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Exploring the impacts of group work on efl learners' speaking performance in Benin: the case study of CEG sodohome in the region of Zou

par Joël AÏKPE
Université d'Abomey Calavi - Licence 2021

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


The effectiveness of group work has been highlighted often in research papers, and now group work is accepted as a natural medium that fosters communication. Considerable research shows thatcooperative learning results in higher achievement and more positive relationships among students.

The teaching of foreign languages is an interactive process which involves the participation of both the teacher and the learners.Many researchers have emerged classroom communication that involves interaction. They showed the importance of interaction in bulding knowledge and improving skills.For many years, English teachers have been using a varietyof techniques to encourage interaction and participation among their learners.It is through the interaction in the class as social group that the language is used and learned, and the group is given a social identity and a social reality.It is important to keep learners active in the classroom, which means reducing teacher talking time in the classroom and increasing the learners' talking time, naturally, they will talk to each other through groups where each learner gets his time to talk.

Group work also known as Cooperative Language Learning (CLL) has emerged over the past ten years as one of the effective methods of language teaching and no one can deny that learners like to work in groups, and if they do a good job, the benefits are many. This work intends to explore the use of group work in an EFL teaching and to find out the impact of group work on EFL learners speaking performance.The main objective of learning a foreign language is to be able to use it for oral purposes. But unfortunately after many years of EFL learning in school, advanced learners in Benin are not able to use the target language appropriately in their daily communication. The problem we are confronted with here is when the students exhibit a lack of interaction which can be presented through their poor production, lack of participation in the classroom and poor student relationship-learning a foreign language and its components (pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar for intance) become extremely difficult to develop their oral proficiency. Thus, teachers have to provide learners with a method of increasing language practice opportunities. Organizing the class into groups is one of the most successful parts to provide learners with extensive oral practice. The problem investigated has not been clearlyexplained.

The present study aims at investigating the impacts of group work on EFL learners speaking performance.Moreover it will increaceteachers'understanding of the reasons for the difficulties in group work, which may relate to the dynamics of group work or to learners themselves. It draws EFL teachers' attention to the relevance of adopting group work strategy as a relevant technique in their classes to fully improve their learners' speaking skills.

To achieve my goal, I have divided my work into five chapters.

In the first, theoritical framework, part of current theme, impacts of group work on EFL learners speaking performance, is examined in theoritical terms. This part comprises two chapters, the first is identification of the study which includes a general introduction, the statement of the problem and research questions and hypothesis, the purposes of the study and the significance of the study would provide reader with an overview of the whole paper. The second chapter deals with the researchers' review of literature. It shows what other researchers have said about my topic. It should also contain the definition of terms sections when appropriate.

The second part of the study, the field work, deals with pratical issues. This part comprises chapter three entitled research methology, the chapter four divided into two sections. In the first, all the detailed information is summarized. In the following section the analysis of results and their interpretation are presented. And as a final point of this research, a general conclusion of the paper and and in chapter five general recommendations are suggested. Lastly references related to the work are mentioned and the annex pages is at the end.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Je voudrais vivre pour étudier, non pas étudier pour vivre"   Francis Bacon