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Reconnaissance des expressions faciales émotionnelles et pattern d’exploration visuelle chez les adultes porteurs de troubles schizophréniques

par Océane Morin
Université Lyon 2 - Master 2 2021

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


Difficulties in adapting to the social environment and interacting with it constitute one of the main complains reported by people suffering from psychiatric disorders, most notably schizophrenia.

The recognition of emotional facial expressions (EFE) is one of the core skills required for individuals to adapt to their environement.

This research aims to study schizophrenic people's ability in EFE recognition and to ascertain the existence of a link between difficulties in EFE recognition and the visual exploration pattern of schizophrenic adults.

In this regard, two recognition tasks have been selected. Both consist of a multiple-choice within five emotion. The first one higlights abilities in emotional recognition, and the second one, which has been conducted with the eye trecker Tobii Pro II is dedicated to the study of the visual exploration pattern of schizophrenic adults.

In this research, a sample of 7 people diagnosed with schizophrenia and aged from 31 to 54 years old were matched according to gender and age with 7 control subjects.

We hypothesized that people with schizophrenia would show a deficit of recognition of EFE and that there were links between the parameters of visual exploration and the indicators of emotional recognition. In other word, we wanted to test the hypothesis that the type of difficulties in facial emotional recognition are linked with particular characteristics of visual exploration.

Our results fail to confirm that first hypothesis since a significative deficit of facial recognition of EFE of schizophrenic people has been observed just for one of the three indicators of recognition.

Key words : schizophrenia ; recognition of emotional facial expressions; pattern of visual exploration; eye tracker ; Tobii pro

- 5 -



Table des matières

Introduction - 7 -

La schizophrénie - 9 -

Caractéristiques cliniques et diagnostic - 9 -

Caractéristiques cognitives - 10 -

Cognition sociale, reconnaissance des expressions faciales émotionnelles et remédiations .. - 11 -

Un pattern d'exploration visuelle atypique - 12 -

Problématique - 14 -

Méthode - 15 -


- 15 -


- 15 -


- 16 -

Résultats - 19


Comparaison des groupes test et contrôle sur trois indices de reconnaissance des expressions faciales

émotionnelles (reconnaissances correctes, seuil de perception, intrusions) - 19 -

Liens entre les paramètres oculo-moteurs, les spécificités de reconnaissance des EFE sur les 3

indicateurs de reconnaissance et la symptomatologie des patients schizophrènes.

- 23 -


- 25 -


- 27 -


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- 32 -

Annexe A : Tableau d'information sur les sujets schizophrènes et sur les sujets appariés pour

l'expérience 1 - 32 -

Annexe B : Les 16 visages utilisés issus de la KDEF data base - 32 -

- 6 -

Annexe C : Plaquette descriptive du projet de recherche clinique adressée aux sujets test .. - 33 -

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

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