The Directorate General (DG-Water) developed a Plan of Action
National of integrated resources management in water that knowledge, monitoring
and recovery of aquatic ecosystems is a priority with the Department in charge
of water. These aquatic ecosystems include the shallows which are today many
damage despite their ecological and economic importance. The objective of this
work is to propose measures for better protection, optimal recovery and better
tracking of the shallows through their development. This is the reason for
which the DG-Water chose as part of our internship. This three-month internship
specifically identified:
- describe the main axes for the realization of a project of
shallow for their development with a view to the protection of these complex
- highlight the environmental impacts of the shallows.
In addition to these objectives, this internship allowed to
attend sessions of manipulation in the laboratory of analysis of water quality
and validation of certain reports of studies commissioned by the DG-Water as
part of the implementation of IWRM.
At the end of this course, and thanks to the literary
magazine, the different lowland management techniques and their environmental
impacts have been revealed that any development into account in order to have a
sustainable development and a healthy environment. This should be also added
impacts health and socio-economic of the schemes.
Key words: shallow, IWRM, land use,

Réalisé et soutenu par Candide Stanislas
Impacts environnementaux des techniques
d'aménagement et de mise en valeur des bas-fonds
AEV : Adduction d'Eau Villageoise
ASECNA : Agence pour la
Sécurité de la Navigation Aérienne
C :Carbone
CIEH : Comité Interafricain d'Etude
DIARPA : Diagnostic Rapide de
DG-Eau : Direction Générale de
DG-W: Directorate General of Water
DPGE : Direction de la Planification et de
la Gestion de l'Eau
DIE :Direction de l'Information sur l'Eau
EDTA : Ethylène DiamineTétra
EPAC : Ecole Polytechnique d'Abomey-Calavi
FNEau : Fonds National de l'Eau
FSA : Faculté des Sciences
GIRE : Gestion Intégrée des
Ressources en Eau
GPS: Global Position System
IMWR: Integrated Management of Water
MERPMEDER : Ministère de l'Energie,
des Recherches Pétrolières et
Minières, de l'Eau et du Développement des
Energies Renouvelables
ORSTOM :Office de la Recherche Scientifique
et Technique Outre-Mer
PANGIRE : Plan d'Action National de Gestion
Intégrée des Ressources en
pH :potentiel Hydrogène
PIB :Produit Intérieur Brut
SC-GIRE :Service deCoordination de la
Gestion Intégrée desRessources en

Réalisé et soutenu par Candide Stanislas
Impacts environnementaux des techniques
d'aménagement et de mise en valeur des bas-fonds