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Addressing climate change through environmental assessment tools in planning processes: international practices and perspectives for Niger

par Moussa LAMINE
Technishe Universitat Dresden/ Centre For International Postgraduate School of Environmental Management (CIPSEM) - Diploma  2017

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy Determination of Monitoring Conditions

In the case the development consent is granted the CA shall determine the procedures regarding the monitoring of significant adverse effects on the environment and sets the type of parameters to be monitored and the duration of the monitoring which shall be proportionate to the nature, location and size of the project and the significance of its effects on the environment. Existing monitoring arrangements resulting from EU legislation other than this directive and from national legislation may be used if appropriate, with a view to avoid duplication of monitoring (Article 8a).

Figure 4: The EU EIA Procedure According to Directive 2014/52

Request for development consent

Project of Annex I

No screening


Project of Annex II


Realization of EIA

Assessment &evaluation of the EIA report

Project Appraisal

Project rejection


Monitoring conditions


3.2.3. Public Participation in EU EIA Procedure

The directive provides that the public concerned shall be given early and effective opportunities to participate in the environmental decision-making procedures and be entitled to express comments and opinions when all options are open to the CA before the decision on the request for development consent is taken (Article 6(4)). Moreover, the determination made by the CA shall be available to the public.

Pursuant to Article 6(2), the public shall be informed electronically and by public notices or by other appropriate means, of the following matters early in the environmental decision-making procedures:

y' the request for development consent;

y' the fact that the project is subject to an EIA procedure and, where relevant, the fact that Article 7 applies(if another member state is concerned);

y' details of the CA responsible for taking the decision, those from which relevant information can be obtained, those to which comments or questions can be submitted, and details of the time schedule for transmitting comments or questions;

y' the nature of possible decisions or, where there is one, the draft decision; y' an indication of the availability of the information gathered and submitted to the CA;

y' an indication of the times and places at which, and the means by which, the relevant information will be made available;

The time-frames for consulting the public concerned on the EIA report shall not be shorter than 30 days (Article 6 (7)). If the project is likely to have significant effects on the environment in another Member State, the public participation mechanisms detailed in Article 7 of the directive shall be applied.

When a decision to grant or refuse development consent has been taken, the CA shall promptly inform the public and the authorities likely to be concerned by the project (Article 9). He shall make available the following information:

y' the content of the decision;

y' the main reasons and considerations on which the decision is based, including information about the public participation process( summary of the results of the consultations and the information gathered; and how those results have been incorporated or otherwise addressed) and the comments received from the other affected Member State if it is the case.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Et il n'est rien de plus beau que l'instant qui précède le voyage, l'instant ou l'horizon de demain vient nous rendre visite et nous dire ses promesses"   Milan Kundera