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Addressing climate change through environmental assessment tools in planning processes: international practices and perspectives for Niger

par Moussa LAMINE
Technishe Universitat Dresden/ Centre For International Postgraduate School of Environmental Management (CIPSEM) - Diploma  2017

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

1.3. Objectives

The overall objective of this study is to assess the integration of CC mitigation and adaptation in the environmental assessment procedure in Niger and European Union.

Specifically, the study aims to:

y' Analyse the relationships between CC and environmental assessments tools;

y' Analyse the integration of CC issues in environmental assessment tools in Niger and European

Union ;

y' Compare the Environment Impact Assessment procedure in European Union (EU) and Niger;

y' Propose recommendations to the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development of Niger.

1.4. Approach

In order to achieve the above objectives, the following approach is used:

y' A literature review about CC, the environmental assessment tools and the relationships between them. This includes the relevance of the integration of CC in Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and how this topic is currently addressed worldwide. The views of researchers and that of international and national credible institutions from books, articles and internet is used as research sources;

y' An analysis of the current situation in terms of integration of CC issues in environmental assessment guidelines and directives taking the examples of the European Union EIA Directive, the European Union SEA Directive and the Niger Ordinance on Institutionalisation of EIA is considered;

2 Refers to the Framework Law on Environmental Management No. 98-56 of December 29th, 1998 and Ordinance No. 97-001 of January 10th, 1997 on Institutionalization of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).


y' A comparison of the European Union EIA Directive and the Niger legislation on EIA is based on the review of literature on theory and concept of mainstreaming CC in Environmental Impact Assessment.

y' An analysis of the EU SEA directive to get inputs for a new bill on SEA to Niger that does not have any legislation regarding that environmental assessment tool;

y' From the analysis and the comparison derived recommendations for the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development of Niger to integrate CC dimensions in environmental assessment tools.

The following documents are used to carry out the analysis and the comparison of environmental assessment tools:

y' Niger Ordinance 97-001 on Institutionalisation of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of January 10th, 1997;

y' Decree N°2000-397/PRN/ME/LCD of 20th October 2000 on EIA administrative procedure in Niger y' Directive 2001/42/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 June 2001 on the assessment of certain plans and programs on the Environment;

y' Directive 2014/52/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014 amending Directive 2011/92/EU on the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment.



2.1. Description of Relevant Concepts 2.1.1. Climate Change

Climate Change is defined by the United Nations Framework Convention on CC (UNFCCC, 1992, article 1)3 as `'a change of climate which is attributed directly or indirectly to human activity that alters the composition of the global atmosphere and which is in addition to natural climate variability observed over comparable time periods». In this definition, the UNFCCC makes a distinction between CC attributable to human activities altering the atmospheric composition and climate variability attributable to natural causes.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Qui vit sans folie n'est pas si sage qu'il croit."   La Rochefoucault