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Investigating the design of business english courses through needs analysis:the case of the department of english at INPED in Boumerdes

par Yasmine BOURAI
Université Mouloud Mammeri de Tizi Ouzou - Master  2018

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

Section 3: Theoretical Framework

Needs analysis is the most important step In ESP course design. Although this importance has been repeatedly emphasized. Little work has been done on creating the link between NA and course design. The reason for this is that the task of linking the two is more complex than it may seem . Consequently, to conduct our research we are going to take Needs Analysis within Course Design as a theory of investigation relying on Dudley-Evans and St-Johns' works and perspectives of 1989.

1.8 The Use of Needs Analysis in Course Design

Language courses for business English learners should be designed considering their needs, wants and expectations about foreign language communication in their field. Dudley Evans and St-Johns see Needs Analysis as a process of identification and defining valid curriculum and instructional and management objectives in order to facilitate learning in an atmosphere that is closely related to the real life situations of the student. NA is an important component for designing a language course. Consequently, it is essential for a teacher to have reliable information of their learner variables in order to reduce the gap among learners, teachers, and teaching materials.

Dudley-Evans and St-Johns (1989) agree on the importance of combining needs analysis with course design. For them NA is neither unique to language teaching nor within


The Review of Literature

language training, but it is often seen as being the cornerstone of ESP and leads to a much focused course. That is to say, Needs Analysis is a fundamental step for designing a course in ESP. For Dudley-Evans and St-Johns (1989), Needs Analysis should be the first step in curriculum design for it can provide validity and relevancy for all the follow up curriculum design. Moreover ,they claim that it is the process of establishing the «how» and «what» of a course in ESP.

1.9 How to Design a Course in Business English through NA

Needs Analysis is the key for an appropriate Business English course. However, it must be effective, helpful and practical. It can be performed through three different acts: planning, collecting data and putting information into the analysis. The ESP teachers or course designers, before conducting the needs analysis, must devise a valid plan of action. Before undertaking any serious course, he or she should answer questions regarding the type of information needed, the purpose of the information and how to attain it. After he/she answers the questions, he/she should construct research questions in relation to those questions. After crafting a fitting plan and proper questions, the teacher can then collect the data. Analysts changing the BE syllabus layout by usage of the need analysis theory should keep in mind the need to study the precise requirements of the school, society and its learners.

As cited above, implementing Needs Analysis in designing ESP courses has a great importance for both teachers and learners for a successful course. In fact, NA is a key component of ESP course design and development, its role is clearly indisputable. It is an obligatory step before and after designing an ESP course. Moreover, it is a way to collect information about a particular problem that learners face and find out language skills a learner needs in a course. Furthermore, Needs Analysis helps determining whether the ESP course meets the real needs of the learners or not.


The Review of Literature

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Il y a des temps ou l'on doit dispenser son mépris qu'avec économie à cause du grand nombre de nécessiteux"   Chateaubriand