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Facteur favorisant la détresse respiratoire.

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Christoph IKANDO
Institut supérieur dà¢â‚¬â„¢Administration et de Dévellopement - Licence 2015

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


La détresse respiratoire était une symptomatologie très fréquente en néonatologie dans la charité maternelle et la prématurité, dysmaturité soit 6,75 et 8,1% avec une mortalité très élevée. Plusieurs faiblesses ont été remarquées notamment en ce qui concerne la mise au point.


Détresse respiratoire aigue, nouveau-né, morbidité, mortalité.



This work carries on the survey of the encouraging factors the sharp respiratory

distressat the children of 0 to 5 years in the urban surroundings, case of the

hospitalmaternalcharity of the 03/JANVIER to JUNE 25, 2016.

However, weasked the following questions:

- Whatis the frequency of the sharprespiratorydistressat the children of 0 to 5 years in the


- What the factors are encouragingthisfrequency?

- Parmisthesedifferentfactors, the more partnerwhichis to the sharprespiratorydistressat the

children of 0 to 5 years in our middle of survey?

We have gave out the followinghypotheses:

- The frequency of the sharprespiratorydistresswouldberaised to the hospitalmaternalcharity of


- This frequencywouldbebound to someepidemiologicalfactors as:

V' age

V' The sex

V' The fashion of childbirth

V' The source

V' The clinics

- The prematurity and the dysmaturitéwouldbe the illnesses the more associated to thissharprespiratorydistress.

In the goal to verifythesehypotheses, we set the following objectives:

- To count all cases of the sharprespiratorydistressat the children of 0 to 5ans in our middle of survey,

- To determine the factorsencouraging the prévalence of the sharprespiratorydistress;

- To identify the age group the more touched, at the children of 0 to 5ans in our middle of survey;

- To propose atrack of the solutions to the problems of the sharprespiratorydistress in order to propose somepragmaticmeasures to decrease the rate;

- To bring back the whole population to know how to warn the sharprespiratorydistressthatisofteneasier and more economic to warnthan to heal.

To reachthese objectives, weused the documentaryanalysis technique and as retrospective, descriptive method and statistical test of calculation in percentage.


The surveyconcerned 45 patients developing the sharprespiratorydistresswithin the hospitalmaternalcharity of Goma of the childrenbetween the age of 0 to 5ans, afterourinvestigatings and spoliation, us succeeded to the followingresults:

- On a total of admissions of 251 NN, 45 hadpresented the distressrespiratorydeterminantso a frequency of 17,9 %.

- The femininesexhadpredominatedwith 10,8%; the middle agewas of 2 - 3 years and the majority of the patients came from the peripheral center.

- The clinic of the respiratorydistresswasdominated by the dyspnea and the signs of struggle with a Silverman>4/10

- The prematurity and the dysmaturité have been recognizedlikefactorsassociated to the respiratorydistress, and post-termrepresented the biggestreason of the distressrespiratory néonatale, contributory to itonly for 9,45%.

- The mortality of the NN havingpresented the DR has been calculated to 12,5%. - The sternanemiaconstitutes the first risksthatcanoccur in case of the sharprespiratorydistresseither 4,05%


The respiratorydistresswas a veryfrequent symptomatologie in néonatologie in the maternalcharity and the prematurity, dysmaturitéis 6,75 and 8,1% with a veryelevatedmortality. Severalweaknesses have been noticednotablywith regard to the clarification.

Keywords Sharp respiratory distress, newborn, morbidity, mortality.


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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

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