it is linked with
air incorporation during the mixing process. To overcome this issue, it can be
advised to reduce the mixing speed and to incorporate kaolin into the mix
slower and in lower quantities.
To overcome technical problems linked with early defoliation
at the scale of the vineyard, two propositions can be made. The first one being
to conduct a trial on defoliation based on row orientation, in order to link
ideal defoliation intensity with sun exposure. The second proposition is to
provide the correct formation for seasonal workers so that they understand the
degree of defoliation that is supposed to be reached, reducing problems linked
with intense defoliation.
4.5 Managerial propositions
Managing time and workload is essential to continue this study
or apply it at a larger scale. As seen previously (7), kaolin sprayings as well
as early defoliation solutions need to be correctly managed.
Based on the vineyard workload, sprayers and workforce might
not be available to perform kaolin sprayings during the growing season.
Consequently, two solutions exist. Either the vineyard manager can decide to
reduce time allocated with other tasks such as tillage or canopy trimming, and
prioritize kaolin sprayings in the work calendar, either kaolin sprayings can
be performed by external workers. While the first solution seems more
complicated in terms of time management, it is less costly as it doesn't
necessitate to spend additional money by hiring workforce and lending material.
In comparison, there are no direct economical losses linked with tillage and
canopy trimming, even if they are essential to perform, while economical losses
linked with sunburn are significative.
To manage the dose and dates of treatments, different
solutions can be implemented. First, the weather conditions of the season will
need to be followed. If long high-temperature episodes are predicted, a kaolin
treatment must be done in prevention. Then, observations can be performed at
the scale of the vineyard based on weather conditions, to verify if kaolin has
been washed out of the canopy depending on rainfall events. The dose of
treatment will also depend on the weather conditions. If high temperature
periods are predicted before a rain episode, then the dose could be divided by
2, as it is expected to be washed out and renewed after rain. Kaolin treatment
management should therefore be as precise as possible, to ensure higher
protection of the vineyard.
Finally, managing early defoliation will necessitate hiring
and overseeing seasonal workers, representing additional money and work.
However, vineyard employees are usually already busy completing other tasks,
and do not have time to oversee early defoliation. Like for kaolin sprayings,
solutions include reducing time allocated with other tasks to free some time
for defoliating or hire external workers to complete their tasks while they
oversee early defoliation.
4.6 The use of inter-row cover crops against grape
To continue the study on grape sunburn, other types of
experiments could be conducted such as evaluating the consequence of different
inter-row cover crops on grape sunburn.
Cover crops can absorb an important part of solar radiation
(Varlet-Grancher et al., 1989). Consequently, when implemented in the
vineyard's inter-rows, it can reduce part of the reflected solar radiation,
diminishing direct reflection on bunches of grapes.
To do so, different types of cover crops should be
implementing at the scale of the vineyard, and measures should be conducted in
order to evaluate their reflection degree, and therefore their impact on
In terms of budget, this trial will have costs linked with the
purchase of specific seed mixes, soil preparation and cultivation, as well as
tools used to evaluate reflected radiation. However, if the study significantly
diminishes canopy temperature by finding the ideal inter-row cover crops, the
investment return could be important.
Nevertheless, this solution only works on specific types of
soils. If the soil type is lighter than the cover crop, then it is useful to
implement it, as the nude soil's solar radiation reflection will increase
radiation received by the canopy.
Moreover, this solution has limits. Implementing cover crops
could potentially result in higher competition between the grapevine and the
crops in terms of soil nutrients.
4.7 Evolution of the PDO specifications to face climate
Climate change will bring new challenges to wine production.
The 2022 vintage is a good example of this hypothesis, as long heatwave
episodes caused severe drought and grape sunburn, affecting both the yield and
quality of the production.
In order to overcome the future effects of climate change,
institutional changes seem necessary. For instance, the evolution of the
appellations' system to include technical and agronomical innovations is
inevitable to limit losses and quality changes linked with climate change. It
can therefore be imagined that the PDO specifications as well as the national
legislation will evolve to allow for instance shade netting and vineyard
irrigation up to a certain level at the scale of the Médoc vineyard.
Insurance systems for environmental induced losses (such as frost and hail)
could also be implemented to strengthen the vineyards capacity to face climate
However, if the PDO specifications do not evolve in the next
few years, it can be advised that Château Margaux should stop being part
of the PDO and start using alternative methods to limit the consequences of
climate change without affecting their wine typicity. Thanks to their renown,
Château Margaux won't necessarily be affected in terms of sales and
profits by their declassification, due to their already existing notoriety.
The study was conducted on two parcels of Cabernet Sauvignon
grapevine and highlighted the reduction of sunburn symptoms on both the
kaolin-sprayed modality, as well as on the early defoliation modality, while
being exposed to high temperatures and solar radiation. This study meets the
need of Château Margaux to find short-term solutions against grape
sunburn, waiting to be able to reorient their parcels.
The 2022 vintage has been hot and dry, favorable to grape
sunburn. There has been less rainfall in 2022 than in 2021, resulting in a
higher canopy porosity, and exposing more bunches to solar radiation.
On average, the kaolin-spraying solution helped to decrease by
90% the symptoms on the bunches of grapes, meanwhile the early defoliation
solution decreased sunburn by 86% by the end of the growing season. The sunburn
observation as well as the bunch temperatures model brought to light that the
kaolin particle film is efficient on the canopy whenever the temperatures
exceed 30°C. In this condition, sunburn symptoms start to appear, and
bunch temperature rises above 40°C. It also brought to light that early
defoliation can increase bunch temperature by diminishing the bunch coverage,
without significantly increasing its sunburn symptoms.
Thanks to the calibration model and the manually taken
infrared temperatures, we have observed a significantly cooling effect of
kaolin on both bunches and leaves. We can therefore establish a link between
the sunburn protection and the bunch/leaves temperatures reduction.
Globally, grapevine physiology doesn't seem to have been
negatively impacted by kaolin and early defoliation during the 2022 vintage,
even under the constraining weather conditions. Indeed, we can even highlight
that the kaolin particle film has had a positive effect on the thermo-radiative
stresses of the plant, as well as on its water efficiency.
On the contrary, the early defoliation modality increased the
plant's stresses by increasing its porosity, but still managed to reduce the
symptoms of sunburn on bunches, by increasing its synthesis of metabolites.
Regarding the berries, it doesn't seem that kaolin and early
defoliation affected their quality negatively, as the results weren't
significant. Both alternatives could be a potential short-term solution to
tackle the issue of grape sunburn, as they do not seem to affect the
organoleptic quality of the harvest. However, Château Margaux should
continue this study by implementing berry and wine tasting between modalities
to make sure both modalities do not affect the wine organoleptic profile.
This study emphasizes promising results for both kaolin and
early defoliation against sunburn, after three years of test on the vineyard.
Nevertheless, the use of both methods needs to be evaluated in the long run to
make sure that it won't affect the physiology of the vineyard, in the context
of the Château Margaux's terroir.
In a context of climate change, where drought events and heat
waves are becoming more recurrent, the 2022 vintage happened to be a good
example of how global warming can affect grape production and helped us justify
the relevance of using alternative methods to reduce its effects.
Therefore, to continue this study, we would advise choosing
parcels with other grape varieties and/or orientations, to verify that both
methods will work in any situation within the vineyard. Additionally, it could
be interesting to modulate the kaolin sprayings, by reducing the dose but
increasing the number of applications for the vintages with higher rainfall.
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test results)
will correspond to observed results.
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List of figures
Figure 1: Observed symptoms of low-intensity (left) and
high-intensity (right) sunburn at Château
Margaux in June 2022 9
Figure 2: Types of solar radiations (Mallon et al., 2017) 11
Figure 3: Map of the Bordeaux vineyard, and location of the
Margaux appellation (red box) (CIVB,
2020) 16
Figure 4: Wines produced and sold by Château Margaux
(Château Margaux, 2022) 19
Figure 5: Scheme of the scientific process to verify hypotheses
Figure 6: Scheme of the experimental plan of Les 4 Vents Sable,
including the repartition of the
modalities in the parcel, the plots chosen, and the captors
location 27
Figure 7: Scheme of the experimental plan of Jean Brun Ouest,
including the repartition of the modalities
in the parcel, the plots chosen, and the captors location 27
Figure 8: Photograph of Cabernet Sauvignon leaves before (on le
left) and after (on the right) the first
kaolin spraying in June 2022 28
Figure 9: The same plant, before and after moderate defoliation
in June 2022 28
Figure 10: Photographs of a HOBO captor position next to a bunch
of grapes 32
Figure 11: Evolution of the maximum, minimum and average
temperatures as well as the rainfall for the 2022 growing season, from March
the 1st until August the 22nd, based on the Enclos
weather station
data. 40
Figure 12: Comparison of the 10°C base temperature sum for
the last 5 growing seasons, from March
the 1st to August the 22th, based on the Margaux Sencrop weather
station data 41
Figure 13: Evolution of predawn leaf water potential for both
studied parcels 43
Figure 14: Evolution of stem water potential for both studied
parcels 44
Figure 15: Leaf temperature per modality for both parcels, taken
with an infrared thermometer, between
July the 11th and August the 9th 45
Figure 16: Comparison of temperature data between 20 potential
usable HOBO captors, on the 2nd and
3rd of June 46
Figure 17: Comparison of light data between 20 potential usable
HOBO captors, on the 2nd and 3rd of
June 47
Figure 18: Comparison of temperature data between 10 potential
usable TinyTag captors, on the 23rd
and 24th of May 47
Figure 19: Comparison of relative humidity data between 10
potential usable TinyTag captors, on the
23rd and 24th of May 48
Figure 20: Tinytag captors temperature and humidity results on
the JBO parcel between July the 17th
and the 19th 48
Figure 21: Comparison of average bunch temperature per modality
at different times of the day, on the sun-exposed side of the canopy, taken by
an infrared manual thermometer, between June the 13th and
August the 3rd 49
Figure 22: Multiple linear regression model from XLSTAT
between the IR thermometer bunch temperature and the HOBO captor recorded light
and temperature data for the control modality in the
Les 4 Vents Sable parcel 50
Figure 23: Evolution of bunch temperature on the JBO parcel
between the 17th and the 19th of June
2022 51
Figure 24: Evolution of bunch temperature on the JBO parcel
between the 12th and the 15th of July
2022 51
Figure 25: Evolution of bunch temperature on the JBO parcel
between the 10th and the 12th of August
2022 51
Figure 26: Evolution of bunch sunburn frequency and intensity
on JBO and L4VS, from June the 22nd
to August the 17th 53
Figure 27: Evolution of damages linked with sunburn on bunches
per modality, from June the 22nd to
August the 17th 53
Figure 28: Evolution of leaf sunburn frequency and intensity
on JBO and L4VS, from June the 22nd to
August the Xth 55
Figure 29: Evolution of damages linked with sunburn on leaves
per modality, from June the 22nd to
August the 17th 55
Figure 30: Evolution of mass and volume of 100 berries between
July the 21st and August the 22nd, for
the L4VS parcel 56
Figure 31: Analysis results of berry maturity per modality,
between July the 21st and August the 22nd,
for the L4VS parcel 57
Figure 32: External laboratory analysis results of
anthocyanins and phenolic compounds per modality,
between August the 3rd and the 10th 58
List of tables
Table 1: Viticultural climates classification based on the Huglin
Index (Tonietto and Carbonneau, 2004;
Liviu Mihai et al., 2013) 10
Table 2: Comparison of the number of days where the maximum
temperature (Tmax) was higher than 30°C, for the last 5 growing season,
from March the 1st to August the 22th, according to the
Sencrop weather station data 41
Table 3: Dates of key phenological stages for the study 42
Table 4: Results of the LSD Fisher Test on Enhanced Vegetation
Indexes (EVI) of the different
modalities in the JBO parcel 42
Table 5: Results of the LSD Fisher Test on Enhanced Vegetation
Indexes (EVI) of the different
modalities in the L4VS parcel 42
Table 6: Results of the LSD Fisher Test on Leaf Area Indexes
(LAI) of the different modalities in the
JBO parcel 43
Table 7: Results of the LSD Fisher Test on Leaf Area Indexes
(LAI) of the different modalities in the
L4VS parcel 43
Table 8: Results of the LSD Fisher Test on August the 11th Stem
Water Potentials (SWP) of the different
modalities in the JBO parcel 44
Table 9: Results of the LSD Fisher Test on August the
11th Stem Water Potentials (SWP) of the different
modalities in the L4VS parcel 44
Table 10: Results of the LSD Fisher test on leaf temperature of
the different modalities in the JBO parcel
Table 11: Results of the LSD Fisher test on leaf temperature of
the different modalities in the L4VS
parcel 45
Table 12: Results of the LSD Fisher test on bunch temperature of
the different modalities in the JBO
parcel 49
Table 13: Results of the LSD Fisher test on bunch temperature of
the different modalities in the L4VS
parcel 49
Table 18: Evolution of the bunch number per parcel before and
after thinning operations 52
Table 14: Results of the LSD Fisher test on berry sunburn damages
of the different modalities in the
JBO parcel 54
Table 15: Results of the LSD Fisher test on berry sunburn damages
of the different modalities in the
L4VS parcel 54
Table 16: Results of the LSD Fisher test on leaf sunburn damages
of the different modalities in the JBO
parcel 56
Table 17: Results of the LSD Fisher test on leaf sunburn damages
of the different modalities in the L4VS
parcel 56
Table 19: Estimated economic margin made from both studied
modalities based on the results on the
JBO parcel 64
Table 20: Estimated economic margin made from both studied
modalities based on the results on the
L4VS parcel 65
Table of content
Acknowledgments 2
Summary 3
Acronyms and abbreviations 4
Introduction 6
1. Climate change and its impact on grape sunburn 7
1.1 Climate change at a large scale 7
1.2 Climate change at the scale of the Bordeaux vineyard 7
1.2.1 Global warming in Bordeaux constatation 7
1.2.2 Consequences of climate change on the Bordeaux vineyard
2. State of the art of grape sunburn 8
2.1 Grape sunburn: definition, symptoms, and consequences 8
2.2 Medium to long term factors of grape sunburn 9
2.2.1 Temperature: the main cause of grape sunburn 9 Temperature at different scales 9 Air temperature and its impact on berry temperature
2.2.2 Solar radiation 11
2.2.3 Combination of high temperature and solar radiation
2.2.4 Wind and relative humidity 12
2.3 Short term factors of grape sunburn 12
2.3.1 Vineyard soil management 12
2.3.2 Cultivar choice 13
2.3.3 Plant vigor 13
2.3.4 Developmental stage 13
2.3.5 Water status and its impact on sunburn 14
2.3.6 Vineyard management practices and operations to modulate
the sunburn risk 14 Vineyard operations 14 Row orientation 14
2.4 Grape sunburn at Château Margaux 14
3. Strategic analysis of Château Margaux in a context of
climate change 15
3.1 The business sector of Château Margaux 15
3.1.1 The French wine industry 15
3.1.2 The wine industry in Bordeaux 15
3.2 Presentation of Château Margaux 16
3.2.1 Appellation and terroir of Château Margaux 16
3.2.2 The vineyard management 17 Current vineyard management 17 Vineyard management strategies in a context of climate
change 18
3.2.3 The place of climate change in the company's organization
3.3 The wines produced by Château Margaux in a context of
climate change 19
3.3.1 Presentation of the wines of Château Margaux 19
3.3.2 The typicity of the wines of Château Margaux 19
3.3.3 The impact of climate change on the wines of Château
Margaux 20
4. Adaptation strategies to climate change 20
4.1 Long-term solutions 20
4.1.1 Row orientation 20
4.1.2 Grape variety 20
4.2 Short-term solutions against grape sunburn 21
4.2.1 Irrigation as a response to climate change 21
4.2.2 Shade netting to reduce sun exposure 21
4.2.3 Kaolin: a preventive solution against different radiative
and thermic stresses 21
4.2.4 Early leaf defoliation to increase grape berries sun
resistance 22
5. Problem and hypotheses 23
5.1 Problem 23
5.2 Hypotheses 24
1. Study presentation 26
2. Experimental set-up 26
2.1 Vineyard parcel choice 26
2.1.1 The influence of row orientation for our study 26
2.1.2 The grape variety studied 26
2.1.3 Frost damage evaluation 26
2.2 Studied modalities and plan 27
2.2.1 The kaolin modality 28
2.2.2 The early defoliation modality 28
3. Material and measures 29
3.1 Characterization of the 2022 vintage 29
3.2 Grapevine physiology 29
3.2.1 Phenological stages 29
3.2.2 Plant vigor 30
3.2.3 Vegetation porosity 30
3.2.4 Grapevine water status 30 Predawn Leaf Water Potential 30 Midday Stem Water Potential 31 Leaf surface temperature 31
3.3 Bunches microclimate 32
3.3.1 Temperature of the bunch of grapes 32
3.3.2 Luminosity of the microclimate 33
3.4 Quantification of sunburn symptoms 33
3.4.1 Bunch counting 34
3.4.2 Quantification of bunch sunburn symptoms 34
3.4.3 Quantification of leaves sunburn symptoms 34
3.5 Berries quality evaluation 35
3.5.1 Berries mass and volume 35
3.5.2 Primary and secondary metabolites 35 Primary metabolites 35 Secondary metabolites 36
3.6 Managerial and organizational implications 36
4. Statistical data processing of the results 37
1. 2022 vintage characterization during the wine growing season
1.1 Weather conditions of the 2022 season 40
1.2 Phenological stages of the 2022 season 42
2. Homogeneity verification between modalities 42
2.1 Plant vigor homogeneity 42
2.2 Vegetation porosity homogeneity 43
3. Plant hydric state evaluation 43
3.1 Stem and Predawn Leaf Water Potentials 43
3.1 Leaf temperature 45
4. Fruit zone microclimate 46
4.1 Reduce error risks by calibrating the captors 46
4.1.1 Infrared thermometer calibration 46
4.1.2 HOBO captors' calibration 46
4.1.3 TinyTag captors' calibration 47
4.2 Climate of the parcels 48
4.3 Sun-exposed bunches of grapes punctual temperatures
comparison 49
4.4 Bunch temperature model 50
4.4.1 Bunch temperature calibration 50
4.4.2 Bunch temperature model application 51
5. Sunburn symptoms evaluation 52
5.1 Bunch counting 52
5.2 Bunch sunburn symptoms evaluation 52
5.3 Leaf sunburn symptoms evaluation 54
6. Physico-chemical analysis of modalities 56
6.1 Mass and volume of 100 berries 56
6.2 Primary and secondary metabolites 57
6.2.1 Primary metabolites comparison 57
6.2.2 Secondary metabolites comparison 58
7. Managerial implications linked with grape sunburn adaptation
1. Reminder of the objectives of the study 60
2. Results and hypotheses 60
3. Discussion on the results 60
3.1 Conditions of the study 61
3.1.1 The influence of the weather conditions 61
3.1.2 The homogeneity of the studied parcels 61
3.2 Results of the study 62
3.2.1 Sunburn solutions and their impact on grapevine physiology
62 Plant hydric state and leaves temperature 62 Bunch temperature and sunburn 62
3.2.2 Kaolin and early defoliation effects on sunburn symptoms
3.2.3 Effect of studied modalities on berry quality 62
3.3 Technical limits of the study 63
3.3.1 Technical limits linked with kaolin sprayings 63
3.3.2 Technical limits linked with early defoliation 63
3.3.3 Other technical limits 63
3.4 Managerial limits of the study 64
3.5 Economic evaluation of the project 64
3.6 Limits linked with study size and duration 65
4. Propositions and study perspective 65
4.1 Prolongation of the study 66
4.2 Improvement of the experimental set-up 66
4.3 Extension of the study at the scale of the vineyard 66
4.4 Technical resources propositions 67
4.5 Managerial propositions 67
4.6 The use of inter-row cover crops against grape sunburn 67
4.7 Evolution of the PDO specifications to face climate change
Conclusion 69
References 70
Glossary 78
List of figures 79
List of tables 81
Table of content 82
Annexes 87
List of annexes 107
Annex 1: Reminder on the different levels of
In viticulture, three different levels of climate can be
- Macroclimate: the climate of a region, generally
described by weather stations data. Is independent of local topography, soil
type, and vegetation but is determined by the geographic location. The
macroclimate usually can extent over hundreds of kilometers and defines a
particular grape growing region, such as Bordeaux.
- Mesoclimate: the climate of a site or large vineyard.
It varies from macroclimate as it takes into consideration topography and can
extent up to several kilometers.
- Microclimate: the climate within a vineyard. This
climate depends on the vineyard cultural
practices and can vary by a few centimeters due for example to
the presence of leaves.
(Keller, 2020)
Annex 2: Interview of Julien C., Vineyard Manager
of Château Margaux, in French, on the 19th of July
Célia M. : Bonjour Julien. Dans le
cadre de mon mémoire de fin d'études, je vais vous poser des
questions sur différents thèmes, dans l'objectif de mieux
comprendre la typicité du vin produit, et les effets du changement
climatique sur vos méthodes de production et de management.
Pour commencer, que fait, à votre avis, la
typicité du produit du Château Margaux, justifiant sa valeur
économique ?
Julien C. : Je dirai que la typicité
des vins de Margaux et du domaine provient surtout de leur terroir. On a la
chance d'avoir 60 unités pédologiques différentes, avec
trois types de terrasses différentes, qui forcément apportent un
assemblage beaucoup plus complexe que les domaines voisins qui n'ont pas
forcément d'argilo-calcaire et d'autres terroirs que seulement nous
avons sur l'appellation.
Célia M. : Quelles actions au vignoble
justifient pour vous le plus la qualité des raisins ?
Julien C. : L'intégralité des
tâches. A Château Margaux, toutes les tâches sont
réalisées à la main, c'est du travail d'orfèvre.
Chaque vigneron s'occupe de ses parcelles qui représentent à peu
près 30 000 pieds et ça les rend responsables et «
propriétaires » de la parcelle, et y apportent donc plus
d'attention que du travail en équipe ou de prestation.
Célia M. : Quelles variables au
vignoble vous font choisir une parcelle plutôt qu'une autre pour un
certain type de vin ? Par exemple, comment évaluez-vous qu'une certaine
parcelle entrera une année dans le grand vin, puis la suivante dans le
générique ?
Julien C. : La première des choses ce
sont les études pédologiques où chaque fois qu'il y a une
parcelle d'arrachée on effectue une fosse pédologique pour
vraiment identifier le terroir, ou les terroirs différents de la
parcelle. La deuxième chose c'est la chance qu'on a ici d'avoir des
bases de données énormes depuis 100/200 ans où chaque
maître de chai, chaque chef de culture, chaque responsable d'exploitation
a noté à un moment donné où la parcelle irait dans
les différents vins.
Célia M. : Quels sont les facteurs de
production fixes au vignoble que vous estimez ne pas pouvoir changer pour
continuer de produire ces vins, malgré l'évolution des tendances
de consommation et le changement climatique ?
Julien C. : Changer de cépage veut
dire changer la typicité des vins de Margaux et du Médoc. On a la
chance par rapport à Saint Emilion d'avoir un encépagement
majoritairement Cabernet Sauvignon qui fait des degrés d'alcool encore
tout à fait raisonnables comparés à du Merlot, qui monte
rapidement à 15-16° dans les années les plus chaudes, alors
que lorsqu'on monte à 13,5-14° pour du Cabernet Sauvignon c'est
déjà le grand maximum. Changer de cépage pourrait
être mal vu par les consommateurs qui ne retrouveraient pas
l'identité d'un vin médocain et de surcroit d'un vin de
Château Margaux. Adapter les pratiques agronomiques sur l'orientation des
rangs pourquoi pas. Mettre en place de l'irrigation, tant que les instances de
l'INAO nous disent pas que c'est ok dans des décrets
d'appellation, ce sera compliqué. Au niveau pratiques
agronomiques, il y a des choses à faire sur les semis temporaires de
couverts végétaux, sur les pratiques d'échardage,
d'effeuillage, sur la résistance des porte-greffes à la
sécheresse car certains résistent mieux que d'autres. Mettre plus
de sélection massale que de clonale pour avoir une diversité
génétique. Il y a donc encore des choses à faire au
Célia M. : Quelles conséquences
ce changement aura-t-il sur vos pratiques, si vous estimez qu'il aura un impact
Julien C. : Les conséquences seront
multifactorielles, le Médoc est une presqu'île, c'est un isthme,
et on aura forcément un jour la Gironde qui va monter encore plus haut
que ce qu'elle n'est déjà. Il va sûrement y avoir des
terres qui vont être perdues. Ensuite, il faudra trouver des solutions
autres qu'agronomiques tels des filets de protection pour amener de la vendange
la plus saine et la plus qualitative.
Célia M. : Pourriez-vous envisager
l'incorporation de pratiques comme l'effeuillage ou le kaolin dans l'agenda des
travaux de la vigne, ou cela posera-il un soucis par rapport à la charge
de travail des vignerons à cette période ?
Julien C. : L'effeuillage pourrait être
incorporé s'il est fait au bon stade phénologique ; nouaison /
début fermeture. Après c'est trop tard car la grappe n'a pas le
temps de s'adapter aux coups de chaud. Le kaolin pourquoi pas s'il n'y a pas de
modifications des paramètres organoleptiques des vins. Employer du
calcaire pur type Megagreen qui possède près de 40% de calcaire
et les processus silices qui sont aussi importants pour rendre les feuilles
plus résistantes à la chaleur.
Cela posera forcément problème par rapport
à la charge de travail car ces produits ne sont pas forcément
miscibles avec nos traitements actuels dont nécessiteraient une charge
de travail supplémentaire.
Célia M. : Quels seraient les limites
ou challenges d'implémenter ces solutions en termes d'expertise, de
procédés, et de main d'oeuvre ?
Julien C. : Dans l'ordre, les limites sont :
1. Les hommes, 2. Les moyens (tracteurs), 3. Climato, 4. Les travaux qui sont
gérés en même temps. En termes de main d'oeuvre, cela
impliquerait des charges de travail supplémentaires et donc
potentiellement l'embauche d'intérimaires.
Célia M. : Quels sont pour vous les
risques directs du changement climatique sur le vignoble de Château
Margaux ?
Julien C. : Il y aura forcément des
impacts au niveau qualitatif car on aura des baies qui auront un goût de
cuit, et il faudra faire plus de nettoyage de grappes dans les
éclaircissages. Il faudra donc adapter nos pratiques agronomiques au
changement climatique.
Célia M. : Serait-il envisageable dans
les années à venir de changer l'encépagement du vignoble
pour y implémenter des variétés plus résistantes
aux stress hydrique et thermique ?
Julien C. : La principale personne à
convaincre serait la propriétaire, car si elle n'est pas d'accord pour
ce type de changement, on ne fera pas grand-chose.
Célia M. : Depuis combien
d'années environ observez-vous de l'échaudage sur les vignes du
Château Margaux ?
Julien C. : Combien d'années c'est
difficile à dire mais tous les millésimes où on a eu des
coups de chaud ; 2003, 2005, 2011, 2018, 2020 et 2022. Ce sont que des
millésimes où on a eu des pics de chaleur qui causent des
symptômes d'échaudage.
Célia M. : L'échaudage
représente-t-il un risque significatif pour votre production ?
Julien C. : Sur le rendement oui.
Célia M. : Jusqu'où
estimez-vous pouvoir aller en production viticole pour éviter
l'échaudage et conserver un volume et une qualité de vin
suffisants ?
Julien C. : Au maximum, tous les moyens sont
Célia M. : C'est tout pour moi, je
vous remercie pour le temps que vous m'avez accordé et vous souhaite une
bonne fin de journée !
Julien C. : Avec plaisir, n'hésitez-pas
à me contacter si vous avez des questions supplémentaires.
Annex 3: Soil map for the different parcels of
Château Margaux, based on soil analyses, 2015

Annex 4: Repartition of the grape varieties in the
vineyard of Château Margaux, and its reference blocks

Annex 5: Organigram of the company summarizing the
different services and managerial levels

Annex 6: Map of Château Margaux's parcels and their
row orientation, in red the studied parcels

Annex 7. Photographs of the kaolin mix preparation in
the Mixbox, and of the sprayer used

Annex 8. Kaolin sprayings calendar for the 2022
Kaolin spraying preparation
Real product usage
Dose (kg/ha)
Water (L)
Kaolin (kg)
Adjuvant (mL)
Water (L)
Kaolin (kg)
Adjuvant (mL)
Water (L)
Kaolin (kg)
Adjuvant (mL)
Water (L)
Kaolin (kg)
Adjuvant (mL)
Annex 9. Kaolin spraying dose calculation
28.0-2 Les 4 Vents Sable
85 Jean Brun Ouest
Surface of one block (6 + 2 1/2 ranks)
Modality surface (3 blocks) (ha)
Number of passages per treatment
Surface to spray (ha)
Kaolin recommended dose (kg/ha)
Kaolin mass used (kg)
Flow rate (L/ha)
Mixture volume to prepare (L)
Kaolin concentration (kg/L water)
Volume per passage (L)
Volume with 50L margin per passage (L)
Adjuvant concentration (mL/100L)
Adjuvant volume per passage (mL)
Kaolin mass per passage (kg)
Per passage 1*20kg/ha
Per passage 1*20kg/ha
rounded to 100 L
Per passage
2*10kg/ha rounded
Per passage
2*5kg/ha rounded
Volume to prepare (L)
Kaolin mass (kg)
Adjuvant volume (mL)
Annex 10. Photographs of the Scholander pressure
chamber used to measure water potentials

Annex 11: Evolution of the maximum, minimum and
average temperatures as well as the rainfall for the 2022 growing season, based
on the Plateau weather station

Annex 12: Key phenological stages for the last 4
growing seasons for both studied parcels
Key phenological stages
Mid-bud burst
Les 4 Vents Sables
Jean Brun Ouest
Annex 13: Map of JBO's enhanced vegetation index
values for each grapevine plant, Vineview

In red, the non-vigorous zone of the study that was excluded from
the measures.
Annex 14: Map of L4VS' enhanced vegetation index
(EVI) values for each grapevine plant, Vineview

In red, the non-vigorous zone of the study that was excluded from
the measures.
Annex 15: Tinytag captors temperature and humidity
results on the L4VS parcel between July the 17th and the 19th

Annex 16: Multiple linear regression model from
XLSTAT between the IR thermometer bunch temperature and the HOBO captor
recorded light and temperature data for the kaolin modality in the Jean Brun
Ouest parcel

Annex 17: Multiple linear regression model from
XLSTAT between the IR thermometer bunch temperature and the HOBO captor
recorded light and temperature data for the early defoliation modality in the
Jean Brun Ouest parcel

Annex 18: Multiple linear regression model from
XLSTAT between the IR thermometer bunch temperature and the HOBO captor
recorded light and temperature data for the control modality in the Jean Brun
Ouest parcel

Annex 19: Multiple linear regression model from
XLSTAT between the IR thermometer bunch temperature and the HOBO captor
recorded light and temperature data for the kaolin modality in the Les 4 Vents
Sable parcel

Annex 20: Multiple linear regression model from
XLSTAT between the IR thermometer bunch temperature and the HOBO captor
recorded light and temperature data for the early defoliation modality in the
Les 4 Vents Sable parcel

Annex 21: Analysis of bunch temperature evolution
on the JBO parcel for the 2022 growing season heatwaves
For the L4VS parcel, the followed bunches of grapes are
exposed on the West part of the canopy and reach a temperature peak between 3
and 5 PM.

During the June heat wave, the bunches reached a maximum of
42,9°C for the kaolin modality, 46,9°C for the early defoliation
modality, and 43,9°C for the control modality. During the July heat wave
before véraison, the bunches maximum temperatures were: 40,5°C for
the kaolin modality, 44°C for the early defoliation modality, and
41,8°C for the control modality. In the August heat wave during
maturation, the bunches reached a maximum temperature of 39,4°C for the
kaolin modality, 46,3°C for the early defoliation modality, and
44,9°C for the control modality.
The difference between the highest bunch temperature of the
kaolin and the control modalities was on average between 1,01°C and
5,5°C for the JBO parcel. Consequently, it can be concluded that for the
JBO parcel, kaolin sprayings helped significantly reduce bunch temperature.
Annex 22: Evolution of mass and volume of 100
berries between July the 21st and August the 22nd, for the JBO parcel

Overall, between July the 21st and August the
22nd, it can be observed that the mass and volume of the kaolin
modality berries are more important than the other modalities.
On the 22nd, the kaolin modality 100 berries weight
was more than 30 grams higher than the control modality, while their volume was
0,2 mL more important. Regarding the early defoliation modality, the berry mass
and volume was closer to the control modality, than to the kaolin.
Consequently, on both parcels, kaolin significantly improved
berry physiology, while early defoliation slightly improved it.
Annex 23: Excell laboratory analysis results by
modality, for the Xth of July, and the 10th of August



Annex 24: Analysis results of berry maturity per
modality, between July the 21st and the 22nd of August, for the JBO

Based on the modelized graphs, the differences in pH, sugar,
total acidity, and malic acidity levels between modalities on the JBO parcel
aren't significatively different between modalities.
On July the 29th, the acidity of the control modality
was slightly more important while the pH was lower, but by the end of the
maturity (August the 22nd), the values stabilized to reduce the gap
between modalities.
Overall, it can be concluded that neither the kaolin nor the
early defoliation modalities significantly affected berry primary
List of annexes
Annex 1: Reminder on the different levels of climate 87
Annex 2: Interview of Julien CAZENAVE, Vineyard Manager of
Château Margaux, in French, on the 19th
of July 87
Annex 3: Soil map for the different parcels of Château
Margaux, based on soil analyses, 2015 89
Annex 4: Repartition of the grape varieties in the vineyard of
Château Margaux, and its reference blocks 90
Annex 5: Organigram of the company summarizing the different
services and managerial levels 91
Annex 6: Map of Château Margaux's parcels and their row
orientation, in red the studied parcels 92
Annex 7: Photographs of the kaolin mix preparation in the Mixbox,
and of the sprayer used 93
Annex 8: Kaolin sprayings calendar for the 2022 season 93
Annex 9: Kaolin spraying dose calculation 94
Annex 10: Photographs of the Scholander pressure chamber used to
measure water potentials 94
Annex 11: Evolution of the maximum, minimum and average
temperatures as well as the rainfall for the
2022 growing season, based on the Plateau weather station 95
Annex 12: Key phenological stages for the last 4 growing seasons
for both studied parcels 95
Annex 13: Map of JBO's enhanced vegetation index values for each
grapevine plant, Vineview 96
Annex 14: Map of L4VS' enhanced vegetation index (EVI) values for
each grapevine plant, Vineview 97
Annex 15: Tinytag captors temperature and humidity results on the
L4VS parcel between July the 17th and
the 19th 98
Annex 16: Multiple linear regression model from XLSTAT between
the IR thermometer bunch temperature and the HOBO captor recorded light and
temperature data for the kaolin modality in the Jean Brun Ouest
parcel 98
Annex 17: Multiple linear regression model from XLSTAT between
the IR thermometer bunch temperature and the HOBO captor recorded light and
temperature data for the early defoliation modality in the Jean Brun
Ouest parcel 98
Annex 18: Multiple linear regression model from XLSTAT between
the IR thermometer bunch temperature and the HOBO captor recorded light and
temperature data for the control modality in the Jean Brun Ouest
parcel 99
Annex 19: Multiple linear regression model from XLSTAT between
the IR thermometer bunch temperature and the HOBO captor recorded light and
temperature data for the kaolin modality in the Les 4 Vents Sable
parcel 99
Annex 20: Multiple linear regression model from XLSTAT between
the IR thermometer bunch temperature and the HOBO captor recorded light and
temperature data for the early defoliation modality in the Les 4
Vents Sable parcel 99
Annex 21: Analysis of bunch temperature evolution on the JBO
parcel for the 2022 growing season
heatwaves 100
Annex 22: Evolution of mass and volume of 100 berries between
July the 21st and August the 22nd, for the
JBO parcel 101
Annex 23: Excell laboratory analysis results by modality, for the
Xth of July, and the 10th of August 102
Annex 24: Analysis results of berry maturity per modality,
between July the 21st and the 22nd of August, for
the JBO parcel 106