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Le microcrédit au Maroc. Tensions entre performance commerciale et finalité sociale.

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Brahim NAHI
Université Mohamed 5 _Faculté de droit Agdal Rabat  - Master spécialisé en Management de développement social  2012

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


The Microcredit for the Microcredit or Microcredit Engaged on the cause of social development it's the fundamental question addressed in this research. However, the transcript of the MC's social mission in practice has been much written by many interested persons especially with the convergence that knows the industry today, which follows the landing of newcomers, reinforced the trade paradigm seeking financial viability of microfinance institutions. But, the declared goals turn about improving the living conditions of the poor and expanding the range of opportunities and options, their achievement through the provision of quality services taking into account the needs and demands; distribution of these services at cost and fair interest rates, contributing to the development of social bonds and social capital, the reduction of vulnerability, but also the monitoring of negative side effects of microcredit as the debt overhang.

Nonetheless, it is unrealistic to expect the microcredit implement significant change in the situation of the poor people. It can not be the only tool in the fight against all forms of exclusion, such a tool" all terrain" the fight against poverty. So it should not be seen as an alternative productive work, social protection and social public policy.

Therefore, it seems difficult to decide conclusively on the impacts of microcredit as the experiences and environments in which practice are different. The institutional success of the MC should not disguise the fact that it is by no means a lasting cure against chronic poverty.

Although microcredit can be a component of a comprehensive and broader fight against all forms of poverty, it is now at a crossroads between an institutionalist vision and solidaristic vision. That is why the government will play an important role in shaping the future of microcredit: efficient or not, both socially and commercially. Two approaches that place the financial performance and social performance of microcredit in perpetual opposition.

Etudiant Chercheur : Brahim NAHI PFE _Master Spécialisé Management du Développement Social Vlll

Le Microcrédit au Maroc : Tensions entre Performance Commerciale et Finalité Sociale (Cas : Al Amana Microfinance)



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Le Microcrédit au Maroc : Tensions entre Performance Commerciale et Finalité Sociale (Cas : Al Amana Microfinance)

Etudiant Chercheur : Brahim NAHI PFE _Master Spécialisé Management du Développement Social ix


Agent de crédit, Association de Microcrédit, Conseil Consultatif de Microcrédit, Fédération Nationale des Associations de Microcrédit, Institution de Microfinance, Microcrédit, Microfinance.


Loan officer, Association of Microcredit, Microcredit Advisory Board, Nation Federation of Microcredit Associations, Microfinance Institution, Microcredit, Microfinance.

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Etudiant Chercheur : Brahim NAIII PFE _Master Spécialisé Management du Développement Social x

Le Microcrédit au Maroc : Tensions entre Performance Commerciale et Finalité Sociale (Cas : Al Amana Microfinance)

précédent sommaire suivant

Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Il existe une chose plus puissante que toutes les armées du monde, c'est une idée dont l'heure est venue"   Victor Hugo