A. Language teaching methods:
1. Main steps of lessons related to phonetics and
phonology (PHO-PHO),
2. Grammar, dialog, Conjugation, vocabulary,
3. Texts reading, reading comprehension....
4. How to teach listening to adult students;

Lesson preparations & updating admin. docs; How to
write administrative correspondences.
Operational in Katindo/Goma since 2001, BTC intends to ensure
capacity Building of many organizations through Training of Trainers (TOT) in
the following fields:
B. Business English:

How to write CVs, job applications, cover letter, ...
How to fill in P-11 forms;
ve translation skills;
NOTE: Apart the above fields, what else would you like to learn
during this session?
Conditions to join TOT session :
an E-mail address, be a user of internet, whatsap and facebook
(for smooth communication and assignments submission online).

riting and listening skills ;
L2 students who defended in public any time from 2001 to 2020.