3.1. Introduction
This chapter presents, explains and justifies the methodology
used in order to fulfill the objectives of the study. Methodology is a set of
methods and principles that are used when studying a particular kind of work or
subject (contemporary English Dictionary 1995: 927). The researcher used simple
random sampling method to collect data. This chapter gives reasons why data was
collected, from where data was collected, and how data was collected and
analyzed. The chapter provides methods adopted during the study and explains
the research design, analytical framework, and sources of data, data collection
instruments, and sampling techniques.
Research design
According to Churchill (1976) research design is a plan for a
study used as a guide in collecting and analyzing the data. Also the design of
a research is the combination of methods you have chosen for empirical part of
your study ( Bakkabulindi, 2004). It is worth noting that the choice of a
research design is contingent upon choice of research approach whereby a
research is either quantitative or qualitative. The researcher combined both
quantitative and qualitative research design in carrying out this study.
This research has one hypothesis and tested in the final stage
of this research and state that «improved health situation through Rwandan
Health Insurance (Mutuelle de Santé) scheme can lead to economic
development resulting from increased production and savings»
3.3. Areas of the study
In carrying out this study the researcher opted to select
among heads of households, staff of a health center and authorities of cells of
Ruganda sector, because of financial and time constraints which are the main
barriers that limit this research to be taken on the whole members benefiting
from commonly held health insurance in Ruganda sector.
3.4. Sources of data
In conducting this research, the researcher used the
information from primary and secondary data sources.
3.4.1. Primary data
This research was relying considerably on primary data that
was collected from 30 respondents selected among the six cells which made up
Ruganda sector with a simple sampling method. This together with field
observation was provided primary data.
3.4.2. Secondary data
In the scope of this research a literature review of the
existing data in book, reports, journals, newspapers and articles on the topics
and objectives of this research was used. The researcher used the already
existing relevant information to the subject matter. Various published texts
were consulted. The researcher was also used progress and evaluation
reports/both annual and quarterly and other unpublished documents got from
ministry of health, health centre, ministry of economic planning and Ruganda
sector's offices.
3.5. Analytitical frame work
This study aimed at analyzing the contribution of Rwandan
health insurance (Mutuelle de Santé) in economic development of Rwanda,
with a case study of Ruganda sector. The research generally aimed at examining
the contribution of Rwandan health insurance (Mutuelle de Santé) in
economic development particularly in Ruganda sector. The link between Rwandan
health Insurance (Mutuelle de Santé) and economic development is such
that Rwandan health insurance helps to minimize health costs as well as
enabling households to save some income, which they can use for other economic
development activities.
Subscription to Rwanda Health Insurance (Mutuelle de
Santé) also eases access to healthcare services and timely medical
treatment. This leads to improved health status, which in turn enables
beneficiaries to participate actively in productive and other income generating
activities hence leading to economic development. This research generally aims
at following these links between Rwanda health insurance and economic