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Assessment of community health workers incentives on maternal and newborn health services performance

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Bugeman University Uganda - Masters of public health 2015

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

Research Questions

The study attempted to answer the following questions.

1 What is the Socio-demographic characteristic of community health worker in charge of maternal and newborn health?

2. What are the community health workers in charge of maternal and newborn health incentives?

3. What is the level of maternal and newborn health services?

4. Is there a significant influence between Community Health Worker's incentives on performance of maternal and newborn health services?

General Objective

The general objective was to assess the relationship between CHWs in charge of MNH incentives to performance of maternal and newborn health services.

Specific Objectives

1. To determine the demographic characteristics of respondent CHW's in charge of maternal and newborn health.

2. To determine the level of CHW's in charge of maternal and newborn health incentives.

3. To determine the level of performance of maternal and newborn health services.

4. To establish the relationship between CHW's in charge of maternal and newborn health incentives and performance maternal and newborn health services.


There is no relationship between CHWs in charge of MNH incentives and performance maternal and newborn health services.

Significance of the Study

The study is significant to the community, CHWs and health providers within Rwinkwavu District Hospital. The overall health sector (Ministry of Health, NGOs and the Rwandese Government) will be benefit from the results in Rwinkwavu District Hospital, Rwanda.

CHWs: The findings of this study will help Community Health Workers to actively participate in maternal and newborn health improvement and they will be aware at which level they contribute in that improvement referring to the incentives they receive from different partners.

Public: The public will benefit from this research because the improved maternal and newborn health services will contribute to the reduction of maternal and newborn mortality rate with social economic growth.

Policy Makers and Government: The findings will promote leaders of Rwinkwavu District Hospital, Kayonza District, Ministry of Health and NGOs to advocacate the way of incentivizing CHWs which may promote income generating activities of CHWs cooperatives and sustainability of the program. It will make recommendations to the district, Ministry of Health and partners involved in national maternal and newborn health to improve their policies and guidelines.

Researchers: The findings will stimulate the interest of other researchers to carry out more empirical studies in order to set up strategies to improve maternal and newborn health with the greater way of incentivizing the CHWs in charge of maternal and newborn health.

Scope of the Study

Rwinkwavu District hospital catchment area is located in Kayonza District in the Eastern Province of Rwanda. It is boarded by the Gahini and Mwiri Sectors of Kayonza District in the north, Kirehe and Ngoma District in south, United Republic of Tanzania in the East and Rwamagana District in the West. It has 8 administrative sectors, 8 health centers, 33 cells, 251 villages dispatched on a surface of 64.5 square kilometers and the population of 194248 (Rwanda HMIS, 2015).

The study was conducted in its 8 health centers which are Rwinkwavu, Cyarubare, Ndego, Nyamirama,Kabarondo, Karama, Rutare and Ruramira health centers. The research was concentrated on CHWs in charge of maternal and newborn health incentives and improvement of maternal and newborn health services that that was accomplished from January, 2015 to July, 2015 (Rwanda HMIS, 2015).

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

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