1.3. Objectives of the
1.3.1. General objective
The general objective of the research is to assess the role of
commercial banks in promoting trade in rural areas.
1.3.2. Specific objectives
1. To find out the role of commercial banks in promoting trade in
rural areas.
2. To identify the trade activities sponsored by the commercial
banks in rural areas
3. To find out the performance of supported commercial
1.4. Hypothesis of the
The study tested this hypothesis:
«Commercial banks can contribute to the development of trade
in rural areas.»
1.5. Significance of the
The research will help the government to adopt strategies of
developing trade in rural areas. Commercial activities will be developed in
rural areas and the income of people will increase. The study will help
government collect money from rural taxpayers. Commercial banks by granting
loans will raise their capital. After the research, the researcher got
sufficient knowledge about the rural trade and the functioning of commercial
banks. The research will contribute to the promotion of investment by
entrepreneurs who wish to invest in rural sector, notably in trade. This study
is helpful to the academic researchers and other interested people who will
carry out their researches in related domains.
1.6. Scope of the study
Given the limitation of financial means of the researcher and
the constraint of time allocated to this research, the study was restricted to
the role of commercial banks in promoting trade in rural areas specifically in
sectors covered by BPR S.a Kaduha sub-branch. Those sectors are Kaduha,
Musange, Mugano, Mushubi and Kibumbwe.
1.7. Organization of the
This study was organized into five chapters: Chapter one was
the general introduction comprising the background to the study, problem
statement, objectives of the research, and hypotheses of the research,
significance of the research and scope of the research. Chapter two covered the
literature review which reviewed in brief the ideas of preceding authors about
the topic. Chapter three dealt with the methodological aspects of how data were
collected, processed and analyzed. Chapter four discussed the research findings
and interpreted data of the study based on the stated objectives. Chapter five
was the summary of the major findings; conclusion and recommendations were also
given in this chapter.