Learning- centered approach
Hutchinson and Waters (1987) offer a new approach called
Learning-centered approach. Learning-centered approach considers the learners'
learning needs at every step of the course. Attention must be paid to these
learning needs (and not just to the language needs) at the time of the needs
analysis . Hutchinson and waters (1987) argue that the course designer must be
aware of the factors such as why learners want to learn, how learners learn ,
who they are , and other resources which are provided in a check list by their
teachers. The information
The Review of Literature
that this Needs Analysis yields provides the necessary data to
form syllabus, outlining the topic areas and the communicative tasks of the
target situation.
1.7.4 Principles in Course Design
To achieve a satisfying goal, ESP course can be effectively
organized by following some guidelines that the ESP course designers should
take into consideration in all steps of course design. According to Lowe (2009)
there are some principles that facilitate course design and direct all the
participants in the teaching process to agree about the encountered issues in a
particular ESP class. The content
The content should be attractive and motivating. The
information obtained from the assessment of learners' needs helps the ESP
teacher to determine the content of the
Course (Basturkmen, 2010). Moreover, the content should be
informative, and useful for the learners that is to say the teacher has to
establish it according to learners' level (Lowe, 2009). The method
The method should be suitable in case of a specific teaching
situation, taking into account the content, and the native language of the
learner. In other words, the information gained from the comparison between
first language (L1) and second language (L2), and the techniques used in (L1)
in learning a new subject help the teacher to choose the appropriate teaching
method (Lowe, 2009). A Massive Exposure
A good course offers the learners a massive exposure that
helps learners to extract meaningful information , and gives them a chance to
improve their communicative
The Review of Literature
competence to infer correctly meanings of unfamiliar words,
and to cope with different genres/styles within their specialty (Lowe,
2009). The syllabus
The syllabus is about the subject matter of learners'
specialty, language forms, and structures as well as learning skills and
outcomes. The syllabus should explain clearly the procedures, policies,
requirements, and practical information.