II.3. Discussion and social
implication of findings
The model has helped to come out determinants of WTP and
further the amount translating notables' WTP. That is,the following variables
namely level of education, the number of persons of notoriety in the
organization, notables' monthly income, trust in leadership and index of assets
are found significant to deteermine financial contributionfor developmental
actions across Ngweshe chiefdom. In fact, increasingly group participators are
educated notables, WTP will rise. The research outcome on variable educational
level is more decisive for academic level in providing a meaningful insight to
permanently schooling new generations in colleges and universities. It also
shows that additional schooling level could present a higher likelihood to
register ulterior significant income which likewise is a positive and
significant determinant of Willingness to Pay especially for the academic
level. But, as the chiefdom does not have comfortable institutions, namely
colleges and universities, the trend will always lead to rural exodus of the
youth - as it is currently remarked - in search of faithful institutions and
Since, rural-urban movement of the youth maintains an
attention on what lose leaving workforce implies in terms of local
productivity. Like external migration, internal migration of the active youth
is incited by the search of employment and decent revenues (World Bank and
CRES, 2009).Here raises a retrospective analysis on migration in the chiefdom's
nearest city of Bukavu mostly frequented by peasant students. The most of
times, in fact, they use to finding jobs and remain jobless in the city rather
tnan immediately goind back to their country to put into effect, together with
the altogether folks, schemes tied to durable development. Dashing off has
accordingly been a continuous setback in construction to rural development
(Bhagwati and Hamada, 1974) likely covered in long run when already realizing
some return to schooling in the host area (Nishikant and Priyanka, 2018).
Undetr this motivation lie many factors discouraging students to return to
their fatherland of which a painful living standard comparatively to the city
and a high lack of infrascture. The drop of agricultural labour force it
implies, for instance, would count against countryside capacity to produce
crops or lessen somer locally-engaged communal work like sanitation, security,
etc. Even though, good news is that these former students further participate
intpo the group of notables of the region when success has come their way in
the abovementionned city? Brainstrming is exalted to notables of all kind of
profession to think, decide and realize together some big push to tackle a few
challenges worsening living conditions through the local chieftaincy. They
involve sectors like health, agriculture, infrastructure, etc. People will to
give as many as the group registers new persons of notoriety; especially
economicly stronger. In that vein, developing a strong social network inside
the native notables is a huge step to get all of them involved in the program.
Although they financially differ in teerms of wealth, relative small owners
have care encouraged to pay when prosperous people also participate.
Moreover, reinforcing local leadership and through them local
development in the chiefdom of Ngweshe calls consistent means to notables. The
present empirical results demonstrate that montly income of the notability
favourably plays a role in the amount they will to pay. It is in fact probative
because they could't pool whether their wealth is so mild that it couldn't
allow them living.
Not only that the variable montly income is confidently
significant at 95% but also the amount it translates gives a reamlistic hope.
For any dollar monthly earned by the notable, USD 0,077 is consented like
allowance to local leaders' developmental actions. It is then necessary to
understand that in the present case, income depends on several resources
bearing their active life. Thereof, futher policies can directly act on the
capacity of notables to deliver funds. If the running macroeconomic policies
jeapardize people's purchasing power and lessens their demand, for instance, in
general notables shall face a decrease in their income especially traders may
be the most affected.
Macroeconomic aggregations in DRC should hence abide for the
economic stabilization. In light of the above table, accessing to significant
income helps notables to realize some expenditure. In the purpose, one
meaningful of them is getting assets. Acquiring them requires means. Though it
seems intuitively less tied to Willingness to pay, it is however favourable and
meaningful to the level of WTP. There is anyway a huge correlation between the
notable's monthly income and the level of assets (0.4381) of the notables (see
appendix 2). One should understand at which at extent this kind of
organization is an opportunity to supply a mild if not impact on the chiefdom's
development. As a light to a kind of initiative that can be implemented
nationwide, income should be statble in default of incrieasing to exactly see
poolings rise so to push to communal advancements. This stability involves as
well one's purchasing power tied to the nominal value of owned money in a given
Another reason would result from having expensive and
prestigious assets witness their opulence. For instance, driving a new brand
car costing more than USD 40 000 would be an insight to an individual to make
difference from his fellow notable owning a USD 3 000 car. It may be one of
the motivations of self-categorization of the «FCRN» members
in terms of the amount they're willing to yearly and voluntarily give. Since,
the policy passes as inclusive for a credible mobilization of funds.
Contrastingly, the self-denial demonstrated by notables does
not favourably view the local leadership currently rullingNgweshe. They
criticize the kind of leadership in their decentralized entity. Indeed,
leadership must show a fantastic and permanent accountability so as people
become confident in them and follow what they order. Notice that it is,
however, the only one adverse and significant variable tied to Willingness to
pay toward the chieftaincy of Ngweshe in the model. The quality of leadership
diminishes the amount predisposed of about USD 110.70.
Above and beyond, local leaders have expressed a mean amount
of USD 443.63 in an interval built on USD 372.75 at left and USD 514.50 at
right. These values are set on a likelihood of 95% to happen. From this moment
both bound values are somehow closer to the mean value. The amounts globally
denote a considerable WTP to pay towards local leaders. If the amount comes to
being channelized over the chiefdom and get carefully affected to schemes they
have been planned for, some changes can progressively be initiated.
Accordingly, depending to the whole number of poolers, the level of raises will
determine which kind of scheme is immediately being implemented provided that
it affects in general local development and acts for rural citizens living in
all the groupings of Ngweshe.