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Assessment of community health workers incentives on maternal and newborn health services performance

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Bugeman University Uganda - Masters of public health 2015

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

Membership in CHW's Cooperatives

CHWs cooperatives membership: All CHWs organized are in cooperatives to ensure income generation and accountability of expected results. Community PBF payments used for cooperative income generating projects include: poultry, cattle/goat/pig rearing, crop farming, basket making, etc that improves performance of CHWs by motivating them to rise agreed upon performance indicators, the payments made when proof of the agreed level of performance. The Sector Steering Committee oversees the implementation and approves payment to the CHW Cooperative (MOH, Rwanda, 2011).

The study done by Havard School (2011), on CHWs in Zambia entetle'' incentives design and management it shows incentives and desincentives summirized in below :

Table 1: Showing Incentives and Desincentives CHWs

Motivation factors



Monetary incentives that motivate CHWs

Ø Satisfactory numeration, materials incentives, financial incentives

Ø Possibility of future payment

Ø Inconsistent remuneration

Ø Change in tangible incentives

Ø Inequitable distribution of incentives among different CHWs

Nonmonetary incentives that motivate CWHs

ü Community recognition

ü Acquisition of valued skills

ü Personal growth and development

ü Accomplishment

ü Peer support

ü Preferential treatment

ü Clear role

ü CHWs from outside of the country

ü Inadequate refresher training

ü Inadequate supervision

ü Lack of respect from HFs a staff

Community factors that motivate CHWs

ü Community involvement selection

ü Community organizations that support CHWs

ü Community involvement in CHWs training

ü Community information system

ü Inappropriate selection of CHWs

ü Lack of community involvement in CHWs selection, training and support.

Factors motivate communities to support and stain CHWs

Ø Visible change

Ø Contribution to the community empowering

Ø CHWs associations

Ø Successful referral to health facilities

Ø Unclear role and expectation(preventive versus curative care)

Ø Inappropriate CHWs behavior

Ø Failure to take community need into account

Factors that motivate MOH staff to support and sustain CHWs

Ø Policy and legislation to support

Ø Visible change

Ø Government community finding for supervisory activities

Ø Inadequate staff and supply

Maternal and New Born Health Services

Community Health Workers identify and register women of reproductive age (encourage family planning,), identify pregnant women and encourage ANC, birth preparedness and facility based deliveries, identify women and newborns with danger signs and refer them to health facility for care, accompany women in labor to health facilities, encourage early postnatal facility checks for both newborns and the mothers and report those activities by using Use Rapid SMS (MOH, Rwanda 2011).

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Qui vit sans folie n'est pas si sage qu'il croit."   La Rochefoucault