The present document exposes a general situation met in
international ports and particularly the specific problem of the port of
Toamasina in the management of its logistics, daily in its activities of
reception of ships and holding in charge cargoes and in parallel, to control
the information relating to these activities.
It would be interesting to remind that 70 to 80% of the goods
exported and imported to Madagascar pass by the port of Toamasina. That puts
naturally in mind the importance of the quantity and the volume of ships and
goods it must constantly take in charge. We must add to it the construction of
gigantic ships that dominate the world tendency since the end of the years
This situation requires on behalf of the port of Toamasina,
professionalism to all test in order to satisfy the requirements of celerity of
the harbor passage. It is an obligation of the profession that requires on the
one hand, a perfect knowledge of the ships and cargo's flow, and on the other
hand a total control of the flow of information that connects themselves on
These two topics, developed extensively all along this
document propose to bring the port of Toamasina to organize, to arrange its
infrastructures of reception, to optimize the exploitation of its logistics.
Several solutions and recommendations have been proposed to
this effect. The most important carry on the setting in work of its development
plan, notably the planning of its basis infrastructures (the quays, lands and
roadbeds) and otherwise the resumption of its project of setting up of an
integrated computer network, joining all actors of the harbor passage in
We are convinced that this study will have a beneficial impact
for the S.P.A.T., for the whole harbor community as well as for the Malagasy
economy insofar as the recommended improvements are realistic, concrete and are
a matter for a mobilization that must be efficient, of structures of management
of the logistics already existing.
Key words :
Ship, goods, agent of handling, physical flow, flow of
information, port of Toamasina, logistics, procedure.
Listes des acronymes & abréviations
Automatic Identification System
APMF Agence Portuaire, Maritime et
ARPA Automatic Radar Pilotting Aid
CCTV Closed Circuit TeleVision
CIS Center for Internet Security
CODAN Carrier Operated Divice AntiNoise
CROSS Centre de Recherche et d'Organisation
du Secours et du Sauvetage
CTPAT Customs Trade Partnership Against
DWT Dead Weight Tonnage
ECS European Communications Satellite
EDGE Enhanced Data-rates for Global
EDI Electronic Data Interchange : «
Echange de Données Informatisées »
EVP Equivalent Vingt Pieds
FTP Files Transfer Protocol
GMDSS Global Maritime Distress and Safety
GPRS General Packet Radio Service
GPS Global Position System
GRT Gross Rate Tonnage
HAZMAT HAZardous MATerials
HPNR Heure Prévue Non
HTML Hyper Text Markup Language
HTTPS Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure
ICOM International Concil of Meseums
ICS Internet Connection Sharing
IMPA International Maritime Pilot
INMARSAT INternational MARitime SATelite
organization (modèle C ou B)
ISM Code International Safety Management
ISO International Standard Organisation
ISPS Code International Ship's and Port
facility Security Code
ISS Interview Semi Structuré
LOA Length Over All (longueur hors tout)
MF, HF Medium Frequency, High frequency
MICTSL Madagascar International Container
Terminal Service Limited
MMSI Maritime Mobile Service Identity
NAVITEX NAVigational information TEleX
NRT Net Rate Tonnage
OEA Opérateur Economique
OMD Organisation Mondiale des Douanes
OMERT Office Malagasy d'Etudes et de
Régulation des Télécommunications
ONU Organisation des Nations Unies
PCS Port Community System
PDF Portable Document Format
PIMD Personnel Information Management
PIN Port d'Intérêt National
PTP Société Plateforme Terminal
S.E.P.T. Société d'Exploitation
du Port de Toamasina
S.M.M.C. Société de Manutention
des Marchandises Conventionnelles
S.P.A.T. Société du Port
à gestion Autonome de Toamasina
SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
SOFI Système d'Ordinateur pour le Fret
SOLAS-74 Security Of Life At Sea de 1974
SSL Secure Sockets Layer
STPS Secure Transfer Protocol System
SYCOSCAN SYstème de COntrôle par
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol /
Internet Protocol
TEE Tiran d'Eau d'Eté
TIC Technologie de l'Information et de la
VHF-DSC Very High Frequency Digital Selective
VTM Vessel Trafic Management
VTM/VTS Vessel Trafic Management/Vessel
Trafic System
VTSM Video Title Set Menu
WAP Wireless Access Protocol
WAP Wireless Application Protocol
X400 Message Handling Protocol 400
XML eXtensible Markup Langage