3. Mapping forest degradation
3.1. Remote sensing in forest degradation
In the idea of the study of Kauppie et al. (2006) the way to
quantify change in the forest is to select four forests attributes area,
volume, density of growing stock, biomass, and sequester carbon) that provide a
useful starting point for global forest monitoring. According to Cogalton
(2007), these dates are particularly essential when attempting to estimate
forest volume, biomass and carbon using remote sensing technology.
Lambin (1999) explained the role of remote sensing in forest
degradation, in this study, the author is trying to explain how spectral,
spatial and temporal information could be used to access the concept of forest
In the study of Herold et al. (2009) they explained that
mapping forest degradation with remote sensing data is more challenging than
mapping deforestation because the degraded forest is a complex mix of
different land cover types (vegetation, dead trees, soil, shade) and the
spectral signature of the degradation changes quickly (i.e., < 2 years)
(Souza et al. 2009 in herold et al). High spatial resolution sensors
such as Landsat, ASTER and SPOT have been mostly used so far to address forest
degradation. However, very high resolution satellite imagery, such as Ikonos or
Quickbird, and aerial digital imagery acquired with videography has been used
as well. Methods for mapping forest degradation range from simple image
interpretation to highly sophisticated automated algorithms
Higher spatial resolution imagery is more suitable for
detection of specific forest degradation impacts. For example, Ikonos imagery
can easily detect forest canopy structural damage (Read et al., 2003; Souza, Jr
et al., 2005), but, given the cost for image acquisition and computational
challenges to extract information from these very high spatial resolution
images, their use in operational applications such as monitoring logging is
3.2. Forest change detection analysis
Various classifications of change in forest ecosystems have
been proposed. Aldrich (1985) approached the variability in forest cover from a
thematic angle, enumerating nine general forest disturbance classes: no
disturbance, harvesting (areas subjected to timber removal operations),
silvicultural treatments (e.g., thinning), land clearing (vegetation removal
and site preparation), insect and disease damage (epidemic conditions), fire
(prescribed burning and wildfire), flooding (man-caused and natural),
regeneration (artificial or natural), Other (not fitting any of the above
Coppin (2001) tried to explain different types of change
detection in forest ecosystems with remote sensing using digital imagery, he
used many techniques change detection, image acquisition, data reprocessing for
change detection methods, multidimensional temporal feature space analysis,
image differencing, etc.
Since early days of earth observation systems, various
techniques of change detection have been developed for forest monitoring using
high resolution optical remote sensing. These approaches are focused on the
identification of forest cover change, described by Geist (2006),
Highly Detectable
Detection limited & increasing data/effort
Detection very limited
Selective logging
Harvesting of most non-
Forest fragmentation
Forest surface fires
timber plants products
Recent slash-and-burn
A range of edge-effects
selective logging
Major canopy fires
Narrow sub-canopy
Major roads
Small scale mining
roads (<6m wide)
Conversion to tree
Unpaved secondary
roads (6-20m wide)
Understorey thinning and clear cutting
Hydroelectric dams and
other forms of flood disturbances
Selective thinning of
canopy trees
Invasion of exotic
Large-scale mining
Table 3: Forest degradation activities and their degree of
detection using Landsat-type data, Source:
Peres et al.(2006).
The literature indicates that forest canopy changes can be
detected by a variety of analysis methods. Although most methods provide
generally positive results, few studies have compared and evaluated alternative
approaches. Since Singh's 1999 paper, two recent studies have attempted to
determine what change detection method is most appropriate.
Using SPOT multispectral, multitemporal data, Muchoney and
Haack (2004) compared four methods, merged PCA, image differencing, spectral
temporal change classification, and post-classification change differencing,
for identifying changes in hardwood defoliation by gypsy moth. Defoliation was
most accurately detected by the image differencing and PCA approaches.
Collins and Woodcock (1996) have compared three linear change
detection techniques, multitemporal Kauth-Thomas, PCA, and Gramm-Schmidt
orthogonalization. Better and similar results were obtained with the
multitemporal Kauth-Thomas and PCA methods than for the Gramm-Schmidt
technique; however, the authors recommended the Kauth-Thomas approach because
it identifies change in a more consistent and interpretable manner. These
authors also examined to what extent the digital images should be