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Willingness to pay of the notability for local leadership empowerment in the ngweshe chiefdompar Roméo MUNGUAKONKWA BAHAYA Université catholique de Bukavu - Licencié en Economie rurale 2018 |
Chapter three: RESULT PRESENTING AND INTERPRETATIONThe current chapter presents the core outcomes of the research. It goes beyond the step of surveying the several members of the research universe who no longer were selected in the sample. It initially gives general descriptive information on the population characteristics and then goes out with results related to models associated to extract the core message of the analyses. I. GENERAL FEATURES OF NOTABLESTable two: Descriptive statistics on notables and their households
Source: own primary data processed in SPSS/ 20 Results of the descriptive statistics help to capture notables' characteristics. In that concern, the table reveals diverse tendencies. The variable «Age» of the notable records a mean value of 55,51 years old; nearly the Congolese life expectancy.10(*) The youngest of them is 40 whereas the oldest is 68 years old. On average, they have dwelled in Bukavu for 27.4 years. The minimum duration found is 10 although 49 is the maximal duration. The results also empirically attest that a notable has lasted as member of a group 8,944 (around 9 years). Moreover, there are beginners with any year experiencing groups or organizations and former organization attenders who at most passed (years under organizations. Their monthly revenue is on average USD 1864,72 varying from 100 to USD 8000. The size of notables' household recorded respectively 3 and 15 as minimum and maximum effective. But for the whole, household members recorded an average of 8,02with a weak standard deviation of 2,5203. About their monthly income, each notable acquires per month USD 1864,72; a mean value of their respective monthly smoothed incomes. In addition, there is an impressive gap in their incomes. That is, an important dispersion of USD 1442,431 can be caught as a proof of an undeniable inequality in notable's income. Indeed, the variable notable's monthly income records respectively 100 and 8000 as the smallest and terminal values. Watching the ampleness reflected by this wide from the variable's average, a certain analysis on the way this disbursement will be accomplished seem overlooked. As it can be realized, the interval issued from analysis is round USD 20 and USD 1500. Besides, expenditure annually engaged by notables' household meet an average of USD24532.98 but it is denoted, however, that expendute largly varies from the mean across notables. Watching the standard deviation with deep attention, a value of USD 14836.2 not only has shown a certain wide existing in that trend but leads to inspecting the size throught which this dispersion is located. As it can be attessted from the table, total annual expenditure of notables' households varies from a minimum of 7450 and a maximum of USD 82168. FREQUENCES ON NOTABLES' FEATURES VARIABLES The distribution of frequencies is applied on qualitative variables. It therefore takes into account the central tendency measure of the independent variables downwards involved in the econometric model. Frequency distribution has depended on how were allowed occurencesmodalities. The following illustrative table is drawn belowexposed. Table three: Frequency distribution of qualitative distribution
Source: own primary data processed in Stata 14.0. Seven variables were taken in the frequency analysis. No void value was recorded as is shown in the above table. Statistics set upwards the distribution of frequencies for each of them. Thereby, for 180 surveyed individuals, it is demonstrated that they are unequally distributed in the three communes of Bukavu. Therefore, Ibanda is the most dwelt by 76,1% of notables whereas Bagira lodges only by 1,7% percent of the whole. As for Kadutu, only 40 notables rising 22,2% of records are found to accommodate in the commune. For the whole, 49 are female representing 27,2 % of the total while 72,8 % were male. The results imply that men are numerous in the notables' group nominee FondsCommunautaire pour la Rehabilitation de Ngweshe (FCRN).They show an extreme score of educational level. In fact, 48,9% have acquired an academic level ad 42,2% were schooled at secondary school. Put together, 91,1% have at least attended the secondary school. And only 5 people out of 180 were not schooled what represents only 2, 8% of the population. Therewith, 11 reached the primary school accounting for 6,1%. This in fact can be an intuitive explanation of the presence of an ideology attempting to boost local development in the native chiefdom. The more people are skilled the more they are sensitive to future challenges and anticipate disasters rather than staying by them. A large number as well is made of heads of their households; a proportion of 142 notables belong to the status representing 78,9% of the whole followed by the category of spouses accounting for 37 notables and translating approximately 21% of the whole. Only one individual didn't belong to both categories. As for their accommodation, 172 out of 180 notables live in durable buildings forming 95,6% of respondents and only 8 of them live in semi-durable houses as well translating 4,4% of the total. All the notables are further Christians dispatched into two categories. The Catholic category scores 71,7% of the total size namely 129 individuals. Moreover, 51 individuals are protestants accounting for 28,3% . Although only Christians take share to pooling local authorities in the chiefdom, about ¾ of notables are catholic believers and only ¼ are Protestants. * 10 In DR Congo, life expectancy was respectively 56.5 and 59.7 respectively for male and female in 2018.The information is published by Index Mundi on the web page published in December 2019 www.indexmundi.com/democrqtic_republic_of_the_congo/life_expectancy_at_birth.html |