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Aménagement de l'arret campus et organisation du transport collectif, Lubumbashi. Cas de la ligne campus-gare.par Daniel MUHINDO NGOY Université de Lubumbashi - Licence en Génie civil 2019 |
ABSTRACTThis study on: « Development of the Campus bus stop and organization of public transport», on the line from the Campus to the Station, focused on solving the problems related to the development of the Campus bus stop in the Tshombe plain following the deficits presented by the current bus stop, and on the organization of public mobility on this line. The objectives were to provide the Campus bus stop with a parking area capable of instantly collecting a considerable fleet of public transport cars, to orientate each line's terminal so as to avoid disruptions during maneuvers, to provide a bus shelter per line terminal containing information and operating assistance equipment to make waiting for buses comfortable for users, to apply actions to regulate urban public mobility to enable transport operators to respect bus passage times at line stops, to integrate to some extent the concepts of the intelligent transport system (ITS) into real-time information management to guide users in their travel choices. The information collected in the field, the literary review, the Internet and simulation via computer-aided design software (AutoCAD classic and Sketch Up) made it possible to carry out preliminary planning studies, interacting with data from GIS (geographic information system) software such as Google Earth and Global Mapper. ITS software and Ms. Excel did the management of transport hours. This methodology resulted in the results of providing the Campus stop with a 1620.5 m2 parking area and bus shelters, making this bus stop one of three regulation stops on the Campus-station line, to track traffic jams and make traffic flow through the long-term contribution of ITS' technological range, and creating the start-up capable of managing mobility on the line by boosting the local economy and facilitating job creation. Keywords: planning - bus stop - organization - transport Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator I TABLE DES MATIERESRÉSUMÉ ABSTRACTTABLE DES MATIERES I LISTE DES FIGURES IV LISTE DES TABLEAUX V NOMENCLATURE VI DEDICACE VII REMERCIEMENTS VIII INTRODUCTION GENERALE 9 PARTIE THEORIQUE : CONSTAT ET IDEES D'AMELIORATION DU TRANSPORT . 11 CHAPITRE I: TRANSPORT COLLECTIF ACTUEL ET LE TRAFIC 12
Grands arrêts 21 II II.4.2. Arrêts de passage 22