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Assessment of community health workers incentives on maternal and newborn health services performance

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Bugeman University Uganda - Masters of public health 2015

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


It indicates the extent to which an instrument measures what it is supposed to measure. Six experts in the field have checked the questionnaire for the consistency of the items, conciseness, intelligibility and clarity. The checking of items, consistence, relevance, clarity and ambiguity; pretesting was done in two health centers that were not part of the target population.

Their input helped to ensure that the instrument measured adequately what it is intended to measure. The researcher used CVR (Content Validity Ratio) where the expert will agree with the items. The formula to be used is: CVR = (E -N/2) / (N/2)

Where E: number of who rated the object or person in question; N: total number of expert. CVR can measure between -1.0 and 1.0. The closer to 1.0 the CVR is, the more essential the object is considered to be. Conversely, the closer to -1.0 the CVR is, the more non-essential it is.

The research instrument was valid when the CVR is 0.6 or above indicated the extent to which an instrument measures what it is supposed to measure. A supervisor was always consulted for checking the items, consistence, relevance and clarity.


Twenty CHWs from Kabarondo Health center were randomly selected for testing research instrument, the estimation of reliability will be ascertained by a pilot testing of the instrument and applying Cronbach's Alpha coefficient by means of a Statistical Package for Social Sciences (Gal,et al,2009). Cronbach's Alpha coefficient will be used to measure internal consistency of the research tool. The instrument are reliable when the results of twenty respondents give an alpha coefficient of > 0.7 (Gal, et al, 2009).

Data Collection Procedure

The researcher obtained a letter of introduction from Bugema University, Graduate school to the Director of Rwinkwavu District Hospital. The researcher submitted the letter in person to the office of Rwinkwavu District Hospital Director and upon authorization; the researcher made an appointment through the community health workers in charge of health center level to confirm when he could visit to collect data as community health workers involved in this study live in different areas. The questionnaire was given to the respondents after ensuring them that the information given will be kept confidentially and would be used only for academic and research purpose.

The researcher ensured voluntary participation of respondents to be clearly informed about the objective and benefits of the study, the confidentiality of records was protected and no name of respondents were asked during the data collection.

Data Analysis

After a successful data collection exercise, the researcher coded and entered data, tabulated and interpreted the findings. For quantitative data, the computer package, SPSS was used to analyze and interpret the data. Descriptive statistic including frequency and percentage was used to answer objectives one, the mean and standard deviation was used to answer the objective two and three. Linear regression logistic was used to analyze the objectives four that was to establish the influence of incentives on improving maternal and newborn health services. Descriptive statistics allowed the researcher to reduce bias and estimate sampling errors and precision of the estimates derived through statistical calculation. Data collected from the document analysis was analyzed manually and results were used to supplement and support the findings from the main instrument.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

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