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Les causes et les conséquences du non enregistrement des naissances a l’état civil en république démocratique du congo: cas de la ville de bukavu, chef-lieu de la province du sud à¢â‚¬â€œ kivu.par Innocent KADEKERE KWIGOMBA Distant Production House University - MASTER DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT 2015 |
ABSTRACTAccording to the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), a child shall be registered immediately after birth and to be named. The child as the right to acquire a nationality and, as far possible, the right to know their parents and be cared for by them (Article 7). However, it is noticed that many children born and living in the city of Bukavu escaped to be recorded by the state civil after their birth. In order; to continue the fight against this scourge whose scope and impacts are visible on the child protection and ensure the reduction of disparities in children's access to basic social service. It is necessary to understand the mechanisms and dysfunctions of the system. .In order to suggest appropriate solutions, that why we decided to conduct this study in order to better identify and understand the barriers causing the non-registration of births to the state civil and the management of Congolese state system for birth registration. So, the present thesis aims is to identify barriers to birth registration in a general context and in the particular context of the city of Bukavu. To conduct our study, we use both systemic and statistical method. These were supported by survey techniques, sampling, maintenance and documentation It appears from our field investigations that the birth registration is the matter of the study level , the distance between the population residence and the registry office .There is another option which states that if during the birth of household head was recorded, automatically the father of the children will register also his children .We noticed that many parents weren't registered after their birth as consequence many children weren't also registered by the parents to civil status. The main causes of non-registration of births are: forgetfulness, carelessness, ignorance, lack of civil marriage, early pregnancy outside marriage, rape ... and major consequences to the children are the lack of identity, nationality, filiation, the difficulty of being enrolled in school, difficulty for traveling abroad. This thesis suggests recommendations made by various stakeholders for the comprehensive birth registration. Among other recommendations, we have the assertion of political will, awareness, capacity building of civil status actors and to equip the registry office with adequate tools, the delegation of signature to the employees in case of the absence of authorized person and finally the decentralization of the state civil. Keywords: the cause/case, the consequence/repercussion, the registering/recording, the state civil, the birth. vii TABLE DES MATIERESDEDICACE i REMERCIEMENTS .ii RESUME DU TRAVAIL .iii ABSTRACT ..iv TABLE DES MATIERES v REPERTOIRE DES TABLEAUX vi REPERTOIRE DES GRAPHIQUES vii SIGLES ET ABREVIATIONS viii 0. INTRODUCTION 1 0.1. Contexte de l'étude .1 0.2. Problématique 4 0.3. Question de la recherche .7 0.4. Objectif ..7 0.5. Hypothèse de travail 8 0.6. Choix et Intérêt du sujet 8 0.7. Cadre conceptuel 10 0.8. Difficultés rencontrées .11 0.9. Subdivision du travail 11 CHAP1 : LA REVUE DE LA LITTERATURE ..12
I.2.1. L'Historique de l'enregistrement à l'état civil à ses origines 15 I.2.2. Les effets de l'enregistrement à l'Etat civil et ses implications depuis les millenaires17 VIII I.2.3. L'enregistrement de l'Etat civil et les Etats modernes. 18 I.2.4. L'enregistrement de l'Etat civil et le développement socioéconomique des nations modernes 19 I.2.5. Les causes et les conséquences du non enregistrement des naissances à l'Etat civil 22
III.1.1.4 Les conséquences du non enregistrement des naissances dans la ville de Bukavu .70
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