This chapter gives a summary, conclusion and recommendation
generated from the discussed finding and directed to relevant studies. This was
directed from objectives of this research.
The study was carried out on, `'Assessment on community health
incentives on maternal and newborn health services performance''. The sample of
this study was 236 respondents, the research collected 236 questionnaires.
Quantitative approach was used because of numerical data was applied.
A cross-sectional survey was used as the study aimed to assess
the relationship between community health workers incentives on improved
maternal and newborn health services. In addition the qualitative approach was
applied to describe the collected information from respondents that could that
could not be easily described numerically. Descriptive statistics and advanced
statistics (logistic regression) was used to establish the relationship between
independent and dependent variables.
The general objective of this study was to assess the
relationship between community performance based financing and other incentives
on improving maternal and newborn health services.
The first specific objectives was to determine the demographic
characteristics of respondents; the research used the descriptive statistics;
revealed that the majority of respondents 125 (52.3%) have the age range
between 36to 50. All 236 respondents (100%) are women due to Rwanda community
health policy. The study shows that the married women are the most predominate
among the other respondents represented by 168(71.1%). Most of the respondents
have accomplished the primary education at the rate of 64.0% (151). As
presented in Rwandan DHS (2014/2015) the study respondents revealed that 91
(38.6%) are cultivators, 55 (23.3%) are the farmers then 47 (19.9%) are both
farmers and cultivators with total 193 (81.8%) of agribusiness as their
The second objective shows the study result on community
performance based financing and other incentives received by community health
workers. The respondents show low mean and standard deviation ( =1.75; SD = 0.82). The results shows the majority of indicators in low
and very low a part two indicators of per-diem during the monthly meetings and
access loans from CHWs cooperatives shown in moderate.
The third objectives determine the level of improvement of
maternal and newborn health services among respondents revealed a moderate mean
and standard deviation ( = 3.03; SD = 1.26).
The indicator of home deliveries have been improved at a very
high level ( = 4.91) followed by high improvement of consultation within ten day
post-partum by very high mean and standard deviation (( =4.9 1; SD = 1.95).
Logistic regression was used to establish influence of CHWs
incentives on performance of CHWs to accomplish MNH services program. This
shows that CHWs financial incentives to be high are about 3 times as likely to
perform in maternal and newborn health services (p = 0.012, (1.26-6.26) ,OR =
2.808) however result in table 6 indicate that being a member of CHWs
cooperative is not a significant predictor of performance of CHWs in maternal
and newborn health services (p > 0.05).