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Exploring the impacts of group work on efl learners' speaking performance in Benin: the case study of CEG sodohome in the region of Zou

par Joël AÏKPE
Université d'Abomey Calavi - Licence 2021

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

Section Two: The Use of Group Work

2.1 Goals of Using Group Work

The following description of the goals of group work focuses on the spoken use of the language. There are several reasons for this focus. First, group work is commonly used to get learners to talk to each other. Secondly, much research on group in language learning has focused on spoken activity, partly because this is the most easily observed and recorded. Thirdly, mostteachers use speakingactivities in unprincipledways.

2.2 Benefits of Using Group Work on EFL Classes

Judith A. Rance Roney (2010, page 21), says that language acquitision research has long supported the benefits of students' interaction, which include useful language practice (Doughty and Pica 1986, among others), student to student scaffolding during challenging tasks (Storch 2001, among others), and the formation of personal agency in academic settings (Morita 2004). Small group collaboration allows learners to follow, to practice pronunciation of words , to structure conversational efficacy in a less formal and less anxiety ridden context. It increases language practice, the ability to appropriately interact in groups.

They are many advantages attached to the use of the group work strategy in EFL classes. First of all, students' responsibility and autonomy are promoted through group work activities. All students work together , share their thoughts, and always want to reach the goal in group activities. In addition, one of their main tasks is being in charge of their group activities each learner is in charge of his own speaking performance, so there is a friendly help and high level of interdependence among them. For Doff (1998), `'Group work and pair work encourage students to share knowledge. In a reading activity, students can help each other to explore the meaning of a text, in a discussion activity ; students can give each other new ideas''. Secondly, learners' participation, talking time and oral fluency are improved through group.

Finally, students' motivation is improved through group work activities. Group work activity can allow participants to use the language. Moreover, it is one of the most effective way to motivate participants to become more involved. Richards and Lockhart (1994) point out that, students not only play more active roles in the learning process but also get the benefits of sharing ideas with their team members through taking part in groups. Doff (1988, p.141) states that `'students feel less anxiety when they are ....privately than when they are on ...shown in front of the whole class. Pair work and group work can help shy students, who would never say anything in a whole class activity.'' By dividing the class into groups, a new social context is created whereby learners get the opportunity to share individual cognitions with their group mates and decide on a conclusion based on the sum of these cognitions.

Group work have benefits not only for the learner but also for teachers. First of all, they save time. Group work is a way for a teacher to check students' progress in learning.

Dr. Spencer Kagan (1985) asserts that group work builds an ethnic relation among students, creates mutual understanding between them, and increases one's self-esteem, social skills, and study skills. It teaches students empathy and builds social relationship. It teaches students to be more responsible, creating a sense in them that they make a difference.

In my opinion, we all know that the authors have spoken about the advantages both students and teachers gained through group work. Students practice more the language and are responsible for their learning. They learn through this strategy of learning how to live and behave in a society. Through this they become courageous to speak in front of a public.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Il y a des temps ou l'on doit dispenser son mépris qu'avec économie à cause du grand nombre de nécessiteux"   Chateaubriand