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Impact of the type of the cross sectional profile on urban zones road

University of Bamenda (ENSET Bambili)  - DIPET II (Diplome de Professeur de l'enseignement Technique II e grade)  0000

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


«What is awaits from a research task is the originality. It is not a question of a quality in oneself, but of a step: the purpose of a report, a thesis, an article, are to bring something new, of original. The originality is all the direction of the review of literature. It is necessary to master what was already made as regards research to be able to position its own research so that it brings something moreover, so that it is original (at the border of the knowledge and the not-knowledge)»(Dumez, 2011, p. 17).

Throughout our research task, in which the purpose is to discover or establish the existence of the relation between two common aspects of the urban roadway system: the gauge of a way and its output, we leaf through several documents, articles and theses going in the direction of our research. Thus, in order to be a scientist during this study, we have judge adapted to start by defining the term urban roadway system.

1.1. The urban roadway system: what is it

The roadway system is historically definite like the whole of the transportation routes of a territory given i.e. the whole of the infrastructures necessary to support the circulation of the goods and people in the aforementioned locality. However, in urban environment, the roadway system is collective before being an infrastructure dedicated to the only circulation; it is a social space which structure urban space(d'ARCIER, 1992). On another side, the roadway system appears being a basic urban transport infrastructure and like such, it is defined as being a fixed public installation being used to provide essential services(NOUNDJEU, 14 au 15 février 2011). From these definitions, it comes out that to have for object of study the urban roadway system, it is to make a study which will have to take into account several forms and point of view as well technical as social. The urban roadway system thus proves to be the carrying structure, tallies of the development according to the old proverb which says: «where the road passes, the development follows.»

In urban environment, that always applies and even with an impact much stronger because one very often saw real estate goods and others to be object of important speculations after the built of a more comfortable access road was restored. Bruno FAIVRE d'ARCIER (1992) puts forward this aspect developing and devaluing by the road in urban environment in his thesis la voirieurbaine: de l'accumulation à la gestionpatrimoniale. The roadway system is, consequently this network, this infrastructure of communication around of which will organize the life in urban environment (in all or if not, large majority of the circumstances). The urban roadway system will thus be characterized by its multifonctionnality, the multiplicity and the diversity of the users whom it gathers;In its thesis, B. FAIVRE d'ARCIER (1992) made a short summary of the various possible approaches of definition of the urban roadway system: like public domain, like infrastructure, network and space.

· In the approach of the roadway system like network, the roadway system is comparable with a whole of sections and crossroads primarily being used with circulation of the goods and the people to the means of modeof transport motorized or not.

· The approach infrastructure, which is prevalent for the town planning engineering, is based on the concept of network, but privileges the roadway system like basic infrastructure rather, support of other network (electricity, water, telephone, etc.)

· In the approach of the roadway system like space, prevalent for the architects and the town planners, the roadway system is seen like a volume and constitutes an element of the urban landscape. In addition to that, for the town planners, the urban development and of its activity is closely related to the conditions of accessibility in a context where it is necessary to differentiate the places of residence and the places from activities.

· The approach in terms of domain which is used as pillar to legitimate the intervention of the public authorities because it allows given again the public space which is the roadway system, its place vis-a-vis approaches of the functionalist types.

The following quotation, from the general guide of the urban roadway system as cited by(d'ARCIER, 1992, p. 2)thus appears to be, we think it enough adequate to summarize the point of view supported up: «what characterizes a street, it is its complexity the multiplicity of its roles. It accommodates activities which should be served, it is to border of trade, it shelters the walk or the rest of the townsmen, it ensures the service road of a district while supporting calm residents, or even it runs out an important traffic that it is necessary to reconcile with a correct environment with the inhabitants».(CETUR, AIVF, 1988)

Of all what precedes, it is thus clear that the concept of design of street could not be universal or at least, should more or less adapt according to whether one is in such or such medium where the social behaviors and the daily intrigues differ, question of guaranteeing the safety of the motorists and the residents which interact both with the road: it is clear that we does not drive in the same way on an urban boulevard as on one street crossing a market or a road access in full district. The design will have to implementfactors which will have to make recognize with the motorist function (service road, fast track, etc.) of the way where it is, and thus, to lead it to adapt its speed which would be finally only the translation, in terms of control, of this function.With respect to the road safety, it is important that installation makes it possible to the motorists to correctly identify nature and the uses of the way which they borrow so that they can anticipate, to some extent, the inherent risks has this space and thus to adapt their behavior (in particular their speed) has these characteristics (the space). In their articles,(BRUSQUE, MENARD, MONTEL, DUBOIS, & RESCHE-RIGON, 1997)starting from an experimentation of categorization carried out using catches of sights of urban sites, identified the categories of ways which the various users and the criteria from differentiated which these categories are constituted. They pushed their work further by evaluating also up to what point night environment modifies the mental representations than the users have this space.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

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