The methodology refers to a set of methods and principles that
are used when studying a particular kind of work. The research methods
according to Grinnell and Williams (1990:42) refer to the number of ways
arriving at the knowledge. The methodology comprises on intellectuals process,
on orderly system of the arrangement that enable one to reach the aspect of
knowledge. It is conceptual process that co-ordinates a set of investigation
operations and techniques.
Fred.N Kerlinger, (1964:700) stressed that the methodological
research is a controlled by investigation of the theoretical and applied
aspects of measurements, mathematics, statistics, and ways of obtaining and
analyzing data.
This research study attempts to show an assessment on the
contribution of small and medium enterprises to the economic development of
This chapter gives a detailed presentation of the tools and
techniques that were used to investigate the research issues in the field. It
includes spelling out the area of the study and study population. It further
describes the methods and techniques used in the choosing the sample size and
selection instruments like questionnaire, interviews and documentation were
It also includes data processing and analysis with problems
that were encountered in this research, finally this chapter provides the
background against which the findings and conclusions of the study were
examined and appreciated regarding their reliability and validity.
Research design
Kenneth D. Bailey (1978:7) stated that, research design is a
stage in social research where the research must decide on how to measure the
two main variables in this on her hypothesis and what group of people on whom
to test the hypothesis. He further said, this involves deciding not only how
many people will be used as subjects but also what their particular
characteristics should be and under what circumstances the data while be
According to Churchill (1992:108) a research design is a
framework or a plan for the study used as a guide in collecting and analyzing
Grinnell Jr and Williams (1990:41) defined that, research
design as a careful systematic study or investigation in some field of
knowledge, undertaken to establish some facts or principles. He further stated
that, a research design is the total plan we use so to assist in answering our
research questions.
He urges that, as part of our plan, we decide how the research
question should be, required to answer it, from whom the data will be obtained
and what is the best way to gather that data. Regarding this study, descriptive
and explanatory design was used on questionnaire and interview schedule.
Source of data collections
According to Horn by et al (1963:2490), defines data as facts
or things certainly known and form when conclusion may drown, in conducting
research study, the required data was gathered from both primary and secondary