Our work features «knowledge, attitudes and convenient
professionals of health on the hospitable garbage management have the hospital
of Ruhengeri of January 1st to June 30, 2010
The main objective is to determine knowledge, attitudes and
convenient of the staff on the system of management of the hospitable garbage
of the hospital of Ruhengeri.
To the court of this work tied led our investigation on 55
person working in the different services of the hospital
So results to which we is succeeded testify what follows:
· 32,7% of them investigated made the secondary studies,
nonmedical career, they made the primary normal and accounting; 27,3% of them
investigated made the secondary studies, medical career, option of cares male
nurses, anesthesia and physiotherapy; 21,8% of them investigated made some
primary studies non medical
· 21 investigated know that the loss it is a dirt is 38%
and 20 cases are 36% know that it is the titled object and without value.
· 41, 1% of them investigated use the box of security at
the time of the collection of garbage; 31,5% of them investigated use trash
cans made of metal steel or in plastic without lid 18,1% they investigated use
trash cans in metal or in plastic covered.
· trash cans are installed in services to 64,4% this that
explains the absence of trash cans in the services person responsible of
illnesses nosocomialeses and other dangers.
· Results show that 65,5% of them investigated make the
selective collection, whereas 34,5% don't make it.
· 38, 2% used the different type containers for the
sorting of garbage while 32,1% of them investigated make it by them Limp of
different color security.
· 60% of them investigated transport garbage in barrows
while 25,5% use trash cans in lids.
· 56,4% of them investigated disinfect materials
sometimes; 16,4% of them investigated disinfect materials always; 16,4% of them
investigated disinfect materials never.
· 78% of them investigated carry the protective materials
sometimes while 18% always carry them.
· 41% of them investigated affirm that the place of
storage doesn't unite conditions and only 39% of them investigated say that the
place of storage unites conditions.
· he/it comes out again that the oven of incineration is
the more used for the management of garbage with 42 cases is 76,4%, whereas it
is inappropriate.
· 83% either 49 cases have watch that the place of
management of incineration residues is inappropriate.
· the bad hospitable garbage management constitutes the
problem of public health by infections nosocomialeses with 30 cases is 54,1%
against the proliferation of vectors with 20 cases is 36,4%.
· The hospital has need the availability of facilities to
solve the problem of hospitable garbage management to 56,4%
· 38, 2% have one need in formation on the hospitable
garbage management.
0C : Degré Célcius
AES : Accident d'exposition au sang
ASC : Animateurs de Santé Communautaire
ASRI : Activité de Soins à Risque
CCC : Communication aux Changement de Comportement
CHR : Centre Hospitalier Régional
CLIN : Comité de lutte contre les infections
DASRI : Déchets d'Activité de soins à
risque infectieux
FOSA : formation sanitaires
FOSA : Formation Sanitaire
FRW : Francs Rwandais
GDM : Gestion des Déchets Médicaux
I.N : Infection Nosocomiale
JSI : John Snow incorporated
Kg/j : Kilogramme par jour
KHI : Kigali Heath Instute
MINISANTE : Ministère de Santé
MSF : Médecin Sans Frontière
NMIS : Making Medical Injection Safer
OMS : Organisation Mondiale de la Santé
POSACOM : Poste de Santé Communautaire
PVD : Pays en Voie de Développement
TAB : Tableau
T° : Température
UNICEF : Fonds des Nations Unies pour L'Enfance
VHB : Virus de l'Hépatite B
VHC : Virus de l'Hépatite C
VIH : Virus de l'immuno- déficience Humaine
WWW : Wolrd Wide Web