5.3. Conclusion
The research aimed at assessing the role of commercial banks
in promoting trade in rural areas and its hypothesis stated that
«Commercial banks can contribute to the development of trade in rural
areas.» From the results of the research in chapter four which presented
the activities financed by BPR S.A Kaduha sub-branch, their performance and
contribution to the improvement of standards of living for the traders,
innovation and development of rural areas, we conclude by accepting the
research hypothesis and we strongly agree that commercial banks can contribute
to the development of trade in rural areas.
5.4. Recommendations
Considering the above mentioned findings and results of data
analysis, a number of recommendations are in order.
- Even if the credit services offered by commercial banks mainly
BPR.SA are relatively good, they should be improved so as to facilitate traders
easy and rapid access to loan.
- The bank should have a project officer who could help the
traders and other customers to prepare and implement their projects
- The interest rate calculated to commercial activities are so
high; they should then be decreased so as to help all categories of traders
access to loan
- As it is government policy to develop the rural areas the
government of Rwanda should put in place a guarantee fund to enable the rural
poor who cannot provide collateral securities. This will enable them to have
access to credit since majority of rural people lack collateral securities in
order to be accorded a loan from BPR SA.
5.5. Suggestion for further research
After carrying out this study, learning some problems in this
field and considering some limiting factors to it, the researcher came up with
the following field for further research.
- The contribution of banks in poverty reduction in rural
- The contribution of financial institutions in money supply in
rural areas.
- The contribution of Rwandan financial institutions in achieving
vision 2020.