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Design , implementation and management of secured lan

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par Eliud Ir. Eliud Aganze
Jomokenyatta university of agriculture and technology - information technology 2014

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


7.1 Objectives met

The JKUAT Network Management System Online was able to meet all its objectives. That include:

· A secure working DMBS for sending problem detail.

· A successfully designed universal database for parcel records data sharing.

· A system that would queries problem and solution information by a clients, department and building from anywhere

· It also satisfied client problem.

· The different modules worked as specified in the requirements specification section.

The design, implementation and management of JKUAT secured LAN was able to meet all its objectives. That include:

· A secure administrator login access.

· Perform secured Telnet requesting accurate credential.

· Allow student, lectures and staff to get dynamic IP address using DHCP

· Successful implementation of VLANs and access list control.

· Allow redundant link between networks in case of failure.

· It also satisfied client problem.

7.2 Achievements

Achievements included System and Personal achievements.

7.1.1 System Achievement

The system met all the specified functional requirements. That include:

· The system is able to solve problem encounter by client and allow client to post problem

· Information are saved in a database that can be remotely accessed by authorized personnel.

· The system also provides security to the consignment records.

· The network provides security to access switches and routers

· Better IP address management by using DHCP

· Secured network remote access using telnet

· Secured VLANs access by implementing ACL

7.1.2 Personal Achievement

· This project enabled me to apply most of the concepts I have learnt.

· I was also able to learn new programming languages function in PHP e.g. PDO and MySQL and this helped me to grow as a programmer.

· I was also able to gain experience in using many software e.g. Dreamweaver, UML diagrammed, AJAX, java script, Microsoft Visio and Wampserver.

· I was able to learn networking and it configuration and this helped me to grow as a network designer and analyst.

· I gained experience in using network simulation software e.g. packet tracer, cisco ios command line.

précédent sommaire suivant

Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Et il n'est rien de plus beau que l'instant qui précède le voyage, l'instant ou l'horizon de demain vient nous rendre visite et nous dire ses promesses"   Milan Kundera