3.6. Study population
Peter ODERA (2006) defined population as all members or
elements, be it human beings, animals, trees, objects, events, etc of a well
defined group. That is, Population means all the elements in a well-defined set
of values. The population of this study was all beneficiaries, Rwandans and
Foreigners, who benefit from the service provided by Community Based Health
Insurance (CBHI) in Ruganda sector.
The target population was households living in Ruganda sector,
out of which a sample of 30 made up with household heads, staffs and nurses
were met depending on the pre-set questions. These were chosen purposely
because they are the principal planners, managers of their respective families
and are knowledgeable about health situations in the household. The researcher
was to take the sample depending on the number of beneficiaries of Community
Based Health Insurance (CBHI). Since the population is large, it is not be easy
to reach all of them due to the financial and time constraints; a sample was
therefore drawn as shown below.
3.7. Sample selection and sample
The researcher selected a sample of 30 respondents and
questionnaires were given to 30 respondents including Fourteen respondents
which includes six heads of households (6), Six agents (6) of mutual health
insurance and Two patients (2) in health centre of Biguhu; the second part of
questionnaire is made up with Sixteen questionnaires (16) designed to the
staffs at sector and cell levels and Two nurses. However due to high costs in
terms of time and finance, the researcher decided to survey only a sample of 30
3.8. Data collection instruments
To Examine the functioning of Mutual health insurance scheme
in Ruganda sector; to find out the impact of improved health status on Economic
development in Ruganda sector, to identify the challenges encountered by both
beneficiaries of mutual health insurance and the staffs in Ruganda sector. Data
for this study was collected through the combination of interview guide,
observation, documentation, and questionnaire.
3.8.1. Interview guide
According to Richard and Williams (1990), an interview is a
data collection method whose main purpose is to obtain necessary information.
An interview may lead to the emergence of new ideas which would otherwise not
be revealed using questionnaires. The information from households was gathered
using the interview guide. The interview guide contains both closed ended and
open- ended questions. Opened-ended questions were kept to minimum so as to
keep the respondents focus on the major aspects of the research. The interview
guide enabled the researcher to conduct face to face interviews with
respondents. This was advantageous for two major reasons. First it helped the
researcher to get information even from illiterate households.
Secondly, it enabled the researcher to explain well the
questions to Rwandan health beneficiaries before they provide answers; this was
increased clarity and reliability of data gathered.