3.1.7 What is the brown bear
re-introduction cost?
For 2006, the global budget of the bear project was 2.26
millions euros with 580,000€ for compensations and subsidies to breeders
(Ministry of ecology, 2006). Was this amount sufficient? What is known is that
in 2007, 79 damages reports have been done, recognising 350 over 361 damages
due to bear among which: 295 for sheep, 25 for cattle, 9 for horses, 23 for
beehives and 2 for other animals (ASPAP, 2008). If we consider that only in
Ariège 346,000ha are concerned by pastoralism and that to protect animal
and beehives four wires are necessary even if only one wire and two are used to
control horses and cattle respectively. What are the benefits of the project
and their positive externalities on the long run compare to what pastoralism
produces today? How to share these? What is the cost of farmers training to do
other thing than husbandry or to raise animal differently? What is the cost of
that social restructuring? Because the answer of these questions cannot be
found somewhere, these are field of work to go ahead in this project in the