I, DUSABIMANA Athanase, hereby declare that to the best of my
knowledge, this Dissertation entitled «The contribution of
Rwandan health insurance in the economic development of
Rwanda» is original and my inventive work and has not been
presented in Umutara Polytechnic or any other university or institution of
higher learning for the academic award. Where other beneficiaries' work has
been used, references are appropriately given.
Date: ......... October, 2012
This is to certify that the Dissertation entitled
«The contribution of Rwandan health insurance in economic
development of Rwanda» was done by DUSABIMANA Athanase under
my supervision.
Date: ........... October, 2012
To Almighty God and His Son Jesus Christ, my Duagther, your
sleep does not mean the absence. To my mother, my sisters, and my brothers your
tireless support and prayers will always be remembered!! Friends and relatives
whose courage, love and contribution were of great influence to the successful
completion of my study.
To all of you, this work is dedicated!
The memoire is in fact the final result of my loving and
understanding beneficiaries and thus the production of which owes much to the
assistance of many beneficiaries without whose efforts this work would not have
seen the light of the day. However, due to limited space I cannot mention all,
but nevertheless I appreciate their efforts in all respects.
Thanks to God our father and Jesus our savior for giving me
energy, enthusiasm, health body, wisdom, which helps me during my studies.
This research is a result of joint effort from the
beneficiaries who, in away or in another contributed to its completion. I
register my sincere gratitude to them.
My heartfelt recognition goes to Mr. KABANDANA Ernest for his
encouragement, correction, advice and motivation through my research work as my
supervisor. I am great full to him for tireless contributions to my work.
My gratitude is extended to all my teachers and lectures,
which taught and guide me from primary schools to the institutions of higher
learning. For their devoted tutelage and guidance.
My recognition is also extended to the beneficiaries of
Ruganda sector; authorities and beneficiaries of MHI, from whom the information
used were given and their staff for the ideas and support offered.
My personal singular appreciation and love go to my
parents; my father NKUMBUYE Leonidas, my mother MUKARWEMA Judith for
sacrifice of choosing and permitting me to be away in the academic work.
Special credit goes to my Brothers and Sisters mostly the
families of Mr. SIBOMANA J. Damascène and Mr. HITIMANA Marcel, Friends
for their encouragement, financial, social, and moral and all material support
you have given me throughout my life and academic pursuit.
Lastly but not least, to all of you out there who wished me
good luck and success. May God reward you unsparingly!