1.2 Problem
Currents economical and technical arguments of pastoral
farming, representation that pastoral breeders have to their know-how and MSP,
do not offer a security for pastoral cohabitation. Therefore, further to the
vulnerability of grazing animals related to bear's predation in a stocking
system with an unsteady and fragile equilibrium, anxiety for the future causes
a negative consideration of the predator and threatens its survival.
1.2.1 Research question
The use made of Ariège mountain summer pasture is it
compatible with the accompaniments measures of the brown bear reintroduction
plan in the French Pyrenees?
1.2.2 Hypothesis
1. The presence of brown bear induces reorganizations of the
farming system non profitable to the pastoral farm.
2. The system practiced brings about a certain capacity of
3. The farms' diversification is a response to their
sensitivity and an alternative parameter.
1.2.3 Objectives
The objective of this work is to know and understand the logic
of the Ariège "land system", to analyze the system from what is being
done and said with a zootechnical point of view and to analyze how the brown
bear accompaniment measures play in relation to all this. This will enable to
check if any modification without taking into account these historical,
socio-technical and topographical data is of or not zoohygienical nature and
harmful for the sustainability of the system? At last, this work aims to
present the Ariège's pastoral farming alternatives and perspectives in
this particular context.
Grazed ecosystem
Natural resources
Abiotic environment
Bio-physic environment
Diagram1: Macro theoretical framework of pastoralism
Let the herd graze the most possible
Secure resource durability
Produce good « Broutard »
Space of good practices
Diagram 2: Values that delimit the space of good practices
(Lasseur and al., 2007)