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Exploring the impacts of group work on efl learners' speaking performance in Benin: the case study of CEG sodohome in the region of Zou

par Joël AÏKPE
Université d'Abomey Calavi - Licence 2021

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

Table B.9: The most difficult elements needed in the teaching of speaking ability.













Sentence Structures






Source : Research investigation (2021)

The results indicated that three respondents (75%) stated that they have difficult in teaching of `'Pronunciation'' and only one (25%) among them stated that he has difficult in teaching of `'Vocabulary''. No one of them stated `'Grammar'' and `'Sentence Structures''.

8-How do you motivate your students to communicate orally in language class ?

Students' lack of motivation for developing communicative competence was also referred to as a significant constraint for the effective use of English in groups. It is necessary for teachers to motivate their learners so as to bring them to use the target language. All of the participants have differents opinions on the motivation of the students to communicate orally in language class.

The first teacher mentioned that he motivates students through songs, encouragements and congratulations. The second one stated that he motivates them through discussions, role-play, brainstorming activities, story telling and picture descriptions. The third one argued that he motivates his students by learning them how to sing English songs. He rewards those who speak English fluently and orally. After that, he makes them role play dialogues and finally he helps them to discuss on an important and interesting topic in order to bring them to improve their speaking capicity. The last one revealed that he demonstrates to learners that English language is nowadays the Langua-Franca : a language spoken all over the world. Consequently a person who can not speak English language will find difficult to travel abroad, to do business with foreigners...etc. He often hand over sweets or piece of chalk to the learners who try their best in English speaking. Finally, he tries to find ways to make them use only English language to communicate or exchange during group work activity.

4.2 The Analysis of Class Observations and Interviews

4.2.1 Results from Class Observations

During my research, I have chosen class observation as one of my data collection techniques. For the first time that I have entered in the EFL class of CEG Sodohomè, I noticed that students are not sitting in group but they are sitting down in pair. During the course, after individual work, the teacher invited the learners to work in pair. At the end of the lecture, I asked him the reason why he chose pair work instead of group work. He told me that he used it because of coronavirus. This dreadful disease has negative impact on group work activities. After explaining him my topic, he told me that from now on he will tell them to work in the group of four students in facing themselves without forgetting the preventive measures of coronavirus in order to help me to collect the data.

While I observed the group work activity, my general observation is the use of french language and their native language which is fongbé. Some students were silent and even some among them spoke of others things which were not related to the task given by the teacher. There is a lot of noise in the class. Some learners take the time of group work as distraction moment and didn't respect the time given by the teacher. Very few of them are really worked in the group and used the target language.

I have asked to teachers who I followed to allow me to explain to the learners my research work topic. After allowing me, I took my time to explain them how important group work is, the way it can help them to use the English language. I told them that group work can improve their speaking ability if all of them participate it well. I used to add that: It is strictly forbidden to speak french and native language in an EFL class during group work activity.

After my explanation, I noticed that some students tried to used the target language particulary in post learners classes but very few of intermediate learners used the English language during group work activity. Most of them spoke both french and fongbé languages during group work activity.

Despite the efforts of the teachers to remind them the useful of group work on their speaking capacity, some learners remain silent or speak others languages during group work activity.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Nous devons apprendre à vivre ensemble comme des frères sinon nous allons mourir tous ensemble comme des idiots"   Martin Luther King