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Design , implementation and management of secured lan

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par Eliud Ir. Eliud Aganze
Jomokenyatta university of agriculture and technology - information technology 2014

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

7.2 Limitations/ shortcomings encountered.

The following limitations were encountered during the system development:

· It took a lot of time to learn again network configuration and design

· Shortage of devices during implementation

· A lot of errors were encountered during the development of the system.

· A lot of errors and misconfiguration were encountered during the development of the system and the network.

· There were financial constraints encounters during the development of the system.

· There were technical support constraints encounters during the development of the system.

· At times, there was no internet connectivity and therefore one could not seek help from the online community or conduct research.

3. Conclusion

All in all, the jkuat network management online and design, implementation and management of jkuat secure LAN were a success since it met all its objectives and it satisfied the user specifications and client need.

The system is also in line with the Kenyan Vision 2030 of incorporating Information Technology in our workplaces.

It also shows how different technologies (PHP (PDO)&MySQL (MySQLi), WAMP sever and Cisco Packet Tracer) can be integrated to create good user applications which help reduce the cost of operations.

7.3 Recommendations

i). The network management database should be backed up at different servers to allow redundancy of the records.

ii). The network should have more be backed up servers to allow redundancy in the network.

iii). A scanning module should be added to allow scanning of old records to be added in the database.

iv). The university requires to add more access point to facilitate availability of the network

v). The network should be able to extend to accommodate growing number of students and application hosted in.

vi). The system should also be extended to capture


1. Geoff Haviland(2009),Designing High-Performance Campus Intranets with Multilayer Switching

2. Amal Fahad(2011),A Wireless Intranet for Baghdad University

3. Yusuf Bhaiji (2008),CCIE Professional Development Series Network Security Technologies and Solutions

4. Kenneth D. Stewart III and Aubrey Adams(2008)Designing and Supporting Computer Networks CCNA Discovery Learning Guide

5. Diane Teare(2008),Authorized Self-Study Guide Designing for Cisco Internetwork Solutions (DESGN), Second Edition

6. Eric Vyncke(2010),LAN Switch Security What Hackers Know About Your Switches

7. Priscilla Oppenheimer(2011),Top-Down Network Design, Third Edition


9. Yue Pan,Jeffery Chung and ZiYue Zhang(2012),ENSC 427 Communication Networks Analysis of Performance of VoIP Over various scenarios OPNET 14.0

10. E.E.J. Vonk(2005),Design and implementation of a hotspot network: independent of Wi-Fi service providers

11. Geoff Haviland(2013,)Designing High-Performance Campus Intranets with Multilayer Switching

12. Mardav Wala(2006),Designing a LAN for Campus Layout

13. Tamirat Atsemegiorgis (2013), Building a Secure Local Area Networking

14. Diane Teare (2008,)Authorized Self-Study Guide Designing for Cisco Internetwork Solutions (DESGN) Second Edition

15. Improving Contact Center Demonstrations at Cisco Systems

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Il y a des temps ou l'on doit dispenser son mépris qu'avec économie à cause du grand nombre de nécessiteux"   Chateaubriand