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Assessment of community health workers incentives on maternal and newborn health services performance

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Bugeman University Uganda - Masters of public health 2015

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


Appendix 1: Questionnaire

Dear Sir/ Madam, I am a student at Bugema University, Uganda. I am carrying out a research on «Assessment of community health workers incentives on improving maternal mortality rate, a case study of Rwinkwavu district hospital, Kayonza District, Rwanda». The purpose of this questionnaire is purely academic. I request you to spare a few minutes of your precious time to answer this questionnaire. Your responses will be treated with confidentially that they deserve as academic material. I thank you in anticipation of your cooperation because you aid my research education through your responses.

Your cooperation will be highly appreciated.

SECTION A: Social - Demographics Characteristics of the respondents: Please tick ( ) your answer on the following demographics information

1. Residency

Village .......................... cell.................................... Sector........................... Health Center................................

2. Age

15-19 20-35 36-50 51-60

2. Gender

Male Female

3. Marital Status

Single Widow/Widower

Married Divorced

4. Educational Level

No Formal Education Primary Secondary

Post- Secondary

No job Farmer Cultivator Farming culivator

Professional employment Trading


SECTION B. The CHWs' incentives in charge of maternal and newborn health

Concept of Community Performance Based Financing (CPBF)

1. CHWs financial incentives





1.1.I receive sufficient salary when I meet the monthly target visits


1. 2.I receive the following incentives


a) Monthly bonus


b) Quarterly BPF


2. CHWs non-financial incentives


a) A bag


b) Umbrella


c) Rain coat


d) Register for monthly reporting


e) Register for women in reproductive age and pregnancy women


f) Register of follow up for pregnancy women


2.I receive training and assistance in community maternal and new born health


2.3. I conduct monthly inventory based on my store card


2.4. I advise clients (referral) to go to use health facility services


2.5. I have sufficient equipment to conduct maternal health services


a) Timer for respiration count


b) Mobile Phone


c) Thermometer


d) Weighing scale


e) Measurement of upper arm circumference


3. Membership in CHWs cooperatives


3.1. I receive quarterly supervision from health facility


3.2. I receive perdiem during the monthly meetings


3.3. I am a member of community health workers' cooperative in my sector


3.4. I receive 30% of quarterly PBF from my cooperative


3.5. I access loans from my cooperative


SECTION C. What is the level of Maternal Health Services?

Concept of Maternal and newborn Health Services

Actual Total visit


1.Census of women in reproductive age


2. Visit 3 times all pregnancy women in the village


3. Women visited in first prenatal care visits to homes


4. Women visited by CHWs free times during pregnancy


5. Women who completed 4 standards ANC


6. Deliveries at health facilities by health professionals


7. Home deliveries


8. Home deliveries referred immediately at health facility


9. Women presented in postpartum consultation within 10 days


10.Women vaccinated against tetanus during pregnancy


11.Women who receive iron to prevent anemia during pregnancy


12. At risk pregnancies referred to health facility


Appendix 2: Data Collection Letter

Appendix 3: Acceptance Collection Letter

Appendix 4: Geographical Map of Rwinkwavu District Hospital

Appendix 5: Map of Rwanda Showing Kayonza District where Located Rwinkwavu District Hospital in South

précédent sommaire

Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Nous devons apprendre à vivre ensemble comme des frères sinon nous allons mourir tous ensemble comme des idiots"   Martin Luther King