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The impact of monetary policy on consumer price index (CPI): 1985-2010

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Sylvie NIBEZA
Kigali Independent University (ULK) - Master Degree 2014

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List of Tables

Table 1: Consumer price index (CPI) in Rwanda 3

Table 2: Money Supply in Rwanda 55

Table 3: Nominal Interest Rate in Rwanda 56

Table 4: Nominal Exchange Rate in Rwanda 58

Table 5: Summary of Unity root Test using PP and ADF tests 60

Table 6: Results of Johansen Cointegration Test 62

List of Figures

Figure 1: Monetary targeting Framework 3

Figure 2: Consumer Price Index 33

Figure 3: Development of money supply (in billions of RWF) 40

Figure 4: Consumer Price Index (CPI) in Rwanda 54

Figure 5: Money Supply in Rwanda 56

Figure 6: Nominal Interest Rate in Rwanda 57

Figure 7: Nominal Exchange Rate in Rwanda 59

Figure 8: Response of CPI to Monetary Policy Variables 63

Abbreviations and Acronyms



Augmented Dickey- Fuller


African Development Bank


Banque Nationale du Rwanda


Balance of Payment


Crop Intensification Program


Consumer Price Index


Cumulative Sum


Error Correction Model


Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy


Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facilities


Exchange Rate


Gross Domestic Product


Government of Rwanda


International Monetary Fund


Nominal Interest Rate


Key Repo Rate


Ministère de l' Administration Locale


Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning

M2 :

Money Supply


National Bank of Rwanda

PP :



Rwandan Franc (s)


Université Lible de Kigali


The research study on the impact of monetary policy on Consumer price index (CPI) was conducted by taking NBR as a case study. The researcher main purpose was to evaluate the use of monetary policy on economy. The specific objectives were to find out the impact of monetary policy on CPI and to describe strategies of monetary policy in stabilizing economy.

To achieve the desired objectives, the researcher consulted different documents on monetary policy and collect Secondary data on different time series where they obtained data were tested for stationarity in order to avoid regression involving non-stationary variables which can lead to misleading inferences. ADF and PP tests were used to check for stationarity. Engle- Granger two steps procedure and the Johansen Maximum Likelihood Methodology were used to see whether variables are co integrated or not. All those two tests revealed that there is no cointegration among our variables. And this has leaded us to the use of impulse response in order to estimate the impacts of monetary policy on Consumer price index.

The research found that the National Bank of Rwanda uses different tools of monetary policy in order to stabilize economy. It uses them in attempting to achieve the objectives of the monetary policy. With those tools, money supply, credit, interest rates and other monetary variables can be manipulated by the central bank of Rwanda in order to stabilize economy.

The research found that the National Bank of Rwanda uses different tools of monetary policy in order to stabilize economy.

Keywords: Money supply, Exchange rate, Nominal interest rate, monetary policy, Consumer Price Index (CPI)

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

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