Scholars on willingness to pay are numerous. Although these
step aside in several fields, they usually have in common certain variables.
Age of the respondent, educational level, notable's income, etc. are variable
empirically used to assess one's willingness to pay (Miwoto et al., 2017). In
this research, a lot of variables are retained such as age of the notable,
years of schooling, index of assets, amount of educational burden, starting
price in the referendum, grouping selected for scheme, Household size, income,
etc. These variables are ranged over one regression function as independent
variables with Willingness to pay as dependent variable. Thus, to illustrate
the model, a built theoretical design is in opposite given:
Important project in the grouping
Household size
Set priceamount
Trustin local leaders
Educational level
Membership of an organization
Duration in town
Figu1re 1.Theoretical model
Index ofassets
Source: Own conception based on the research literature
As abovementioned, analyses are carried on what determines
notables WTP through scheme of leadership empowerment. That is, to reinforce
and support local leaders to realize developmental project in Ngweshe.
As already said, eleven variables are used here to assess the
power determinors of Willingness to pay. Hypothesis built on them consider H0
when results don't confirm the expected
H1. Age influence on Willingness to
The link between age and WTP remains unpredictable. In fact,
studies like Cortina et al; (2014) and ILO (2019) deem that migration opens
young women and men to opportunities for obtaining productive and comfortable
jobs, improve their socio-economic status, learn new skills, and raise their
physical and human capital. The statement means in other words that young are
more likely to realize higher income. Explaining this statement also refers to
a prior work of Gimba and Kumshe (2011) who found that 77% of rural-urban
migrants were less than 40 years. Mowito et al. (2017) later show that more
an individual is older more he is conscious with advantages of forest
conservation and consequently can provide much for his native region. Dror,
Radermacher and Koren et al (2006) for instance found age being significantly
positively associated with WTP. Fonta et al. (2011) as well assessed in
Bambalang community of Ngoketunjia Division, North West Province, in Cameroon
confirms the result; these researchers used a logarithm of age to test which
link would result from a contingent valuation analysis predicate
community-based project they found a positive link between age and acceptance.
H2. Household size and notable's willingness to
An expectation sustained by Kuepie (2018) show that household
size, as a translation of fertility, drops the well-being of members through
all per capita consumptions (food, human capital, housing and durable goods) in
Madagascar. Announced as a burden, it may prevent the notability from
disbursing some amount to home leaders. Very earlier, Arthur (2005) shows that
family size is an important instrument of trading-off whether a family or an
individual is poor. When they are already married or have other individuals to
directly support in the urban area, at a set level of income, rural migrants'
willingness to pay for rural development drops in response to some alteration
implied by additional burden. Deficiency in the provenance countryside can be
since observed through shortage in investment and household's consumption, a
setback to rural development (Saika, 2010; FAO, 2018).
H3. Level of education and Willingness to
Taking a side in the link between level of education with
participation would be equivocal. In fact, two contrasting voices
have risen from the literature deeming simultaneously positive and negative
relationship. When individuals leave the countryside migrating to town, among
them are schooled and non-schooled individuals. Besides the movement, migrants
with high education level incorporate qualities and knowledge that is used to
raise urban productivity rather than allowing rural production and food
auto-sufficiency. According to Gimba and Kumshe (2011), when instructed
individuals leave the countryside they town the town productive though counts
against rural thrive. What visibly undermines rural development and implies
countryside of origin struggle under, continuous poverty. In contrast, Fonta et
al. (2011), Borjas (2016) and Mowito et al. (2017) asseverate that numerous
years at school permits to acquire knowledge and, relatively, consenting to be
an actor in a leadership improvement project is higher as greater are the
number of years spent at school. The variable level of education was found
significant at 99% by Mowito et al. (2017). As for Ajayi (2006), the mean years
of formal education was 13,55 years with a standard deviation of 7,10 and
86,41% of surveyed sample could read and write.
H.4. Duration in Town and WTP for local leadership
Philanthropy is a way to abandon one's ownership to others
without any compensation. Thus, they usually diminish over time. Salomone
(2006), for example, calls sustainability of remittances, the link existing
between the duration spent by a migrant in the destination country. According
to Saika (2010), the literature on sustainability establishes on a negative
relationship between remittances and the duration of the migrant in the host
country. He thus argues that it is evident after five years on the host land.
The international Migration Organization deems the same changes when a migrant
has got in the intention to remit and the duration spent abroad. The phenomenon
happens when the legal status changes or when they are opened labor contract
hired (Salomone, 2006). This study is set on the same pillars: it adopts a
hypothesis (H=1) to mean a negative link and (H=0) otherwise.
H.5. Membership of the organization ameliorate
An organization is a structure of individuals who work
together to achieve that same goals. Uddin (2019) is favorable to the idea. He
supports that being share of an acting group is determinant for somebody to
participate. Joining a social community group to participate to local
government translated in Union Parishad (Bangladesh) a double effect: first, as
an opportunity to be a witness of the movement in local institutions but also
important and second as an apparatus of empowerment. World Bank and CRES
(2009), Saika (2010) underline the existence of groups of migrants from
Bangladesh who try some initiatives to realize their investments in the native
land. They have even taken through meetings of brainstorming they regularly
realize an initiative aiming at influencing the US government to invest in
Bangladesh. It is admissible to think of the gathering of notables as a
positive insight to adding on WTP. Each member would present in this
research a non-void added value to share and fructify the goal achievement.
H6. Income profoundly and willingness to pay
Income is expected to positivelyinfluence the amount sent to
local leaders. In fact, either do neoclassic or Keynesian theories profess a
positive link between income and the purchasing power of an economic agent. An
empirical investigation under Miwoto et al. (2017) shows for instance that the
expected income from activities realized in the forest has a positive and
significant influence on the willingness to pay of households. Casey et al.
(2006) and Bliki (2011) also asseverate a positive link between income and WTP.
Haddak et al (2014) applied both Logit and Tobit models on the population of
Rhône which was divided into two groups and their findings were that the
more household income is high, furthermore the contribution is important and
more a challenge is likely solvable.
H7. Trust in local leadership and WTP towards
local leadership development
The job of backing up population's wellbeing starts locally in
people neighborhood and communities (OECD, 2015; Public Health England, 2015).
What is exactly common worldwide to communities is further having in head a
leader to channel people's performance. Weakness of leadership trust translated
by disagreement between the local leaders and grassroots was empirically raised
by Ozor and Nwankwo (2008) as a major constraint to both partners to go
together over local development in Nigeria. As the same empirical research
denotes, a major constraint tied to the preceding is without doubt the lack of
appropriate mechanisms for disciplining erring local leaders. On the other
hand, it emerged that the lack of interest in community development programmes
was not a constraint. Over social inefficiency, local development, leadership
efficiency and leader-folks partnership are in crisis. The same situation was
confirmed in Bangladesh by Saika (2010) who highlighted that people living in
host county (USA) worry with the development of their country but retain their
attention on local capacity to exactly fulfill investments they may pool for.
Thus, over times asking to people to put a share of their revenues to boost
leadership might look like equivocal. They might be discouraged by the
way local leaders are mismanaging their destiny. Furthermore at national level,
most countries have renewed their collection system from natives living abroad
by the culture of transparency and reasonable investments (Saika, 2010).
H.8. Belonging to various organizations and WTP
Although the literature is insignificant on this variable
regarding the exact and optimal tool of organization to which an individual
should belong so as his WTP grows, the research hypothesis is altogether
different from the preceding (see H.5). While it is scientifically
deemed that participation into a group or social organization is a useful trump
to address meaningful actions, belonging to many organization for a notable may
run his Willingness To pay. The argument is based on what exactly sets the
goals and rules the organization. As they differently function, the same member
is wanted in each one of the organizations to contribute. Consequently, the
same amount that could be cashed in the notables' organization account is
divided into shares as if he was making a portfolio.
H.9. Index of assets and WTP
Index of assets may count for WTP for empowering local
leadership. Asset Index reflects the economic wealth which involves a feature
of being divided (Feumou, 2002). It summarizes how can assets reflect whether
one is poor or well-off. Feunou (2002) shows the existence of a huge link
between the number of assets owned by an individual and wealth. He pursues
illustrating with the Zambian evidence. In fact, his findings deem that owning
assets in Zambia grows at average accordingly to wealth. Labii (2015) realized
that citizen of Bukavu who access to electricity are relatively well-off
possess a greater number of assets than others. The same area constituted our
research field and try to consider how important were notables' assets in terms
of number and value.
H10. Set price influences and willingness to
Setting price would tend to reduce one's willingness to pay.
In fact, voluntary and mainly altruistic decisions are often thoroughly
operated, for rational individuals, with all attention to remain capable to
grapple with ulterior challenges (Saika, 2010). As a result, Fonta et al.
(2011) found that as higher as the set price will enhance the contributors'
number to thrust toward fall. This variable reflects a cost of a communal good
it means «empowered leadership», although economically cost is to be
minimized. Varian (1992) denotes an adverse link between price and demand of
collective goods.
H11. Grouping selected for an important scheme and
willingness to pay
Grouping selected for an important scheme likely motives
notables to remit for local leadership empowerment.
In fact, notables, like all other citizens worldwide, are
strongly tied to their native regions and communities. Individuals seem to feel
more tied to native groupings rather than any other grouping of their chiefdom.
What indeed translated their citizenship. In the literature, migrant, for
instance, are shown to remain strongly tied to their homelands with concrete
realization like remittance to their community (Sheffer, 1986; Kuznetov, 2006).
Also, tie to one's ethnic minority groups while being in host country or in a
foreign area was viewed by Sheffer (1986) as a key element of local
intervention of migrant internationally considered as notables.