Appendix D- Teacher
About you
1. What is your age?
2. What is your sex?
0) Female ?
1) Male ?
3. What are the subjects you teach? (Please tick as many boxes as
What are your highest qualifications in these subjects?
Do you teach this subject? (Tick for yes)
What is your highest qualification in each subject that you
teach? (If none, write none)
English Language
Social Studies
Religious Studies
Social Ethics
Other (specify)
4. How many years have you worked in this school
as a teacher? ............................
5. How many years in total have you been working as a teacher?
Your education
6. What is your highest education level, not taking teachers'
training into account. Please tick only one.
0) Primary Level ?
1) Vocational training Level ?
2) Secondary Level ?
3) College certificate Level ?
4) Diploma level ?
5) BA, BSc, HND or equivalent ?
6) MA, MSc or equivalent ?
7) PhD ?
7. What type of teacher training have you received?
0) None ?
1) P I ?
2) P II ?
3) P III ?
4) S I ?
5) ATS ?
6) Graduate ?
7) Post graduate Diploma/Certificate in Education
8) Masters ?
You as a teacher at your school
8. Do you belong to a teachers' union?
0) No ?
1) Yes ?
9. Is your position at this school temporary or permanent?
0) Temporary ?
1) Permanent ?
2) Don't know ?
10. Are you full time or part time?
0) Part time ?
1) Full Time ?
11. What is your monthly salary from teaching at this
school (not including private teaching)?
Ksh ................... Per month
12. In this term how many days of paid leave have you taken?
Paid or half paid sick leave ______________ days
Paid or half paid other leave _____________ days
13. In the present school year, how many days of unpaid leave
have you taken?
Unpaid sick leave _________________ days
Unpaid other leave _______________ days
14. Do you have a second job other than in this school? Please
tick as many that apply.
1) Yes, giving private tuition ?
2) Yes teaching in a private school (government school teachers
only) ?
3) Yes, other job, (please specify) .............................
4) No, I have no other job other than my job in this school
Your family
15. Please tick one of the following to indicate your father's
highest education attainment
0) None ?
1) Pre-primary ?
2) Primary incomplete ?
3) Primary complete ?
4) Vocational training ?
5) Adult education ?
6) Secondary incomplete ?
7) Secondary complete ?
8) Certificate ?
9) Diploma ?
10) Degree, HND or equivalent ?
11) MA, MSc ?
12) PhD ?
16. Please tick one of the following to indicate your mother's
highest educational attainment
0) None ?
1) Pre-primary ?
2) Primary incomplete ?
3) Primary complete ?
4) Vocational training ?
5) Adult education ?
6) Secondary incomplete ?
7) Secondary complete ?
8) Certificate ?
9) Diploma ?
10) Degree, HND or equivalent ?
11) MA, MSc ?
12) PhD ?
17. If you have children of your own do they attend this school
(i.e., the one you teach in)?
0) No ?
1) Yes ?
18. If you have children which type of school do they attend?
1) Private school ?
0) Government school ?
Your classes
19. For your primary 6 class, on average, how many minutes per
week do you spend on giving quizzes or tests to your class pupils? If none,
write `0'..................
20. How many times are formal exams set for pupils in this
1) Monthly tests ?
2) Mid term tests ?
3) Termly ?
4) Half yearly ?
5) Annually ?
21. What is the total number of students in your class?
22. How many boys and how many girls are there in your class
(Class 6)?
Boys ? Girls ?
School types
23. If the salary and other benefits in all school types were
exactly the same, which type of school would you most prefer
to teach in? (Please tick)
Management type
0) Government school
1) Private school
School Facilities/Teaching aids
24. Which of the following facilities does your
class have? Please tick the correct box.
School facility
Available in the classroom
Unavailable, or not functioning
Tape recorders
Electric light
Class cupboard
Drinking water
Teacher's table and chairs
25. Do you do any multi-grade teaching (teach
several classes/sections in the same room at the same time)?
0) On a regular basis ?
1) When necessary ?
2) Rarely/never ?
26. Which of the following teaching aids do you have access to?
Tick all that apply.
a) Teacher guides
b) Dictionaries
c) Reference books
d) Maps/globes/charts/flash cards
e) Science kit
f) Audio cassette player
g) Television
27. Do the children use textbooks in your class?
0) Not in any lessons ?
1) In some lessons ?
2) In every lesson ?
Teacher Satisfaction
28. Which of the following best describes why you became a
teacher? Tick only one box
a) I like to teach/like my subject/self fulfilment
b) Inspired by other teachers
c) Family pressure/others decision
d) Convenient timing
e) Respectable job/good social status
f) Permanent job which offers financial security
g) Good salary
h) No other secure job available
i) Not a high pressure job
29. How would you rate your satisfaction with your choice of
being a teacher?
0) Very dissatisfied ?
1) Dissatisfied ?
2) Quite satisfied ?
3) Very satisfied ?
30. How would you rate your satisfaction on the following?
Very Satisfied
a) Salary
b) Amount of leave/holiday
c) Respect from the parents
d) Respect from the pupils
e) Respect from the management/head
f) Social status in the community
g) Work environment
h) Teacher training
i) Facilities (books, teaching aids etc)
j) Infrastructure (furniture, buildings etc)
k) Leadership from the management/headteacher
31. What are the three most important problems
that you face as a teacher? Please rank the three problems from 1 to 3 where 1
is the most important problem.
1) Poor infrastructure ?
2) Lack of teaching aids ?
3) Shortage of teachers ?
4) Harassment by authorities ?
5) Lack of support from the management/head
6) Too much time spent on non-teaching duties
7) Irregular salary payments ?
8) Lack of co-operation from parents ?
9) Unpleasant work relations ?
10) Difficult students ?
11) Large class sizes ?
12) Any other, specify______________________________
Supervision by
headteacher/manager/school owner
32. Please indicate how often your headteacher/school
owner/manager observes your lessons.
0) Never ?
1) Daily (or more than once daily) ?
2) Three times a week ?
3) Two times a week ?
4) Once a week ?
5) Once in two weeks ?
6) Once a month ?
33. Does your school or management offer you any in-service
1) Yes ?
0) No ?
34. If your school offers you in-service training how often do
you undertake this training?
0) Once a week ?
1) Once a month ?
2) Once every term ?
3) Once every 6 months ?
4) Once every year ?
5) We do not have in-service training at our school
Thank you for your cooperation
Newcastle University