This discussion on the uses and the Internet by students
practice in Cameroon, specifically the University of Douala, has allowed us to
bring an analytical look at the context of lack of resources for students to go
on the Internet, shares of poaching for access, navigation choices, forms of
cultural hybridization and new social practices from the appropriation of this
info-communication platform.
For this, we set ourselves the objective to present the uses
of the Internet by students of the University of Douala and the practices that
flow from these practices, to understand the logic and motives related to
Internet uses and practices, describe the issues and challenges that are at the
heart of these uses.
However, we made the observation that, despite the lack of
financial means to face the high cost of Internet connection times, poor
connection speed, the lack of advanced infrastructure and untimely cuts the
electrical current, it is observed an addiction student with respect to
Internet. They usually go there to make new relationship, communicate with
others, looking for work or for immigration reasons, find soul mate, make
Cotages to bet on football or for academic reasons (...).
To achieve this, they make recourse to forms of
adaptation, make diversion and misappropriation including : organize
their time goshawks specific choices and immediate needs to be met before going
on the Net, going regularly on the Internet for a time very reduced to only
view messages and notifications, carefully use and many times the tickets
purchased to connect to the Internet connection until all hours, and sometimes
take the same connection to the Internet tickets to other students (...).
So, this study allows us to understand more of the foregoing,
the Internet has become for students of the University of Douala, a place of
self-affirmation, a reliance belt in the world, a vital tool for achieving
projects and success. And through its multiple services, it seems more
practical for them to use the Internet to communicate, establish and maintain
contact with others than calling from a mobile phone. For through digital
convergence, the Internet now allows to bring added value to these technical
devices (computer, mobile phone ...) that once had specific uses.
Keywords: Uses, practices, Internet, logics of
action, appropriation, devices, hybridization.
PNUD : Programme des Nations Unies pour
le Développement
TIC : Technologies de l'Information et
de la Communication
CNIL : Commission Nationale de
l'Informatique et des Libertés
EDI : Echange de Données
DOD : Département
américain de la défense
UUCP : Unix to Unix
Copy Protocol
RIO : Réseau Intertropical
RINAF : Réseau Informatique
Régional pour l'Afrique
PII : Programme Intergouvernemental
UNESCO : Organisation des Nations Unies
pour l'Education, la Science et la Culture
IP : Internet Protocol
GSM : Grandes et Moyennes Surfaces
MP3 : acronyme de l'anglais MPEG qui
signifie Moving Pictures Experts Group Audio Layer 3
LMD : Licence Master Doctorat
FTP : File Transfer Protocol
HTML : Hyper Text Markup Language
URL : Uniform Ressource Locator
3D : Trois dimensions ou tridimensionnel
(espace perçu par notre vision)
MINPOSTEL : Ministère des Postes et
ART : Agence de Régulation des
ANTIC : Agence Nationale des Technologies de
l'Information et de la Communication
CAMTEL : Cameroon
MTN : Mobile Telephone Network
3G : Troisième
génération (qui renvoie à une génération de
normes de téléphonie mobile)
HIPSSA : appui à l'Harmonisation
des Politiques relatives aux TIC en Afrique subsaharienne
CAB : Central African Backbone
SMSI : Sommet Mondial de la
Société de l'Information
CERT : Computer Emergency Response
SIGIPES : Système Informatique de
Gestion Intégrée des Personnels de l'Etat et de la Solde
SYDONIA : Système Douanier
IPES : Instituts Privées
d'Enseignement Supérieur
Tableau 1 : Evolution de la
connectivité au Cameroun
.......................................... 50
Image 1 : Internautes par milliers
d'habitants dans le monde en 2009 .........................
Image 2 : Rectorat Université de
Douala ...........................................................
Image 3 : Capture interface site web de
l'Université de Douala ................................
Image 4 : Bâtiment
bibliothèque centrale de l'Université de Douala
........................... 57
Image 5 : capture écran page
Yahoo ! Mail
........................................................ 60
Image 6 : capture page web d'un forum
Image 7 : Capture écran Facebook
Tableau 2 : Usages du Web social par les
étudiants de l'Université de Douala ...............
DEDICACE ................................................................................................
REMERCIEMENTS ....................................................................................